The key to enlightenment


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I've been a martial artist for about 7 to 8 years and in that time i've met the master of qi-gong-chi. and still have his book.

But the one thing that has come to light in reguards to myself of course, Is that to be enlightened it takes no great feet not years of mental disciplin but a little bit of patience.
True, the size of one's feet has nothing to do with one's degree of enlightenment ;)

Read Allegory of the Cave by Plato (ancient Greek philosopher), he explains the enlightmet through symbolism, its really good look it up.
The question I would like to ask is what is enlightenment?

Often one hears of the path towards enlightenment. What is the object or ambition of this path?

I do realise that the word ambition may be an obstacle to the explaining.
enlightenment means lightening up. This in fact is not really hard to achieve. Just remember to love everything, see the bright side of things. There's nothing you HAVE to do, only what you choose to do.
Elightenment is not 'lightening up' unless you are using this in some sort of metaphorical way, you don't HAVE to love everything, in fact it has little to do with the supposed love that most people know, that is only based in duality, these are just effects.
Elightenment is the reveling of the true self, that is I AM THAT I AM, God. Complete revlilation of this will leave only the self. All in all.

'Moses came like one of those who are consumed by desire and lost in love. Moses came without Moses. He came when nothing of Moses remained in Moses.'
Enlightenment is to recognsie your greatest fear as an illusion
Enlightenment is to have congruency between your thoughts and emotions - to say I feel fear and I know why.
Enlightenment is I love because I understand.
Enlightenment is to know that the most important thing in your universe are your wants, and to know tha taking action on your wants is the ultimate expression of love.
Enlightenment is reclaiming the parts of self that we denie because fear has placed a monster at the door where that part lives.
Enlightenment is to understand that you are simultaneously part of the
universe and an entity unto yourself, that you have complete control and
are halucinating if you believe it.
Enlightenment is knowing that the only thing you can trust is everything will always be true to itself
Enlightenment is to know I am my feelings
Enlightenment is to know I am my wants
Enlightenment is to know I am thoughts
Enlightenment is I am
Quantum Quack said:
The question I would like to ask is what is enlightenment?

To be happy after all has been balanced.

Striking that perfect balance between happiness and pushing one's self towards something better. To finally understand why the world doesn't work your way and to finally understand how to deal with that. To finally understand that anger, 95%, of the time has no real cause and no solution and that blindly inflicting it upon someone only creates a chain reaction.

The word enlightenment and it's image is greatly eskewed. People fear it because the image of 8hrs a day of meditating and wearing homemade clothing crosses their mind. It seems like a burden to obtain rather than a slow process of gradual learning and understanding. One can have a full time job and a family but still find their way to peace among the chaos.

Enlightenment is seeing through the looking glass and coming to the conclusion that life has no purpose other than the one you give it, no meaning other than the one you appoint to it. It takes some many decades to realize that and some achieve this conclusion at a young age. But you'll always find that, like god, enlightenment: it's meaning and it's pertienence in one's life ,differs from person to person.
Only if it is your desire to happy.
But, anger, all emotion do have a cause, and a high purpose. Not being able to see that cause or purpose at the level that you operate does not invalidate them. If 95% have no cause how do you decide which 5% do have a cause?The cause may be a halucination and is none the less, real cause the only reality you can percieve is your own. Emotions are there to inform us and compell us in a particular direction. Where thigngs get messy are in the denial of the emotion, and then continue to do so. They say that "boys don't cry". And yet boys do cry, and fear, and grieve. And if you continue to denie the fact that "boys don't cry" you eventually get angry. Angry that you are denying the part of you that fears. How can you love when you are constantly angry at yourself. Yet you can't blame yourself. So you Blame the world instead. The solution of course is to live and acknowledge that fear. And consquently love yourself.
Enlightenment will not normally come from sitting on a rock for 20 years. A rock cannot challenge you to evolve. It comes from living life with open senses. From understanding that whatever you experience, it is just a hallucination and can change in a moment with a thought.
In the same way Enlightenment happens in a moment. Those decades of realization are but a memory and therefore, also a halucination. And when you strip away the halucination what is left is enlightenment. Which is a fancy word for seeing things as they are. And that is energy. Which is the same for all.
Enlightenment can't be defined easily because it's not an intellectual idea. I would say it's an involuntary transformation in perception. It's true that it can happen instantly, it's not a lofty unreachable goal.

"What is the object or ambition of this path?"
-realizing ones own nature apart from ideas and concepts.

Dictionary definition:
Bodhi (Pali and Sanskrit. Lit. awakening. Trans. enlightenment) is a title given in Buddhism to the specific awakening experience attained by the Indian spiritual teacher Gautama Buddha and his disciples. It is sometimes described as complete and perfect sanity, or awareness of the true nature of the universe. After attainment, it is believed one is freed from the cycle of Samsāra; birth, suffering, death and rebirth.
in other words true enlightenment is a state of Godhood....yes? ( assuming a god doesn't suffer)
To remember ones heart beats before every breathe, is enlightenment.
That every breathe is being with the life that flourishes around you
To see that being human is not just being, but also seeing the world around us, the world that creates our food, water and light. The plant life, the "animals and insects", the womb of our universe that we call earth.
......and that we are our god, and our god is us.

That is what I believe to be enlightenment, if we see that, our lives become more simple and clearer.
letsplay said:
Enlightenment is to recognsie your greatest fear as an illusion
Enlightenment is to have congruency between your thoughts and emotions - to say I feel fear and I know why.
Enlightenment is I love because I understand.
Enlightenment is to know that the most important thing in your universe are your wants, and to know tha taking action on your wants is the ultimate expression of love.
Enlightenment is reclaiming the parts of self that we denie because fear has placed a monster at the door where that part lives.
Enlightenment is to understand that you are simultaneously part of the
universe and an entity unto yourself, that you have complete control and
are halucinating if you believe it.
Enlightenment is knowing that the only thing you can trust is everything will always be true to itself
Enlightenment is to know I am my feelings
Enlightenment is to know I am my wants
Enlightenment is to know I am thoughts
Enlightenment is I am

*Whack* letsplay gets hit on the head with a stick...

enlightenment is wearing your underwear on your head
BTW< there is no single Master of "qi-gong-chi", as there is a single Grandmaster of Issen-ryu, or a 10-degree black belt of American Kempo. Qi-gong is an ancient set of breathing (both air and qi) exersizes which has many different variations.

Anyone who calls himself "the" master of qi-gong is full of it. Now if he said that he was "a" master of qi-gung, then that just means he's done it a long time, he knows what he's doing through study and direct application, breathes "through his feet", and that's all cool :)