The human body special mass

Yahya A.Sharif

Registered Member
This theory consists of three parts:

1) A human can lift his body with force less than his weight, even though the force needed to lift an object must be slightly greater than the object's weight

2) A force f will accelerate a human body faster than accelerating any other object with the same mass.

3) The normal force by the ground on a person standing is less than the human weight.

The force acting on the body in the above situations is the force of the human muscles on the same human. It is force of muscles on the muscles or the force of the muscles on the body as a whole muscle or the human lifting or moving his body by his own muscles' force, not any other external force exerted on him.

1) A human lifts his body with force less than his weight:


A human of 60 kg can lift his body up like someone trying to pick a fruit from a tree with his feet and calves' muscles several times, but he will not be able to even move a rock of 60 kg with his all body muscles.

A human of 60 kg can lift his body up holding a bar many times with his arm muscles, but he will not be able to even move a rock of 60 kg with his all body muscles.

The human used force relatively very smaller than his maximum body muscles force and this is because the lifting is easy and can be done several times in both movements above, but the human cannot even move the rock by his maximum body muscles' force even though both the rock and his body are of the same mass 60 kg. The force must be bigger than the rock's weight 60 kgF to lift the rock if the human cannot lift the rock with his maximum muscles force then his maximum muscles' force is less than the weight of the rock 60 kgF. The human uses force far less than the maximum 60 kgF or far less than the human weight 60 kgF to lift his body.


A human stands on a scale. The scale reads his mass 60 kg. If the human lifts his body up like someone trying to pick a fruit from a tree, he exerts a force "f" on the scale. The scale will exert the same force "f" upwards on the human, this force "f" by the scale is the force that lifts the body.

When the human lifts his body up like someone tries to pick a fruit from a tree with constant speed the scale will increase by f N in which the total measurement displayed on the scale will be 588+f N (the mass of the human displayed is 60 kg, the force of weight is 588 N, g=9.8 m/s/s) The scale will show the "f" force; which is the total read of the scale (588+f) minus the weight 588 or f N. This force f N which lifts the human is always less than 588 N or less than the human weight. In fact the force turns out to be relatively very small and this implies that the constant for any equation is a small fraction.

Let's say for the the experiment the foot is 20 cm or 0.2 meters long , Now let's calculate for a 0.2 m lever. First the lever will be class 2 :

The weight for 60 kg will be 60*9.8=588 Newtons. Class 2 is the fulcrum at the toes , and in this case both the weight of the human body and the force of his calves' muscles he lifts his body with will be at the ankle(also I can balance my body and make my body exactly vertical)

F: force of the human weight

f: force of muscles strength

L: the distance of the weight from the ankle to the toes.

l: distance of the muscles force from the ankle to the toes.

f * l=FL.

F=588 and L=l =0.2


f=588 Newton

The force needed to lift the human body in the experiment does not change which is 588 N. The human must exert a 588 N force to lift his body but he actually lifts by weak calves' muscles and feet's muscles with the small force f N as in the experiment.

2) A force f will accelerate a human body faster than accelerating any other object with the same mass:


An average human can jump with high acceleration against gravity by exerting force with only his legs' muscles, but he cannot throw a rock in the air with his all body muscles, this is if the average human with average muscles' strength could even move it with all body muscles.

3) The normal force by the ground on a person standing is less than the human weight:

The human of 60 kg mass has 588 N weight (g=9.8 m/s/s). The force downwards of any human standing on the ground is his weight, that what the scale measures, however the normal force upwards is smaller than the weight, this makes the pressure on human soles when standing relatively small even if a massive human body of 60 kg is pressing on the soles. This is because the normal force by the ground on the soles is relatively small.


The measurement here is human body damage:

An average human body mass above the knees is approximately 55 kg. Even though the human body above the knees is massive, the human knees can bear it for years without knees' damage,this is as a result of small pressure on the knees and this pressure is small because the normal force on the knees is relatively small.


A human is lying by the belly on a concrete block. The concrete block does not touch any bones, just the belly, and the rest of the body is free in air.

The human body weight 60 kg will not damage the belly. However, a rock of 60 kg put on the belly will damage it severely.


