The Junction Of Time


The Journey is the Reward
Registered Senior Member
THE JUNCTION OF TIME JEFF.IN 56-0115 (Jan, 15 1956)

Notice that during the time of this great turmoil, when men's heart begin to wax cold and away from God, women became such a idol. When the sons of God seen the daughters of men that they were fair, become a sexual order. Look at it today, what we're living in. Not speaking against honorable women, no, sir; they're God's instrument. But those who cared not for themselves, how there's so many on the opposite side, going about marrying and given in marriage. God said so in the Bible. Jesus said before Noah's time at the end, they were marrying and given in marriage.
How the great turmoil is in the world today. And we realize that a--one thing that caused that, the Bible said that the spirits, great spirits came down, evil spirits, and got into these people and done these things. And we see the same evil spirits working in our day.
And now, notice again, that not only that, when all hell turns loose, all heaven turns loose also. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God raises up a standard against it. And these two forces has always showed at the junction.

Now, as we see that the time that Nimrod had brought all the confederation together, and made all people come to Babylon, and come into this great confederation, and at the time of all the evil going on between the women, sexually and so forth, at the same time God had a witness on the earth: Enoch, who walked with God blameless. And at the same time that evil was appearing, angels appeared on the earth. Angelic beings moved in to men. Very beautiful type of today, also; as the evil is appearing, so is good appearing.

And notice, back there in that evil day just before the destruction, when God had a man out preaching the Gospel, a poor man, humble man, not very much of the world, but a man who had a heart to listen to God: Noah. There was Noah and Enoch preaching at the same time. And if you notice over in Revelations 11, it said, "I'll give power unto My two witnesses in the last day." Two witnesses again in the last day, Revelations 11... And they performed signs and wonders among the people.

Look back there then, as Noah and Enoch was preaching, and Noah was preaching a message that seemed so crazy to the world. And Noah... Here it is now. Noah was preparing an ark, making a place of safety. And that was a miracle in its own. How that a man upon dry land where water had never come, was preparing an ark to float on a mighty sea that would be there, and say it was coming down out of the skies. And where was it at? But by faith, which is a miracle itself, Noah warned of God, prepared an ark. You see it? No matter how foolish it seemed, how fanatical it seemed to the people, it was a miracle in itself to see a man hammering away, that something seemed fanatically.
It's repeated again today, when men, pounding away at the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, preaching the baptism of the Holy Spirit, getting a people ready for the coming judgment, or a shield from it. And a modern church people laughing, and making fun, and saying there is nothing of it, and the days of miracles is passed. It's a miracle, a signpost at the junction.

Noah working away, not only was he performing a miracle, or look--he was looking also for a miracle. And the church today as it's laboring away under the task of preaching the Gospel, with signs and wonders a following, they are preparing for a miracle: the rapture of the church and the going home. Preparing people, getting them light, unburdened from the things of the world, and getting their souls set in the Presence of God, that when Jesus does appear the second time in glory, those who are ready will rapture and be caught up together to meet Him in the air and be with Him.
As it was in Noah's time, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man. Eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage: all those things that you see going on open up... God grant the day that you open--God opens your understanding that you can see these are signposts. And supernatural miracles hanging right before us today of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and we're at the junction.

Notice. And as Noah begin to warn the people and preach, many of them laughed at him, scoffed at him, because his message seemed entirely out of reason. And today, how could people today, when they say we got the best doctors in the world, we got the best clinics we ever had, we got all this, that and the other, why do we need... Listen. Today we need Divine healing worse then we ever needed it. And as the days go on, on and on, so will it be more and more needed. And it'll come to pass after while, that unless a man is sealed with the Holy Ghost, his heart, until he's laid hisself open to all kinds of things. Come not nigh, any of those who has the seal of God in their forehead, when them tremendous plagues begin to fall. We're at the junction, the crossroads now.

As we notice and seen Noah, how he went about warning the people, saying there was coming a rain. The people didn't even know what the rain meant. It had never rained. And there's people in the world today, after two thousand years of Gospel preaching, don't know what it means to be borned again of the Spirit of God. They don't know what omnipotence means, what that God in His great omnipotent power, that can transform a soul from a--a street sinner to a angelic position in God's Kingdom as a son and daughter of God. They don't understand it. They're too taken up, infatuated with the things of the world: glaring, flirting with the world, and don't realize that that's a evil spirit, and a great marking signpost for the people of this day to watch and be ready.
Jesus said, "When these things begin to come to pass, lift up your head; your redemption's drawing nigh." Not only that, but God showed signs through Enoch. He showed signs through Noah, and the world laughed at it. But one day there come a thunder and lightning. There come fire out of heaven. A lightning and thunders begin to roar. That was a miracle in itself. And rain begin to fall.

