the H1N1 vaccine, more harmful than good?

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it seems that there are chemicals in the vaccine that could be harmful

such as mercury and squaline , just to start

Well mostly not "harmful" It's a 1:100000 to a 1:1000000 chance of making you paralyzed partially because of the very ingredients you mentioned.
From what I've been able to gather, there "might" be a correlation to people whom often use fine motor skills being a little extra prone to this...but not one official study has been done on it. No money in that...

I've got no problem with "vulnerable" people getting it...but healthy people well the thing is if you don't get it this year you are just putting it off to the year after. They are really only delaying the eventual and natural course of this outbreak. It goes away when a certain % of the population are immune(by getting it). Just like 1918-1919 and the mid 70s.
my concern is why put these harmful chemicals in the vaccine in the first place ?

why not just the virus and water ?
my concern is why put these harmful chemicals in the vaccine in the first place ?

why not just the virus and water ?

Because vaccines expire if not chemically preserved. Crazy concept, I know.

The "harmful chemical" is not liquid mercury, either. It contains a mercury containing compound called thiomersal (C9H9HgNaO2S) and the vaccine contains less mercury by weight than eating a single bite of any fish. I know this is hard for you laypeople to understand, but atoms contained in a molecule of this type are chemically changed from when they stand alone.

Get lost with your media hype and and fake concerns. This is crap thread material.
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“ Originally Posted by thinking
my concern is why put these harmful chemicals in the vaccine in the first place ?

why not just the virus and water ?

Because vaccines expire if not chemically preserved. Crazy concept, I know.

The "harmful chemical" is not liquid mercury, either. It contains a mercury containing compound called thimerosal (C9H9HgNaO2S) and the vaccine contains less mercury by weight than eating a single bite of any fish. I know this is hard for you laypeople to understand, but atoms contained in a molecule of this type are chemically changed from when they stand alone.

Get lost with your media hype and and fake concerns. This is crap thread material.

and so the reason for the rest of the toxic chemical soup ? is because ?
Please state which chemicals you believe to be present in concentrations and/or amounts that are scientifically, demonstratably known to be toxic to the human organism.
Post 5 and the link contained therein does not state those chemicals being present in toxic concentrations/amounts. Next...
Post 5 and the link contained therein does not state those chemicals being present in toxic concentrations/amounts. Next...

it doesn't say there not either

what it does say is that we don't know the , down the road consequences of all the several chemicals , actually multiple chemicals in the vaccine

and as I asked before , why the hell are they there in the first place ? all of them
“ Originally Posted by thinking
it doesn't say there not either

That isn't scientific thinking. We don't act on the basis of something being true simply because no one has yet proven it untrue. To do so is idiotic.

regardless , the fact is there are many , many , chemicals in the H1N1 vaccine

and as well it seems idiotic to put so many chemicals into a vaccine of which you have NO idea of the consequences and we would be idiotic not to question why the hell they are there in the first place

so why are they ALL there in the first place ?
regardless , the fact is there are many , many , chemicals in the H1N1 vaccine

and as well it seems idiotic to put so many chemicals into a vaccine of which you have NO idea of the consequences and we would be idiotic not to question why the hell they are there in the first place

so why are they ALL there in the first place ?

Biologists and those who create these vaccines have no incentive to create a product they would think would harm people. Actually..they have large disincentive.
regardless , the fact is there are many , many , chemicals in the H1N1 vaccine

and as well it seems idiotic to put so many chemicals into a vaccine of which you have NO idea of the consequences and we would be idiotic not to question why the hell they are there in the first place

so why are they ALL there in the first place ?

thinking, please do the following for anyone to take you seriously:

  1. Prove that those who created the vaccine have 'No idea of the consequences' of what they put in it
  2. Prove that these chemicals are in fact harmful
  3. Actually post what the chemicals in the vaccine are
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