The Judaic Cross


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Registered Senior Member
The Cross symbol : I have seen lots of people, christians and non christians alike, where a necklace or a tatoo of the Cross. I was very curious and so I asked a couple people what that meant to them and they were like, "It looks cool" I then asked are you a christian? and they were like "no Im and atheist."

So is there a cross meaning to the cross or not? You see Madonna wearing it, but she doesn't claim christianity either. I always thought that it was a symbol of Christs death for humanity or the verse that says, Take up your cross and follow me.. Whether you believe in Jesus or not, I thought that is what the symbol stood for. If it doesn't, I am curious as to what other meaning it would have. If there is no other meaning, then why are people attracted to wearing this piece of jewelry? I would presume that an atheist contradicts himself if he wears cross around his neck.
. . . no . . . most likely they don't care one way or another . . . one superficial bit of Crucifixion memorabilia does not make you Christian . . .
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You are right, It doesn't make you a christian. Is it any different then somebody walking around with a fish necklace on or a wwjd bracelet on. and no wwjd does not stand for who wants jack daniels.

Still, to me somebody that walks around with a christian symbol on and doesn't know it is religious is ignorant and caught up in trend. Then again, there may be something compelling about the cross.
My question is this, is there anything else that the cross symbol stands for or is it primarily a christian thematic thing?
It would seem very foolish for anyone to display a cross and claim it wasn’t a religious symbol.

But I wonder if the cross is an accurate representation of crucifixion. Looking back at the history of crucifixion it would seem there are many different forms. The most common form that I can find is that the upright is fixed in the ground and the cross piece is placed on the ground while the victim is fixed to it via a variety of methods and then the cross piece is unceremoniously placed on top of the upright and nailed in place. This forms a T and not a cross. The T has the added efficiency in that it offers nowhere for the victim to rest his head while he is dying.

The T is the most likely otherwise the cross construction becomes complicated with the need for mortise joints or similar.

Other common forms seem to be just a stake or tree where the victim’s arms are placed above the head and fixed to the post.

The cross symbol may have simply been a mistake because when someone is fixed to a T then their head forms what looks like the upper part of a cross.

There is also the debate about whether nails were placed through the wrists or the palms. The argument against the palms is that the weight of the body would pull the nails sideways and the hands would come free. It seems there would be ways to support the body so this doesn’t occur but then that would provide comfort to the victim and that was never the intent. The wrists seem the most likely method of fixing.
To Cross over, Transiguration.

A Cross has no meaning of its own it is just a symbol, a word, a pictograph.

The Question is what is a Cross Symbolic of?

The Cross is a pictograph, a Word, the symbolic meaning of which has become lost in Space-Time, is hidden, has become secret.

The Cross is symbolic of the Holy Grail.

To understand the meanings of a cross don’t look as what you see look what you do not see.

The Value of, in, a vessel is not the vessel itself it is the emptiness within.

The Cross and all of its variations represent, are symbolic of, man's sense of a Reality that is not readily apparent to the senses, the Power, the Force of a Reality that is without Form and Void.

Man is intuitively drawn to symbols that unknowingly are symbolic of the Power, Force, of the Single True Nature, Spirit, of the Universe, the Power, the Force, of the Reality of First Cause, Supreme BE-ing, even none believers.

Look at the Dark Power, Force, of Hitters Cross, the Swastika.

The Cross is a perfect Square, the Holy Grail.

What is a perfect Square?

Keeper of the Holy Grail, Lord of the Ring.----->O :eek:
No way redoubtable, give him another one:

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