The Human Code


Recovering christian
Registered Senior Member
There is a lot of talk on the boards giving opinions on morality, ethics prejudices etc.

Why don't we all add one rule at a time that all humans must follow to create an earthly eutopia.

It could change the world!:cool: Don't froget to number your rule in sequence with the rest.

Rule One. Do No Harm.
-Any criminal proven of committing a crime has the same crime committed upon him/ her. i.e if a criminal raped someone and is convicted by a jury of the crime then he is raped. If a boy steals a candy bar then a candy bar is stolen from the boy or he works off the price, etc.


I had an idea for a government, I call it a 'delocracy.' Leaders are chosen by lottery and are trained by unbiased robots for a few months in the art of politics, then they take their place in a senate and elect a president.

Excellent topic idea, bbcboy
Rule one. Do no harm.
Rule two. The punishment shall fit the crime.

(Bags I steal the avenging candy!!):D
This looks like it's gonna be fun!
I have posted this many times on these forums, so no harm in airing it again I guess.

Rule 0.

Everyone should be completely free to do anything they wish providing any such actions do not interfere with the freedom of others.

If everyone follows this rule then there is very little need for any other rules.

Examples -

1. Murder clearly removes freedom to live from the victim.

2. Speeding on the freeway limits the freedom of others to share the same roads in safety.

Another few rules-

No more junk e-mail

Now I'm not sure how this might work and it's a lil sketchy, but what if there was no wealth, no social class-everyone worked maybe a six hour day and in return were provided with any type of food or drink to sustain them and one item (anything) of their choice. Of course to get that item they would have to work, as well as to get the food. This creates a cycle-workers produce products and get products others produce, so there is no social class.

There must be something wrong with that because I think it sounds so good!
Rules 0 and 1 are hard to follow in absolute terms. Everything you do affects other people and other things. Harm is most likely happening somewhere just because you exist. Perhaps

Rule 1b: Do the least possible harm.
Rule 1: That one can be said to exist, still the Universe is imperfect. Live with it.

Rule 2: Question Authority.

Rule 3: Ask the Universe for a refund.
Following rules in absolute terms is normally reserved for traffic cops and out of office politicians. The rest of us have hopefully learned the value of common sense, and can adapt the rule to the circumstances.
In terms of eutopia I think it's probably a given that no malice would be the order of the day.

If not...


Pray continue my lilttle ones.
It seems to me that Rule 0 from earlier would be all that you would need.
Do as you will, provided it doesn't intentionally hurt anyone.

Other than that. No Rubbernecking on the freeway.

You probalbly hit the nail where you should do. There is an underlying thread to this thread tho'.
It's also an avenue to have a minor moan.

We now have a goal in a nutshell thanks to your last wisdom.

Let's look at the steps we must take to attain it.

For 'rules' read things we need to change in the world today.

purge people!!

Rid the world of all negative thoughts.
Rule #4

There must be an IQ test given and passed before a birthing license is given.

Min score=160.

No exceptions!
Rule 4: Electronic devices are built with government mandated timers for certain times they should shut off. For example, you have the choice between paying $60 for a TV that runs 9 to 5, or $80 for a TV that runs 8 to 11. Now, it might be hard to get people to pay more for less TV time, but if we could pull it off we might get a real change in the culture of consumerism-of paying money for some real good in your life, of doing it even if you don't want to, and eventually not needing money for all these things. I see TV and video games and all this stuff as occasioanly fun (and yes, I do watch too much Golden Girls on Lifetime...:bugeye: ) but inherantly worthless. My brother's whole life is run by electricity and he is very bitter for it.

So there's my rule. How naive-timers on TV's.
peter/peter, nice idea! Unfortunately IQ does not say anything about morality. And i believe that is much more important to evolve a more happy society. Let's have a meritocratic society!!!

Pollux, you make me vomit. I thought that the idea of retailiation had been abandoned by all but the most idiotic individuals.
[btw with your first post in this thread you have just planned to commit every crime possible. You say that every crime should be revenged by the same crime done unto the commiter. I believe that is a crime. I will start to plan a revenge to your planning right now. LOL.]
Well I should have nown better... the "Isreali" and the "Palestines" seem to be stuck in the same weird manner of thinking. No wonder there is no peace.

PROPOSED RULE: The objects needed to survive [living space, money (if we would want to keep that in Utopia), etc.] should be available to all within certain boundries. Thus there should be a minimum and a maximum income (again if we would want money in Utopia).

:bugeye: That's an Ok idea...just make sure the max. income is pretty high, like $450,000 US and the low income is something like $50,000 US. The idea of having a utopia that does not become communistic would have to make sure everyone is comfortable, yet can still strive to become rich.
That is more or less the idea. But how would one go and finance that high incomes? $50.000 is a very high income already...
wow. imagine the inflation!
$150.000 per year is enough for anybody to do anything they want. So make all incomes between $30000 and $150000. I think that would be fair. Then inflation would not be an issue, I guess.

That communistic utopia was forced in my country for 50 years. I can tell you tht it doesn't apply for human nature !
Everyone of us want's to acomplish smth in their lives. Everyone want's to have more. Be it knowledge, wealth or luck.

Real Example. in USSR times all workers got paid equally good. So guess what happened. If I get paid nomatter what, why to work! And tht led to the colappse of USSR. Economy was destroyed, all stole from counrty what they could, including goverment.

It yust doesn't work, beleive me. It degradated 2\3 of our people, led into poverty allmost all, but the toughest, people started to loose their identity.

With all respect Pollux V, tht is a bad, bad idea.
Maybe it sounds good, but for those who have witnessed it brings back most terrible memories.

Utopia NEVER leads to a good end!
Avatar, you are absolutely right. Human nature is such that it won't work. A perfect world would be communistic. BUT it won't work. But the entire idea of Utopia is that it cannot exist. Utopia litterally means No Place - a place that does not exist.
But IF humans were different, I think my proposal wouldn't be such a bad idea, would it?
And in sch a world, thgere would be no crime...
I guess we can forget about the idea and move on to more realistic discussions ;).
If realism's your thing let's meet again elswhere, just remember all work and no play, de blah de blah de blah.

That's the whole point of the thread. What needs to change in humanity? it's called fantasy it's playtime. I wasn't suggesting we agree on the 'commandments' and take over the world.

A previous post suggested that we all work for a limited time each day. I assume this would be without exception apart from any absolute infirmity, or illness. Therefore the choice not to work would not be an option. All needs would be met without any money changing hands and all would rely on each other.

It's only a thought

Let's be less glum shall we :D

Utopia or Armageddon?

Nanotech is on its way fairly quickly so I base all future law on this new technology for I’m sure it will cause a great stir.

Rule One: Every sentient life form has the right to biological propagation.

Rule Two: Every sentient life form upon birthing will be provided an active shield. This shield will be constructed and approved by the sentient parent. All child objects will then be integrated into the Global benign passive shield coalition.
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