The human imagination and physics.


What I would like to do is to look at some properties of the human imagination in the light of known physics. Although not real, we can use the imagination to defy all the laws of logic and statistics. I can imagine myself flying to the moon, flapping my arms, while rolling dice and getting lucky 7, 1,000,000,000 times in a row. This is not real. However, the output of the imagination, does not have to confirm to logic, probability or any know law of nature. It defines a unique output state.

The imagination can also be used another way, which is real. It allows a portal to the future in physical reality. I can picture building a new house in my imagination. Once this image is cast into stone or reality, the future will start to appear where my imagination set up a placeholder in space-time, but broken up at the pace at which I can use my energy. This action is sort of like a white blood cell. To move in space and time, it sends out a finger-like process and then grows into this finger, moving to the future. We can create out own reality in the imagination, which can become a self for filling finger process to a future we expect to see.

Let me change directions and approach this from another angle. Say we are an advanced civilization that is very logical and statistical. Since we have all the laws and relationship needed for prediction there is no need for imagination. One day we come upon this creature who has that imagination thing.

The things in his imagination, are odd, since they do not follow the laws of logic and probability like the rest of this world. That brain, via its frontal lobe, is generating output that does not have to be consistent with our laws. This zone of the brain is composed of extremely delicate micro-circuitry. The brain and circuitry follows the laws and terms of the neurons firing, but the output of this firing is different in that it does not have to follow any known laws, yet it constantly forms stories that seem connected and continuous. The output on the visualizer is rolling the dice a billion times and all are sevens. It is like a law breaker generator.

For example, Einsteins theory of relativity did not follow from observation of his time or from logic based on observation, nor did it stem from rolling dice. Yet his imagination sent out a finger process to the future onto which would grow a theory that would take years to materialize. There was a detachments from known cause and effect, space-time, and probability, all from this advanced neural circuitry, which outputted something out of time and space.

We tend to say this was in the imagination, which is for kids, as though that alone explains how this neural device can generate such lawless output. In everyone's opinion could the brain's frontal lobe generate a type of portal state that is outside the known laws, since the output seems to say just that? There is no real answer but this is fun to speculate.
Work backwards.

Light hits the rods in our eyes, and the rods maybe vibrate, and the vibration is turned to images in our brain.

Break it down...

...Forget about light....

Vibrate the rods in our eyes to create an image in our brain.

Break it down...

...Forget about the rods....

... create an image in the brain.

That's all you need to do, just remove the senses.
For example, Einsteins theory of relativity did not follow from observation of his time or from logic based on observation, nor did it stem from rolling dice. Yet his imagination sent out a finger process to the future onto which would grow a theory that would take years to materialize. There was a detachments from known cause and effect, space-time, and probability, all from this advanced neural circuitry, which outputted something out of time and space.

This isn't the way it happened. The mathematical guts of special relativity was already in place a surprisingly long time before Einstein published his famous paper on the subject in 1905. People like Lorentz and Poincare had spent the time from Maxwell's unification of electromagnetism and the prediction that electromagnetic waves travel at a fixed speed attempting to reconcile this with our intuition that $$v = v_1 + v_2$$. There was a great deal of speculation about how to interpret the counter intuitive findings of special relativity that Einstein eventually settled, but his actual contribution to SR was quite limited.

Einstein's great contribution to physics was general relativity - an extremely mathematical theory that combines the ideas of relativity with gravity.

Mod hat: Thread moved to alt theories
We tend to say this was in the imagination, which is for kids, as though that alone explains how this neural device can generate such lawless output.

For kids only, I'd think not, imagination is for everyone if they want to use it. The problem is that as we age we tend to become adult thinking and "mature" minded so we don't want to use our imaginations that much for fear of being poked fun at..."look at him, being to childish!"
Prom, concerning General Relativity, I was under the impression his wife probably did most of that work... considering she was a mathematician and one of Einstein's faults that mathematics was definately not his strongest point.
Prom, concerning General Relativity, I was under the impression his wife probably did most of that work... considering she was a mathematician and one of Einstein's faults that mathematics was definately not his strongest point.

I've never heard of this, and after a quick google, it seems that Einstein being a poor student is a myth.
But what of his wife?

I am also sure alphanumeric once said Einstein was not that brilliant at math's either?
I think the point is that there is insufficient evidence to ascribe any part of GR to Einstein's wife (a also assume you are talking about Mileva Maric, his fist wife). She certainly was trained in maths, but Einstein was as well and he was better at it.
Hmmm... are you sure sir? I was under the impression (and I usually have an immensely good memory) that Einstein said along the lines

''if it was not for my wife, I could not have done what I did.''

In reference to his GR theory?
Plus, I think the idea he was better at maths is a myth. Can I ask where you took that from, saying she was lesser in math than he was?
There is quite a bit on the web about the speculation that his wife helped him with special relativity, but not general relativity. SR was almost completely in place mathematically before Einstein's contribution in any case. GR was his work of genius, and that he and he alone came up with it is undisputed AFAIK.

Take a look at the articles on this site
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Also the wiki article

"In late summer 1895, at the age of sixteen, Einstein sat the entrance examinations for the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich (later the Eidgenössische Polytechnische Schule, ETH). He failed to reach the required standard in several subjects, but obtained exceptional grades in physics and mathematics."
The point I was making, was not centered on Einstein, but on the human imagination. The imagination can generate output that does not have to follow the known laws of science, logic or statistics.

The neuron activity follows known natural laws, but the final output, which becomes conscious, can defy all the laws that apply to the physical universe. For example, if someone used their imagination to figure out how to create life in the lab, a random process using physical laws, which took a billion years, would now be happening in a week and defyong the limitations of those random laws.

The ouput of the imagination is not under the same slow boat laws as nature and the rest of the universe. I was curious how physics resolves this ability to transcend known laws via the imagination. Technology is not a natural part of nature, unless you include the imagination as natural. Through this unique interface, what shoould not appear in nature, does, since the output is not restricted to natural laws and probabilty with those laws.