"The inspiration of God" tameth the savage beast


A dream I had last night deep in the lucous branches of the amazon jungle a man engages a young amazon women only to severely hurt her emotionally beyond repair "breaking her heart" she becomes enraged of what the man has done when the other women learn of this they as well became even more enraged destined for revenge upon their sister they began to hunt the man down like an animal for days undeterred . The man continued to run for his life he had the feeling that it was coming to an end he was beginning to get tired and he knew he could not keep running forever. however the man catches a lucky break an opening above among some tree routes exposed from a previous passing storm he attempted to launch himself through. He thought he had made it he thought he was safe but lo and behold he would meet his faith at that moment he tries to escape he becomes stuck. Now the two women capture and engage him pull him back down to the ground they aim their weapons at him he knew it was over he knew he was done, so he submitted and waited for the faithful blow. As he waited and looked to the ground he realised he was not dead yet for the first women hesitated he looked her in the eyes and was confused as to why she did not kill him she could not bring herself to kill him. But it was not over because the other women wanted to kill him even more, so again he knew he was done and awaited the faithful blow, then again she too did not kill him she too could not kill him as he layed wasted at their mercy bowing to their feet he heard a song play maybe it was in his head maybe all of them could hear it. it was the song of mercy for the angels were singing in their most beautiful voices wonderful hymns of perfect tones, for the song they sang was "The inspiration of God" upon hearing they showed mercy to the man for they simply could not kill him.

I think this was Gods way of telling me to show mercy and the beautiful Hymns of angelic beings will tame the savage beast that lives within in me for I am often enraged and sometimes find it hard to show mercy. My heart has become cold and merciless I know not what to do:( so I ask what are your opinions?? I love the earth and I love everyone on it I don't want that to change so help me God. Listening to the beautiful voices of angels singing always returns my humanity back to me and calms my soul. I also love the beautiful voices of women singing women are so beautiful God is very wise for creating them life would be meaningless without them and their beauty of loving presence and soul for without them men would have already teared this planet to shreds.
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|| Moved from "Free Thoughts" to "Religion." Redirect expires after 12 hours.
|| Moved from "Free Thoughts" to "Religion." Redirect expires after 12 hours.
what's the different between religion and free though is there a difference just saying? because honestly these are my subjective thoughts and many religious people may not even consider this religious and for the record I am not religious. So ironic you use the term free then in the same instance react like a dictatorship not that I care Its not like anyone here even understands anything I say anyways nor can they appreciate my artistic point of view so what's the point anyway's. lol I find it really hilarious how ironic thought police now I am not even free to think how I feel when it is obviously just my opinion did not think that my opinion could have such a physical affect on the inhabitants of earth lol. well continue to hate me because it feels good when you hate me I thrive on it makes me happy and justifies my free thoughts and reminds me that I am completely in the right for all of my negative assumptions toward you :) oh and don't worry sciforums is just the beginning soon you will not even be able to tune me out for I will be everywhere soon you will not be able to have a though without me for your soft stomachs have a lot of maturity to gain.
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