The H.A.A.R.P. theories


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums.
Valued Senior Member
Okay, so, I've heard of this thing before (the HAARP that is), and read a bit about it and the conspiracy theories surrounding it... I get the whole weather-control theory (change the upper ionosphere and change the jetstream and all that, sure, whatever).

What I DON'T understand is... what's with all the people claiming it's an earthquake machine?

I don't see what the ionosphere has to do with earthquakes... either I'm missing something or they're making an (even larger than usual) incredible leap of (ill-)logic...

Anyone willing to fill me in?
Okay, so, I've heard of this thing before (the HAARP that is), and read a bit about it and the conspiracy theories surrounding it... I get the whole weather-control theory (change the upper ionosphere and change the jetstream and all that, sure, whatever).

What I DON'T understand is... what's with all the people claiming it's an earthquake machine?

I don't see what the ionosphere has to do with earthquakes... either I'm missing something or they're making an (even larger than usual) incredible leap of (ill-)logic...

Anyone willing to fill me in?

Just keep in mind - there is NO accounting for what the fruitcakes, nut cases and woo-woos claim. They don't NEED any facts or science to support their crazy beliefs. :D
Just keep in mind - there is NO accounting for what the fruitcakes, nut cases and woo-woos claim. They don't NEED any facts or science to support their crazy beliefs. :D

This. ^

Most CT's I've heard have an underlying belief that there is a group of "elites" (NWO/Illuminati/Jews/Reptilians) that control the world and are out to destroy us. When you're that far down the rabbit hole, you try to connect anything to it, to prove your belief. HAARP is something tangible they can use as an example of the elites power. Science, reason, and logic are ignored. If a natural disaster happens, it isn't a natural event, but is more evidence that the elite are using HAARP to kill us all. In many cases, you're dealing with someone who suffers from some sort of paranoid disorder, and holds an almost religious devotion to their conspiracy beliefs.
This. ^

Most CT's I've heard have an underlying belief that there is a group of "elites" (NWO/Illuminati/Jews/Reptilians) that control the world and are out to destroy us. When you're that far down the rabbit hole, you try to connect anything to it, to prove your belief. HAARP is something tangible they can use as an example of the elites power. Science, reason, and logic are ignored. If a natural disaster happens, it isn't a natural event, but is more evidence that the elite are using HAARP to kill us all. In many cases, you're dealing with someone who suffers from some sort of paranoid disorder, and holds an almost religious devotion to their conspiracy beliefs.

You're absolutely right, Mac.

I think there's at least two other sub-groups in that crowd (and there's a lot of overlapping between the various sub-groups). One is the highly uneducated - they dropped out of school and wouldn't know real science if it bit them.

Another is a group that is SO bored with their humdrum lives that they are looking for something exciting - wherever they can find it. And just like space aliens, bigfoot, etc., those "elitist" groups are something they can talk about, dream about and spend all day reading about on *hundreds* of wacko websites.:D

I used to feel sorry for them but now I find them highly amusing.
A little gem from a CT'er this morning:

Just remember, the truth has nothing to do with information or IQ. It's an emotional issue. All the info is there for a 10 year old to see the lie in 911, but people don't want to have their lives ripped apart.

I can only speak for personal experience, but if you want to tie everything together, research the monetary system, private central banking, and money creation. It's the backbone of the control system. Everything is spawn from this.

And regarding 911, don't get caught up in your elected officials planning anything. Most of them are just lackies or prostitutes. Mossad and the Zionist cabel in America planned and executed the attacks. The physical says so. If you understand central banking and Zionism, you'll understand perfectly well who's running your country.
A little gem from a CT'er this morning:

I love it!!! :D He got the first and second sentences dead right: "Just remember, the truth has nothing to do with information or IQ. It's an emotional issue."

But he slipped up on this one: "All the info is there for a 10 year old to see the lie in 911..." What he meant to say was: " ... it takes a 10-year-old (or someone with the mind of one) to see the lie in 9/11...

Yep, only an idiot believes that information or the ability to understand information doesn't matter.

How does that old saying go? "My mind's made up, don't confuse me with facts."
Its that whole resonance thing, find the resonant frequency and what not. Problem is that every material has its own frequency, it may work if the crust were a solid piece of metal, but its not. It has thousands of unique materials in it.
Its that whole resonance thing, find the resonant frequency and what not. Problem is that every material has its own frequency, it may work if the crust were a solid piece of metal, but its not. It has thousands of unique materials in it.

Not to mention that even then it would take mega-mega-megawatts of energy to effect a tectonic plate.
One of my friends who's a bit more tech-savvy than I am (read, he very nearly landed a job at Raytheon Company with the D.O.D. were it not for the fact he did not have a college degree at the time) mentioned that you wouldn't have to do much more than make the earths core tremble a few mm in order to cause catastrophic results on the surface, and that, in theory, a powerful enough magnetic "tug" could do that... which is where he prompted me to point out the biggest issue with that is the raw electrical power required to perform such a "tug" is far beyond our current capacity to generate.

A more important point that gets missed is usually "Why would anyone bother?"

The reason this is important is because if you started a reaction, you'd have no real control over it, so pretty much everyone on this rock would suffer. Obviously though the conspiracy theorists tend to ignore that most people operate with a degree of self-preservation by not doing things that would potentially jeopardize themselves.
A more important point that gets missed is usually "Why would anyone bother?"

The reason this is important is because if you started a reaction, you'd have no real control over it, so pretty much everyone on this rock would suffer. Obviously though the conspiracy theorists tend to ignore that most people operate with a degree of self-preservation by not doing things that would potentially jeopardize themselves.

That was part of what I was wondering - how could you LOCALIZE the effect of a CORE shift? Wouldn't it effect... well, pretty much the entire planet? :shrug:
I don't understand this whole obsession with HAARP, it makes no sense to me. I mean we've built tractor beams for crist's sake! This is real technology and people are more obsessed with their phantasmal delusions, it boggles the mind.
They are alien facilities, covered up by the World governing bodies. They are trying to affect the climate so they can control the human population. :)
“Global controls will have to be imposed and a world governing body, will be created to enforce them. Crises, precipitate change..”
It's an interesting looking set-up. I have driven past it.

I don't understand this whole obsession with HAARP, it makes no sense to me. I mean we've built tractor beams for crist's sake! This is real technology and people are more obsessed with their phantasmal delusions, it boggles the mind.

Link to the tractor beam please. Cuz the only tractor beamy things I've heard about so far work on the atomic scale which is hardly a tractor beam.

Is this what your thinking of?
What I DON'T understand is... what's with all the people claiming it's an earthquake machine?
earths magnetic field has a natural resonance.
HAARP operates on low frequency radio waves, it's essentially a radio transmitter.
the theory is that pulsed at the magnetic field resonance can produce effects on earths magnetic materials.

its funny how people laugh and snort at things they don't understand eh?
these types of people couldn't think outside the box if they were paid to.
HAARP operates on low frequency radio waves, it's essentially a radio transmitter.

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. it transmits at 2.8-10 MHz radio frequencies. so it isn't low frequency. plus the 3.6MW is naff all power in the scheme of things.

earths magnetic field has a natural resonance.

what frequency is this resonance?