The impossible imposible


Valued Senior Member
Heres my thought, what do you guys think.

Scenario - there is a problem, any problem, that means that it inherently has a solution. And a solution is always possible. This is a SIMPLE way to explain my belief on the prospect that anything is possible. A problem cannot exist without a solution, A problem basically means something is missing to solve it. And that something has to exist, because if it didnt then the problem would not exist. I want somebody to try to prove me wrong. Comeon bring it on.

Heres a hint. You want to prove me wrong (the problem) the solution is to accept that there is no problem because you cant prove something wrong that is actually right. to prove me wrong would be like saying that the sun revolves around the earth (relatively speaking)

The only thing that is impossible is the impossible, OFCOARSE X=X!

There are things that we know that we know. There are things we know that we don't know. And there are things we do don't know we don't know. Those are the REAL problems and they have no solution.
machaon machaon maaaan! I wantto be, a machaon man!


Anyway, I share your ideas Elbaz. The funny thing is, as hard as it is to accept, is that everything, everything we THINK we know now in the realms of science or technology is kindergarten comedy for the people of the century-or-two-from-now, well, people. We cannot imagine the magic of the future. If you were living in the 16th century right now, you might collapse and go into a coma if you knew the wonders of our time. It is useless to try to conjure what the future lies for humans.

What I'm trying to say is that we'll be able to go faster than light, much faster, and spread across the galaxy and the universe. We'll probably wind up in a society like "dune." Now THAT would be cool.
If the problem is that there's no solution?

Then you add a solution.

But where's the solution if there's no solution?
If the problem is that there is no solution, then your not looking hard enough. just because you dont and wont know doesnt mean you cant know.

BTW interesting topic. How do we define speed. The speed of light is considered the ultimate and unbeatable but I think it isnt like you shrike. Space is nothing right. So doesnt that mean that the time it takes to get through is nothing, unless you have something to compare it to. So flip the equation....somehow I'm to lazy to think after a hard week of skool, and say that the speed of light is the ultimate low by depolarizing caboobalizing with fancy machines or something. Sorry to get to scientific and philosophic but I just had to say that.

What da you guys think about that depolaarizing caboobalizing?
If the problem exists 100% that there is no solution, then there cannot be a solution. You cannot go deeper if that is the fact. In that case, the only reason it becomes a problem is because you cannot interpret it, but you search for a solution. So it must be then seen as a fact, but by its very nature it is stated as a problem.
By the nature of a problem that no solution exists, it is assumed you will have tried to the point where you CAN'T solve it, not won't or don't, else you could not have come to that conclusion.

Changing perception would be the closest solution, for the "problem" is in the universal application of the words. I guess that would be accepting that no problem exists. If you simply tell yourself that, the problem remains in other people's eyes, and you've only solved it for yourself by denying its existence or original form.
But, reversing the problem, is it proven as you stated. If there is no solution how can there be a problem?
Once the absence of a solution becomes problematic, though, should a new solution be found or is the original problem true of all solutions? Assuming the problem IS true of all solutions, that there are none, yet the problem remains because you NEED a solution, how can one come about?

Explain how a solution could be found if no solutions exist. If you claim I'm not looking hard enough, then your original statement about the "SIMPLE way" you used to explain the concept is not deep enough, either.

I know this isn't so applicable if the existence of a problem guarentees the existence of a solution, but if one prevents the other from occurring, then the statement is invalidated, and your perception must change. But remember that's not a way to do it, because it's a solution.
This applies to anything you find that is a solution. You point out that not enough work has been done but that does not change the eventual truth of the problem.
Sure this has no real-world application, but in concept it disproves that anything can be solved (in my eyes)
erm... Who are you talking to?
If you're calling me manipulative, then I'm sorry. I'm not questioning the laws of physics nor stating that the cause/effect nature of life is wrong at all. If anything I'm a huge proponent of compensation in the world.

I'm just making an attempt to prove it wrong, which I was called to do. I'm attempting to FIND THE SOLUTION.
Right, then. If the problem is that a theory can't be disproved, then what's the solution?
The problem presented to me was, "Prove me wrong."
It would follow that there is a solution, right?


As a philosophical sidenote:
If the base is wrong, then everything that builds from it must be wrong, as well. If we don't accomodate other possibilities then we limit our own scope of solutions.
Mars is lacking water. One could say the solution is to add water there. But then others will ask how? Now here comes the real question: If you can't realize your solution, is it still a solution?
a problem is not a problem if it does not have a solution. Think of it this way - a true problem is something that needs to be solved in order for something else to happen..something which happens and there are NO exceptions in if the other thing happens knowingly which it always MUST (or it would not exist as a problem) then the solution must exist. Basically I guess you could say something like problem127+x=solution to empirical must. Its hard for me to explain in simple terms right now cause I'm totally pooped. Let me gather my thoughts and I come back to explain later.

BTW a problem is not a problem if it's solution is possible. The will to accomplish it is all variable. A world without problems to solve would not be possible at least here, because we rely on constant transformations of all sorts to keep things like TIME which I stress because it is very important in 'reality', the exchanges of energys at all levels is imperative and the energys need a problem to exchange right. Energies dont exchange because they're bored. Unsolvable problems are impossible you see.

I'm just pooped from all the work so if you can understand my words than you got good comprehension. I'll come back later to explain once I'm rested from all the work.
Sure if you define the word problem to have the meaning that fits your theory of course your right. By this I mean if you say by definition the word problem means there is a solution and that question. But that is not what the word problem means to most people, and your definition makes it a much less valuable word.

Living in a physical univers means there are very simple problems that aren't solvable. We have physical laws that state certain things are impossible all over the place.

Also you can add restrictions or conditions to make problems unsolvable. Here is an example.

Problem: Long ago people wanted to fly.

So we made airplanes. Then people said they don't want to be restricted by mechanical devices. So maybe in the future genetical engineering will alow people to fly. Then another contition will be introduced that some want to fly without having there dna messed up. The problem might get solved many times but again eventually the problem becomes an unsolvable based on physical law. I believe this is the reason you think problems are always solvable. We usually make solvable problems to begin with, but as the problem becomes more defined it becomes harder to solve.

Or a problem statement could simply have a time frame included in it, such as many contests do.... but that's the easy way out.
If you cant find a solution then your not looking hard enough. And ofcoarse in my ideal X determined universe theres a time for everything.
If the problem changes, then the solution changes and everything has morphed.

There is no one eternal solution to a problem because as far removed as one gets, it's still adressing the basic problem, and the answer needs to be continually addressing a problem that creates problems that cause it to change.

That what you mean mightymo? That's the best theory I've seen.
life, universe and everything

there is one problem..the universe(ehich withholds may more) the universe has a problem that cannot have a solution..that problem is why...becasue if anyone was to know the solution the universe would instantly change into something completely different and even weirder....

many say this has already happened...
Every problem has a solution, at least in our universe. Sure there are problems that make other problems but those have a solution and it might take forever but everything has a solution, in our known universe at least. Ask anything, and I bet theres a solution for it.

My point still stands, nothing here is impossible.