When a human moves or lifts his own body, his mass is M=Cm :

M is the value of mass the human suppose to move or lift.

m is the true mass of the human body that the scale displays.

C is a constant

For example:

A human does not actually lift his body 60 kg but he lifts a smaller value M, he needs force equals to the weight of this mass M. The force to lift the human will be smaller than the weight 60 kgF because the mass M is smaller than 60 kg.

A human does not actually push a 60 kg of his body, but he pushes a smaller value M that has smaller inertia and gives greater acceleration that why jumping is fast and high compared to trying to throw a rock with the same mass so the Newtonian equation F=ma applies to this situation, for a human, F=Ma, M=Cm, C is a constant m is the human mass 60 kg

A human knees does not actually bear a 60 kg mass but it bears a smaller mass M as above this makes human knees live longer.

The theory applies to all organisms including animals.
You keep saying theory

You then list experiments which, according to you, proves your theory correct

So why has this, whatever it is, not moved from theory to fact?

How many other (s) have reproduced your results? I am taking it as given you yourself conducted the experiments and documented the results?

live longer.
Fascinating. Some person dies yet their knees continue to live

The surgeons involved with knee replacement surgery will be so happy with that news

Where have you published your article? You have published yes?

You keep saying theory
So why has this, whatever it is, not moved from theory to fact?
I did one of the experiments. In the video I lie on a concrete block, my weight is 59 kg. I was able to bear it for 1 minute. But of course I will not try to put a rock of 59 kg on my belly! perhaps a 15 kg that I will not bear for seconds. I do not have a scale to do the other one. So I will try to get one
Where have you published your article? You have published yes?
I didn't publish it yet.
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I didn't publish it yet.
Your theory (I would scale it down to idea) will need a lot lot more conformation / duplication and much more accurate data points before ready for typing out and sending away in hope of being published

Good luck

Your theory (I would scale it down to idea) will need a lot lot more conformation / duplication and much more accurate data points before ready for typing out and sending away in hope of being published

Good luck

How to do these accurate data? I studied physics alone and I am not affiliated to any university.
How to do these accurate data? I studied physics alone and I am not affiliated to any university.
That is obvious.

Your misconception probably arises because the muscles of the human body are ideally adapted to lifting its own bodyweight, whereas to lift a separate object of the same mass involves something for which the muscles are less ideally aligned. What is for sure is that force required is identical in both cases.
1) A human can lift his body with force less than his weight
This is false.
2) A force f will accelerate a human body faster than accelerating any other object with the same mass.
This is false.
3) The normal force by the ground on a person standing is less than the human weight.
This is false. If it was true you would sink into the ground and continue to the center of the earth.
1) A human can lift his body with force less than his weight, even though the force needed to lift an object must be slightly greater than the object's weight
Here's an experiment for you:
1. Put a rope over a pulley.
2. Put a 100-kilo body-builder on one end of the rope and a 200-kilo weakling on the other end.
3. Tell them to pull.

Who lifts whom? Does the strong guy lift the weak guy? Or does the heavy guy lift the lighter guy?
You know what amount evidence will convince Yahya he is wrong? No amount can convince him he is wrong, evidence is irrelevant, the only thing that matters is his belief.
3) The normal force by the ground on a person standing is less than the human weight.
This is false. If it was true you would sink into the ground and continue to the center of the earth.
Yahya A.Sharif: Origin's got you on this one.

It's pretty straightforward. You posit that a person's force upon the ground is greater than the ground's force upon the person. That's an imbalance of forces. Were that the case, the person would indeed sink into the ground.

It violates Newton's Third Law: for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.

That's just one example of the deep flaws in your understanding of forces. You have spent too much time on the format of your proposal and not enough on its content.
3) The normal force by the ground on a person standing is less than the human weight.
This is false. If it was true you would sink into the ground and continue to the center of the earth.
You will not sink because the earth is physically an obstacle.
You know what amount evidence will convince Yahya he is wrong? No amount can convince him he is wrong, evidence is irrelevant, the only thing that matters is his belief.

