The human connection to the cosmos


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Registered Senior Member
I think that when many people contemplate the underlying forces of the universe, perhaps they may be referring to the “ISNESS”, or rather a collective consciousness in which we are all connected to the cosmos.

It is theorized that everything within the universe is, an infinite collection of energy, that which is intelligent & alive, from the enigmatic vast collection of planetary bodies, and star clusters within the galaxies that fill this void, on down to the smallest particles within every known element of matter.

I would like some feedback as to your thoughts about this.....anyone?

"the force is an energy field created buy all living things, it surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galexy together"

"use the force luke"

hmmmmmm..... nice theory, to bad its been used a number to times before, though im not saying its not possible, it is completely possible. and its something they could make a religion out of this htat might accually work.....

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
When we each contemplate the world around us for the first time, the whole thing is so vast, so awesome, that just to try to explain it may be beyond words or explanation. Though I don't feel 'connected' in any etherial sense, I know I am part of this universe, made up of the same particles and living under the same laws as the rest of this universe. Though some of your ideas may already have andecedents, such as Hinduism & the 'Force' does not mean that they are invalid or false on the face of it. But they can be talked about, argued about, then we can see if there are any points that can be proved or disproved in some way. Logic & science do not always explain everything. And neither do religion or the lack thereof. Anyway, don't feel that you have to defend every one of your ideas, unless you feel deeply about them.