the high sound


Registered Senior Member
I have this problem as hearing voices hundreds a day,well 7 or 8 years till now. I consider it as money or just colours to infinity.
I aint much in english but Ill try to explain...
There is no one voice but voices of people like when ur walking in the street comming one by one.
I wouldnt be saying this and yes i seek medical treatment just becouse of this: As stranger walks by me alone i hear him speak to me in his voice, but when he talks for real later, my hallucination was his own voice speaking later for real, it doesnt have to be the right words and i dont intend them to be the same as in hallucination.
How do u explain im wondering, my hallucination voice thats the same voice as that man has before he even speak.
It doesnt have to be the same thought but it sometimes happens to me to hear the words that are the same just as after a man speaks for real.
I would appreciate some replies.
Could this be some sort of telepathy?
It could be such as premonitory dreams...
Or maybe that it's a kind of schizophrenia (I'm not a doctor... but I heard that it was a brain decease that had those symptoms) with an other problem : your brain may put the informations into your memory before giving it to your conscious mind.

That's a possibility BUT I don't know you !!!
So don't take it too "seriously" ;)
could be the brain reaching some sort of higher level...... the astral plane as someone said. i really don't know. what does your doc. say?
The thing is that i see every thought in pictures and some things i see can only be explained in hallucinations. Plz see my previus post "star masters".
When Im talking with people im very normal, as i think even smarter than lots of them and very reallistic. I dont act strange and people say to me something like "U could never be deppresed" and Im not, never.
I never talk to people about this caouse i cant say my money or talk about my flight. Its all conected and i never stop, just sometimes like posting on this forum. When i stop i go round and round. All i can say is that i ride the bigest wave and that i will shine forever caouse my belivings are that someone is out there. Someone will say where? My answer is look at the sky.
This could be active or chronic shizofrenia but i could never change it for anything, cause ive never been afraid about it.
As someone said to me : " u even dont know how high u are, dont think its far unfortunatly but its close luckly".
In one of my travels i stood behind the man, he was alone,heard him thinkin, but in the high way and then minutes after he spoked with someone that came his way and the sound of his voice was the same as ive heard from his mind. It happens to me often like this, really. This is just one of many perspectives i have, or one of many states of mind.
It sounds that it very well could be schizophrenia. I work as a counselor for people with such disorders.

I can recommend that you see a doctor, but if you like what is happening to you then there is no reason. If it's not deeply negatively affecting your life there is no point.

However if any of the following ever apply...

1) You are disturbed by the voices you hear.

2) The voices start telling you to do things you don't want to.

3) You start believing the voices over the people that they seem to be coming from - "the voices say you hate me"... "I never said that"

4) You start to withdraw from people or important relationships dissolve because of the voices

5) You can't hold down a job because of the voices or estrangement.

If any of those start applying, I'd get yourself checked out. Things like hearing voices can be interesting, and even if it is psychic powers, it doesn't do you any good if it starts destroying your life.

Oh also there is a part of the brain that when triggered gives you a sense of conviction. So even if it seems like you can hear their voice before you actually hear them, this sense of conviction that it is their voice can be triggered by the brain (scary huh). So please don't use that as a basis as telepathy.
Xenu what u stated here in numbers i went trugh it years ago with my therapist. When i look at now it makes me laugh.
The good thing is that i remember only 2 or 3 percent of my hallucinations and what i remember i consider it as money, just a given data.

I had few talking with my voices but years ago.
Years ago in my travels i remember sitting in a caffe with my friend and there were two beatiful ladies sitting few tables from us. Then i heard a voice: "Do u screw?" she asked me and my answer was "not lately". Its just fun when i look at it.

I believe that ive heard thousands of voices and each voice that ive heard belonged to each person . Each person got his own voice? yep, ive heard thousands of peoples voices.