Let's stick on evidence. I presented two experiments.
What is the extra x force in the scale in the first experiment when I lift my body? why it has a constant value when I lift myself with constant speed. It is the force I lift myself with. I should lift myself with force greater than my weight the force is several kilograms vs my weight 59 kg.
Why when I lie on my belly on a concrete in the video I could bear my weight 59 kg for 1 minute, while if I put a 20 kg concrete block on my belly it will damage it severely?
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Let's stick on evidence. I presented two experiments.
What is the extra x force in the scale in the first experiment when I lift my body? why it has a constant value when I lift myself with constant speed. It is the force I lift myself with. I should lift myself with force greater than my weight the force is several kilograms force vs my weight 59 kgF
Why when I lie on my belly on a concrete in the video I could bear my weight 59 kg for 1 minute, while if I put a 20 kg concrete block on my belly it will damage it severely?
It won't.
I tried to lie on my belly in the video for 1 minute with no damage. My body is 59 kg. Putting a rock of 59 kg " The same mass " Will damage my belly severely
Try to lie on your belly for 1 minute your belly will not damage compare it with putting a rock of your weight" the same mass" on your belly. The rock will damage your belly severely I am not responsible for any damage occurs.
You cannot do this experiment because it is true.
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This is experiment is dangerous so you should not do it. The rock will kill you for sure. I do not recommend this experiment because it causes death.
I tried to lie on my belly in the video for 1 minute with no damage. My body is 59 kg. Putting a rock of 59 kg " The same mass " Will damage my belly severely
If the area of contact is the same in both cases, the force exerted on your belly will be the same, regardless of whether you are lying on the rock or the rock is lying on your belly (as long as your mass is equal to the rock's mass, of course).

This is simple Newtonian physics.
This theory consists of three parts:

1) A human can lift his body with force less than his weight, even though the force needed to lift an object must be slightly greater than the object's weight
I'm not sure what you mean by this claim. If the weight of the human body is W and the upwards force applied to the body is F, then Newton's second law says the upward acceleration of the body will be given by
where $$m$$ is the mass of the body.

To have $$a>0$$ requires $$F>W$$.

It doesn't matter what is applying the external force $$F$$.
2) A force f will accelerate a human body faster than accelerating any other object with the same mass.
No. This is basic Newton's Second Law: $$F=ma$$. Two objects with the same mass, m, will accelerate at the same rate, a, under the action of a given applied force F.

Are you claiming that Newton was wrong?
3) The normal force by the ground on a person standing is less than the human weight.
Impossible. It's the same equation as above:
In this case, if the person is not accelerating up or down (a=0) then we must have $$F=W$$. In this example, $$F$$ is the normal force from the ground acting on the body.
If the area of contact is the same in both cases, the force exerted on your belly will be the same, regardless of whether you are lying on the rock or the rock is lying on your belly (as long as your mass is equal to the rock's mass, of course).

This is simple Newtonian physics.
Newton theories do not work for human body mass I have an experiment not just a theory. Why if the forces are the same the pressure on the belly by the rock is much bigger than the pressure by my body ? or why I could bear my body for 1 minute in the video while a rock with the same mass on my belly will crush it?
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Do you want me to prove that Newton is wrong?
What is the explanation of this in my other experiment?
What is the extra x force in the scale in the first experiment when I lift my body? why it has a constant value when I lift myself with constant speed. It is the force I lift myself with. I should lift myself with force greater than my weight however the force x I lift my body with in the scale is several kilograms vs my weight 59 kg.
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I tried to lie on my belly in the video for 1 minute with no damage. My body is 59 kg. Putting a rock of 59 kg " The same mass " Will damage my belly severely
Try to lie on your belly for 1 minute your belly will not damage compare it with putting a rock of your weight" the same mass" on your belly. The rock will damage your belly severely I am not responsible for any damage occurs.
You cannot do this experiment because it is true.
This is silly. If you lie "on your belly", your weight is not all concentrated on your belly. Your arms, legs and head are in contact with the ground, as is your chest and your hips. So your belly only has to support the weight of that part of your trunk which is not taken by your chest (the bones of your ribs) and the bones of your hips. So your actual belly, i.e. abdomen, it not bearing much of the weight, maybe only 20% of it.

If you do an experiment in which you lie on a block or beam, so that no part of your body other than your belly is in contact with any support, then you will feel a lot of pressure on it and could indeed injure yourself.