But here is the great miracle: the miracle was of how God had His believing child tucked away in the ark of safety. All the time the thunder was going on, the rain was falling, Noah was resting in the ark of God, predestinated, foreordained to walk into that ark. When the plagues was falling, Noah was at rest in safety. Who had been laughed at, had then entered into the rest.
Those who they laugh and make fun of today because you desire to live a full surrendered life to the Lord Jesus; they don't realize is you are tucked away under His everlasting arms. Don't realize that you are resting just as safely as you can be in the omnipotence and nothing can harm you.
The ark begin to... water begin to come and the people begin to scream, and cry, and holler, and carry on. And instead of the ark staying there, it floated right above, all the time packing Noah and cradling him along in the waves. Sure, it was a signpost. God swept the world clean of sin. He was going to start a new one. The signs and wonders appearing before He did it.

Now, I want you to notice a minute. When God made Adam and Eve and made the creation and everything, it was beautiful. God... Why, Adam had control of the powers of God. He could speak anything; it would obey him just exactly like it would God. He'd had a perfect fellowship with God, walked with Him, and talked with Him, and communed with Him. He had a fellowship.
Then--then when Adam and Eve... When Eve sinned and they went out of the garden of Eden, they come on down and on down. And the world begin unfolding. And as it unfolded more and more, the first thing you know cities begin to build. That's one great sign of the end time.

In that day we find out that they begin to work with copper. They begin to work with metal. Look at today, even making ships and planes and everything else, metal workers. Great intelligence, a great time of school, great educational program just before the end of the world...
And Jesus Christ, when He was here on earth, said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man."

We have the highest rate of divorces than all the world put together. We have more divorces.
Men, the Bible said would be marrying giving in marriage, eating, drinking, the morals and so forth that they'd have, how that they, marrying and giving in marriage, the Reno, Nevadas. Men go out and live with her, marry a girl, and take her for his wife, live with her for a few days. He don't like her; he kicks her off without the courts. Ungodly people give him a divorce and a license to marrying another. but God says that's wrong. That's right. But the--they do it.
Our civilization is crumbling. We see that. It's a sign, a post that we're at the end time.

Now, I want you to notice, my brethren and sister, that we're at the end time. And just before the end time comes for the first junction, or the first time of the destruction of the antediluvian world, there was signs appearing in that day just exactly like it is today. And if I only had time and get off my text for a few minutes, I'd show you that how the very atomic powers that destroyed the world then will destroy it again.

They built the sphinx and the pyramid and all those things, that no gasoline or no other power in the world would do it but the atomic power. That's right.
And some fanatic got a hold of it, of course, and blowed it. And when it did, it blowed the earth from standing up right away from the sun. And when anything's hot and goes out in the cold, it causes--causes a vapor, and that's what causes our rain today. Certainly. The same thing, because it's leaning. And this time the Bible said it won't be water, but fire. And just a few portions out of its orbit right now, it would burn up with the atoms from the sun. Just exactly what God said would take place. Why--why the scientific proof of His coming is marvelous.

Notice, that how that was in that same time, there came a guy forth by the name of Nimrod. He wanted to make a--a confederation. And he confederated all--confederation of all the churches, and all the cities, and things and built a city called Babylon. Wish we had time to go in on that Babylon.
Watch. Everything that we have today: everything we have today come out of Genesis. "Genesis" means "the beginning, the root." The grass roots of all the times, civil--that would ever come we have today, originated in Genesis. Every tree and everything else we have today originated in Genesis. The truth we have today originated in Genesis through the Blood of the Lamb.

Look, a Babylon appears over here in the first of the Bible. It appears in the middle of the Bible. It appears in the last part of the Bible. Certainly it is. That's where she's growing, like a tree coming up. And so does the church appear yonder come--appear along. But Nimrod, an ungodly fellow, run out and got all the people, and confederated them together, and made one great big union. Look what they're doing today, in this nation today, confederating the churches together and bringing forth a modern Babylon, forming a social Gospel denying the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and Divine healing and so forth, are denying that it's all God's program to bring people to their knees. We got the same thing today.
And right in a time of that great confederation of the unions of that day, what taken place?

God had a man on earth that was a genuine article. And his name was Enoch. He preached and walked before God perfectly.
There was another by the name of Noah; God has always His two witnesses. And he appeared... Both of them appeared on the scene preaching the Gospel, and remember, just before the coming of the end of that known world that day, Angels appeared on the earth at the end time. Prophets appeared on the earth at the end time. Prophets and angels, and signs and wonders, it was a warning.

And Noah himself come to the world on an ark, a miracle for him to build an ark. How would he ever build an ark? An old man out here with whiskers hanging down six hundred and something years old out there pounding away on an ark. And as far dry land where there was never been a speck of water. And yet he said, "There's coming water from the heavens."
And the idiotic unbelievers would look up and say, "Where's there any the water? Do you believe that story that that guy's talking about? He's off in his head."
That's the same thing today. But he was preparing an ark for the saving of those who wanted to be saved. And a Gospel preacher today that's preaching the Gospel of the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the second coming is pounding away on a thing that people say that's crazy. Amen.......
(This is from tape recorded meetings of William Branham)