That sounds like some defininate schizophrenia there. I had
a friend with a near identical condition. Just started hearing
voices one day and they would not go away. They stuck her
on some meds and that was the worst decision that could have
been made. The meds caused her to 'believe' what the voices
were telling her and she freaked and committed suicide. I
suggest you deal with the voices (just get used to them) and
stay away from any kind of drug treatment.
Some men fear of flying as they might fall, i never fall!

Its just the way I am and a continuing proces of what is to be!

I could write a book of my voices and it would be a bestseller as it went for years, quite of stories could be told and people that see me wouldnt ever consider that Im ill.

U dont know me as i know myself (thats my statement).

Clear under the sky i await for the truth to become awarenes of myself and not others as they are not the ones i wait for, I just know them !!!

Its just games to play...

Premonitory dreams are similar to telepathic dreams in that your spirit leaves your body and ventures on a voyage of discovery. Premonitory dreams are special because they reveal the future and allow the dreamer to see truths that are not accessible in waking life.

In telepathic dreams, we can also detect information about an imminent event. Dreams are the catalyst that put your body into motion to follow and fulfill your wishes and desires.

But in my case i think while im awake i dream as some images flow my mind and sometimes even motion occurs.
I DREAM AWAKE! this could be the key for some sort of other inteligence in my mind! The other me or other ones! Who knows as did anyone unlocked the dors that lead to the other side.
Could it be posible?
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Hey there, I've been reading along on this thread and I found it very interesting. :)

Anyway, I don't have much knowledge on the subject, however I do want to add that as it may be possible that what you are hearing/seeing is a sort of intelligence in your mind, don't become too attached to believing that it is a supernormal power or intelligence, because you can never be 100% sure what exactly it is that is causing this. It is equally as probable that it is your brain playing tricks on you.

Do what you will with it, just don't cling too fast to any one assumption, because you never know.
Originally posted by airavata
could be the brain reaching some sort of higher level...... the astral plane as someone said. i really don't know. what does your doc. say?

You're joking right????

I agree with the others in saying that don't depend on medication to help you with this problem seeing as how nueromodulater drugs only alter the mental chemistery for the worse.:(
I agree with the others in saying that don't depend on medication to help you with this problem seeing as how nueromodulater drugs only alter the mental chemistery for the worse.

Well, in my opinion it helped me in a way my moods could change from time to time depending on voices and even acting parallel to voices and now sitting here when i remember the moods before and now its very different. For example i dont have high moods or low moods as beforre for its now very normal, indeed normal.
I think it helped and I believe so but i dont intend to stay on course with it. I need to get out of chemical road as i sense its time for me to move on.

The thing is that i see every thought in pictures and some things i see can only be explained in hallucinations.

Well, as my perspectives arent changing now, I mean most of the time, there is no need for hallucinations as my mind isnt growing any more and even gets tired of the old stuff ( the flight times) there is a constancy of me belonging to other people and even acting like them or some of them. THE BIG GAME that only few people see but could be seen by everyone and there is a slight problem: Noone wants to be a kid anymore and noone is willing to see or even look at different places as i await for that person clear in the sky!
possible causes mentioned so far:
1)medical illness
2)"reaching out" to read other people's minds.
3)picking up on things given off by other people
4)the brain creating these voices as a constructive way to visualise information brought in by the senses.

I'd say all are possible, though #1 could be very destructive, so you should follow Xenu's advice.

The differences between 2 and 3 only really apply once you have determined that you are hearing other people's thought. you haven't gotten that far yet, though that is what you are thinking is the cause (from what I gather). Number 4 is an option which I think is very plausable, but often overlooked.

The human conciousness is not aware of the raw information the brain recieves from the body. The brain takes all that raw data, and constructs a view of the world, which is fed to your concious mind. If there is some other information about a person, body habits, skin sheen, heat gebration, etc, that you are more sensative to thatn other people, how might your brain work that information into your world view? voices and pictures seem logical to me. It' not illness, and it's not psychic ability, it's just "D:Other"