The Keys to a successful marriage..


Staff member
Now, one would assume it would be good communication, love and care between the partners.. The usual things that one would attribute to a successful relationship.

According to a self styled Victorian (Australia) cleric by the name of Samir Abu Hamza, it also involves raping and beating the wife if she is disobedient. Yes, that's right, this cleric, in a lecture titled "The Keys to a Successful Marriage", advised his male worshipers that it is not only acceptable to rape your wife, but sometimes, if she's not "obedient", you can smack her around a bit.. just watch the face though.

In a recorded lecture entitled "The Keys to a Successful Marriage", delivered to his male worshippers but now broadcast on the internet and viewed by several thousand people, Mr Hamza said Islamic law allowed men to hit their wives as a last resort, but they were not to make them bleed or become bruised.

He said under Islamic law, as described in a koranic verse, it was a man's right to demand sex from his wife whenever he felt like it.

"If the husband was to ask her for a sexual relationship and she is preparing the bread on the stove she must leave it and come and respond to her husband, she must respond," Mr Hamza told his male followers on the video sermon.,27574,24946317-1243,00.html

Nice. So if she's making his dinner and he feels like having sex, she must obey immediately and respond. If she does not do so, then he apparently has every right to take her by force. Of course, if the dinner burns in the meantime because she's had to obey and leave everything that she is doing, he can then beat her because she has disobeyed his demand for his meal.

In the contradictory sermon, delivered in Melbourne or Sydney about 2003 but posted late last year, Mr Hamza initially instructs his listeners "don't hit your wife".

But he goes on to say exactly how men should hit their wives, according to his interpretation of Islamic teachings.

He said Islam cursed "those people who hit the animal on the face, (but) what about hitting your wife?"

"First of all advise them," he said. "You beat them ... but this is the last resort.

"After you have advised them (not to be disobedient) for a long, long time then you smack them, you beat them and, please, brothers, calm down, the beating the Mohammed showed is like the toothbrush that you use to brush your teeth.

"You are not allowed to bruise them, you are not allowed to make them bleed."

Mr Hamza told his followers not to get carried away and become too physical with the beatings.

"This is just to shape them up, shape up woman - that is about it," he said.

"You don't go and grab a broomstick and say that is what Allah has said," Mr Hamza said to sporadic laughter from his flock.

The mind boggles.

Now in Australia, it is illegal to beat and/or rape one's partner or anyone for that matter. This particular gem of a cleric seems to find the laws of the country he calls home to be comical and, according to his interpretation of his religious text, un-Islamic in that it goes against the Koran.

He then mocked Australia's criminal laws, which required consent for sex to be lawful.

"In this country if the husband wants to sleep with his wife and she does not want to and she hasn't got a sickness or whatever, there is nothing wrong with her she just does not feel like it, and he ends up sleeping with her by force ... it is known to be as rape," Mr Hamza said.

"Amazing, how can a person rape his wife?"
Easily Mr Hamza.. by taking her by force against her will.. But apparently, taking by force is a man's right. If she disobeys, he can then beat her to "shape her up"..

The kicker, pardon the pun..

Mr Hamza runs the Islamic Information and Services Network of Australasia on Sydney Rd, Coburg, which offers spiritual advice, prayer facilities and boxing, karate and gym classes for Muslims.

I won't bother to point out the irony.

Thankfully, Mr Hamza's beliefs is not acceptable in the Muslim society.. Islamic women's groups are horrified and consider him to be bigoted..

Islamic Women's Welfare Council of Victoria executive director Joumanah El Matrah said Hamza's interpretation was bigoted.

"Even orthodox practitioners and imams do not consider any form of family violence acceptable," she said.

Ah.. a voice of reason.

Mr Hamza's response to accusations that he is a bigot?

Asked whether it was impossible for a man to rape his wife under Islamic law, Mr Hamza said either male or female partners should be able to demand and receive sex.
Both can demand sex! Interesting.. So, lets say she demands sex. He does not want to have sex and says no. She then pushes the issue.. ergo.. she is disobedient and could then be beaten for not obeying her husband.. No word on whether she can beat him yet.

The Islamic Council of Victoria is planning to address such issues by making Imam's and women's groups work together discuss these problems..

But for now, he will blame the controversy his sermon has raised by blaming the "Zionist agenda run by the media". Unfortunately for Mr Hamza, he does not realise that he is not alone with such views and others who have made similar comments have faced similar roasting in the general media.
For me it is keeping our bank accounts separated and splitting the cost of all necessities.
Is it wrong to criticize these knuckle draggers? I mean, it is just their traditions and culture after all... ...
I'm not sure I would recommend this book to my fiance. He can be such a follower, plus if he hit me I might never get back up.
See this is what comes from monogamy. If your first wife is busy making dinner, shag your second wife and then you can eat when you are done!

Stupid westerners.
Bitch, quit assuming and make me some dinner or I'll unload a can of Allah on your ass.

Bring it..

Rolling pin to the nuts coming up.:)

Michael said:
Is it wrong to criticize these knuckle draggers? I mean, it is just their traditions and culture after all... ...
Ah, the interesting question. Is it their culture or tradition? If so, which one? Muslims come from all cultures and walks of life. Or is it the culture and thought of one backwards individual who is now, unfortunately, in a position to dictate and influence others?

One thing that got me when I read that article was that there was no mention of anyone in the audience protesting or saying he was wrong. They laughed. I have to wonder, is it the embarrassed laugh that usually accompanies those uncomfortable moments where you just don't know what to say or do? Or did they laugh in agreement with his attempts to humour in his sermon about just how a husband should hit his wife?

What would you do if you were sitting in a packed audience and the speaker made such comments? Would you stand up and walk out? Call out that the speaker is dead wrong and should get with the modern times? Or would you sit and say nothing.. possibly laugh to try to hide your own discomfort?

So who should we criticise? The religion? The people who have twisted it to suit their own cavemanish ways? Or those who sit by in the audience and say nothing as such individuals spout such crap?