The irony of the Nation of Islam


Valued Senior Member
There's something that has always struck me as ironic about the Nation of Islam. While the Arabs probably didn't start the slave trade in Africa in the first place, they certainly helped to maintain its existence. But they were sold to white masters (ostensively Christian) who used them in the plantations. I just think it's one of the great ironies of history that a lot of Afro-Americans have become Moslem, given that their ancestors were probably captured initially by Arab slave raids, or traded from place to place by Arab middlemen.
even more afro-americans are christians and africa is the home of the most christian fundementalists,makes me sad.
Xylene said:
I just think it's one of the great ironies of history that a lot of Afro-Americans have become Moslem, given that their ancestors were probably captured initially by Arab slave raids, or traded from place to place by Arab middlemen.

I think it is ironic that the white slavers now basically stand back while their women have sex with the black man who was the slave. How is that for a turnaround?

You ever pay attention to the media? Every advertisement I see these days shows white women with black men. Who is the slave now? These same advertisements always show white men with other white men. Gay boys.

From master race using blacks as slaves, to gay boys whose women follow the black man begging for sex. That is true irony.
I know, isn't it bizarre how things turn out? Actually, I think there is a concerted effort by certain groups to promote the idea of inter-racial sex as a means of racial assimilation.
True, black slave trading had been going on for probably thousands of years before white buyers started coming along--and the Arabs were probably involved in the trade for centuries before they became converted to Islam.
kenworth said:
even more afro-americans are christians and africa is the home of the most christian fundementalists,makes me sad.
M*W: Yes, it makes me sad, too. Africa has been missionarized to the fullest extent. More afros are xian than anything else. (Should we expect anything less?).

The rest of the world, however, is denying xianity. Therefore, we should fall under these statistics. Afros were slow to get it, and slow to understand it, but that still doesn't save their black asses, does it?

It's just another carrot on a string.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: It's just another carrot on a string.

I agree; that's all I think religion has ever been used as, anyway, right throughout history.
The kind of scary thing about the islamic slave trade is this: where are the black Arabs today? Any survive to reproductive age? Answer: nope. Eunuchs all.

I might add that slavery was only officially outlawed in Saudi Arabia in 1964 or so. In the Sudan, well, unofficial slavery of Africans by those in the islamic North goes on today.
