The human brain is a curse


Registered Member
Animals get along just find without "understanding" everything, and yet here we are trying to. WE function the same way, eat/sleep/live but our dam brains push us to want more. So we sit here are bash our heads on the wall (or perhaps other people's heads) trying to "understand"(through religion). most often than not we end up not understanding anyway. Therefore the human brain is curse to humanity. We should not be asking the question why arn't other animals like us but why are we not like other animals.
Animals get along just find without "understanding" everything, and yet here we are trying to.
Id say we get along better than most animals.
WE function the same way, eat/sleep/live but our dam brains push us to want more.
Why do you think this is a bad thing?
So we sit here are bash our heads on the wall (or perhaps other people's heads) trying to "understand"(through religion). most often than not we end up not understanding anyway.
Well mabey when we understand through religion we get nowhere but science has made alot of progress.
Therefore the human brain is curse to humanity.
Why do you say this?
why are we not like other animals.
Our good luck.
Originally posted by joegurl13
Animals get along just find without "understanding" everything, and yet here we are trying to. WE function the same way, eat/sleep/live but our dam brains push us to want more. So we sit here are bash our heads on the wall (or perhaps other people's heads) trying to "understand"(through religion). most often than not we end up not understanding anyway. Therefore the human brain is curse to humanity. We should not be asking the question why arn't other animals like us but why are we not like other animals.

Ah yes, Wisdom - the curse of the Serpent...

<font color="red">John 15:22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.</font>
So, you would prefer not to have a brain? whats your point? We are logical, animals arent, thats why they are the way they are.
He's saying if God would have had his way he would have kept us stupid, completely loyal and ignorant. Ie. we'd be no better than God's best friends... dogs.
The human brain is no more a curse for humanity than feathers are for birds or gills are for fish. We are what we are.

Dude, I've got air conditioning and relatively low risk of rabies. I'm definately pro-brain.

Ha ha, I can't spell.
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Animals and us? What difference is there? We have just vastly larger processing power and memory so that we can make a greater variety of judgements and a higher range of emotions and thoughts. Exactly with AI, if we can only get comps to become more powerful than the human brain we could probably pull it off easily. It's just that comps are so much dumber than our neuron clumps.

And I'd prefer greater brain capability to lower hardware. And remember that the whole concept of religion requires superior brain power.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
[QUOTEWe should not be asking the question why arn't other animals like us but why are we not like other animals.[/QUOTE]

mm. ok. but, maybe you should start first?? i mean, using your logic, you wouldn't even have been able to post this thread, let alone speculating upon future answers for it. my point? i think we got it pretty good being humans. (compared to the other animals.) now about being compared to a vegatable...i dunno.:D
Originally posted by notme2000
Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence.

Indeed, blind faith is an ironic gift to be required of humans by the Creator of human intelligence.
He's saying if God would have had his way he would have kept us stupid, completely loyal and ignorant. Ie. we'd be no better than God's best friends... dogs.

Yeah, it's a good thing that are friend the snake that we met in the Garden showed us the truth. :D
Originally posted by notme2000
Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence.
Wonderful observation! Is it yours? If so, bravo! And my I borrow it? :D
