The invisible jet.


Registered Senior Member
Why did Wonder Woman have an invisible jet plane? Would'nt the sight of a woman in a seated posistion, flying unaided, be a big give away? Where did she purchase invisible jet fuel? What company provided invisible upholstery for those hard-to-see seats? Did people really just "pretend" not to see to humour her? Was she really wandering the streets in her "invisible jet" when someone, out of pity, volunteered to be the villain? How many sweaty men were whisked away in that invisible jet while tied helplessly in a golden lasso.....
that was a comic book, mach.

Do you pronounce your name "mak-ai-on" or "mach-a-on?" What does it mean?
The plane was invisible because it, and the contents remained 1.357 picoseconds out of phase to our time line as long as the thermo-electric cell had the power....

just kidding...

(Machaôn). A son of Aesculapius, and surgeon of the Greeks in the Trojan War. He led, with his brother Podalirus, troops from Trica, Ithomé, and Oechalia. He was killed by Eurypylus, the son of Telephus, and received divine honours after his death in Messenia, of which he was by some called the king.
Originally posted by machaon
Why did Wonder Woman have an invisible jet plane? Would'nt the sight of a woman in a seated posistion, flying unaided, be a big give away? Where did she purchase invisible jet fuel? What company provided invisible upholstery for those hard-to-see seats? Did people really just "pretend" not to see to humour her? Was she really wandering the streets in her "invisible jet" when someone, out of pity, volunteered to be the villain? How many sweaty men were whisked away in that invisible jet while tied helplessly in a golden lasso.....

The real proble is how do u fly an invisible jet with invisible controls???!!!???
so it's machaooon, interesting...

Yeah it'd be a nightmare to fly one of those bastards, your only control would be to lean it a little bit. Maybe if you put your runway on a hill you could glide for a little while.

Do x-ray glasses exist? I just had a thought and I wanna get some. that would be REAL cool to see through peoples clothes (homer simpson drooling noise).
Re: Re: The invisible jet.

Originally posted by Mad Scientist
The real proble is how do u fly an invisible jet with invisible controls???!!!???

Oh! that is easy. It is invisible from outside as in cloaked. It is perfectly normal from inside as in the Startrek movie "Voyage home" - that whale thing....:D
Shrike, you'd see through more than clothes. You'd see all the bone mass, internal organs, pulsating things, muscular spasms, mucus tides, flowing juices, etc. I'd be pretty disgusting, methinks. Not to mention the fact that 95% of the populace is rather ugly. I'd settle for glasses that make people look attractive (or perhaps I should just drug myself up -- anyone have some morphine?)
lol. I actually saw something that showed an x-ray camera that could see through people's clothes and not their skin. I looked for a place to possibly (in due time) purchase one of these devices but no site was listed. I can't do an adequate search on the net for an x ray camera because all I get are real, medical x ray cameras. Maybe the population overall is ugly but it suwa isn't at High School!!
hmm... high school girls (drool). Actually, IIRC, my high school was not great for that sort of thing (though, it was a school for the inbred elite - myself not included).

I'm reminded of the infra-red camcorders that Sony sold a few years ago -- they had an infra-red (heat) attachment that was to be used for night-vision. Alas, it had the unfortunate consequence of removing peoples clothes when used in the day-time (so you saw the heat-outlines of bodies -- which is all you really need). Sony quickly stopped production when they realized what was going on. I bet you could find one of these gems on eBay for an inflated price. You must let me know if you manage to acquire one :)
I'm looking on ebay for x-ray and I've found nothing related to this current topic of discussion. Are there any specific keywords?
You two should explore the possibilities of a girlfriend. You might even consider having several. More than one will keep you kissing.

hmmm, interesting idea. Actually more than a few seem to have picked me out at school, but I'm just not quite sure. I think it'd just be really interesting to have an x-ray camcorder, since at my age it's unlikely that well, you know.