The Hyperdimensional Election Of Barack Obama & 2012

From what I remember (I could be wrong) you may not be interested in the material that is discussed here Cosmic.
The content is much outside the realm of current mainstream ideologies.
The main theme is the relationship between Hyperdimensional Physics,Torsion Fields and what is known as Sacred geometry involving the relevance of the numbers 11(like the time of your post funny enough,lol) and 19.5 degrees.
Relates to the work of Nassim Haramein(some other fantastic work)

To be even more brief...Obama is a good thing.:)
From what I remember (I could be wrong) you may not be interested in the material that is discussed here Cosmic.
The content is much outside the realm of current mainstream ideologies.
The main theme is the relationship between Hyperdimensional Physics,Torsion Fields and what is known as Sacred geometry involving the relevance of the numbers 11(like the time of your post funny enough,lol) and 19.5 degrees.
Relates to the work of Nassim Haramein(some other fantastic work)

To be even more brief...Obama is a good thing.:)

You're an optimist Moementum7. I am beginning to think we may have elected Zbigniew Brzezinski in suit of shinning armor. However, I am glad we are getting the heck out of Iraq...or are we?

As always, thanks for the amazingly cool and interesting "turn on"

(special note to Cosmic, no acid required bro)
No problem EF, hope you get a chance to check it out.
I too believed Obama to be just another lion in sheeps clothing...however now I am at the point of "reserved" judgement and even giving him the benefit of the doubt until he proves otherwise.
