The Greatest religion in the World.



Christianity !!!!!

It penetrates every part of human's civilization, contributes to human race more than anything else.


Wich christiannity is that? There is no "christianity".

you have "christians" worshiping jesus.
you have "christians" worshiping maria.
you have "christians" worshiping "G-D".
you have "christians" worshiping some jungle deities next to "G-D" and jesus.
you have christians "believing" in jesus and not obeying him.
you have "feelgood-christians" that don't believe in hell.
you have GAY-"christian" for G-d's sake! read your bible, see what it says about them.

And you have NO! christians reading the ENTIRE bible and LIVING by it.
But that will forever be the beauty of a Christian mind. To them, it really doesn't matter what you do so long as before you die you accept Jesus into your life.
The Greatest religion in the World.

Christianity !!!!!

It penetrates every part of human's civilization, contributes to human race more than anything else.

Yes I think we should take a moment to reflect gratefully on all that christianity has given us:

And lets not forget that good christian who laid the foundations of Nazi germany:

"to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn... I advise that their houses be razed and destroyed... I advise that all their prayer books... in which such idolatry, lies, cursing, and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them... that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb... that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews... that all their treasure of silver and gold be taken from them... But if the authorities are reluctant to use force and restrain the Jews' devilish wantonness, the latter should, as we said, be expelled from their country and be told to return to ... Jerusalem where they may lie, curse, blaspheme, defame, murder, steal, rob, practice usury, mock, and indulge in all those infamous abominations which they practice among us, and leave ... our Lord the Messiah, our faith, and our church undefiled and uncontaminated with their devilish tyranny and malice." (Martin Luther, On the Jews and their Lies, 1543, cited in [SH248]

My personal all time favorite quote from a christian, because it seems to express true christian philosophy:

"Kill them all, God will recognize his own." (Arnald-Amalric, 1208,when asked by the Crusaders what to do with the citizens of Beziers who were a mixture of Catholics and Cathars)

So if by greatest religion you mean the greatest threat to human life, happiness and peace, I would have to agree.
It penetrates every part of human's civilization, contributes to human race more than anything else.

Every part????

Two thirds of the world population are not Christian.
No. Cthulhu worship is the greatest religion, because one day Cthulhu will awake and eat Futurist.

No. Futurist was banned from physicsforums and came here. I've been a good girl ever since Fox Mulder got boring.

And I don't want to be eaten by Cthulhu.

I just like the focus on penetration.

Tiassa :cool:
Hmm, a Chick tract about Chick tracts.

I especially like "One night while flying high on marijuana someone gave me "One Way"......"
*Originally posted by Bruce Wayne
Wich christiannity is that? There is no "christianity".

you have "christians" worshiping jesus.
you have GAY-"christian" for G-d's sake! read your bible, see what it says about them.

And you have NO! christians reading the ENTIRE bible and LIVING by it.

I see you have stumbled upon the concept of the "lie."
Some people are completely confused when they first encounter the "lie."

The "lie" is the result when someone "lies."
IOW, you have run into people who aren't Christians who lie and say they are.

*Originally posted by m0rl0ck
Yes I think we should take a moment to reflect gratefully on all that christianity has given us:

I see that you have run across the contributions of Roman Catholicism, which is generally not considered Christianity, except by atheists.

*Originally posted by Xev
Cthulhu worship is the greatest religion, because one day Cthulhu will awake...

Too bad for cthulhu...

But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.
(Psalms 37:20, KJV).

I guess he'll wake up just in time to turn to smoke.
I see that you have run across the contributions of Roman Catholicism, which is generally not considered Christianity, except by atheists.


Did you see the excerpt and the link from Martin Luther?
Why no comment on that example?
Martin Luther founded protestantism and helped lay the ideological foundations of Nazi Germany. I'd say that alone puts the protestants right up there as far as body count and there are other examples.

So tell me, why does your unbalanced little mind think that catholics arent christians?

Another question, there has never been a buddhist religious war, why do you think that would be the case?

Are you a fundementalist? What I mean by that is, do you believe that the bible is the literal truth? Every word of it?

To the others on the board: I know that fundy baiting is poor sport, since they are usually so ill equiped intellectually to defend themselves, but they are just so THERE I cant stop myself :D
I cant resist a would be martyr.
there was a full scale war on Sciforums with Tony1 in the late november and december of 2001 and some part of the january of 2002.
check the old threads, it's amazing read:D
*Originally posted by m0rl0ck
Did you see the excerpt and the link from Martin Luther?
Why no comment on that example?

Didn't see it.

*Martin Luther founded protestantism and helped lay the ideological foundations of Nazi Germany. I'd say that alone puts the protestants right up there as far as body count and there are other examples.*

You may be right.
Since I am not in a state of protest against the Catholics, I can't say for sure what protestantism might mean in the big picture.

*So tell me, why does your unbalanced little mind think that catholics arent christians?*

"Unbalanced little mind?"
My, my, aren't we trying to be sarcastic.

I use a simple test, namely, I ask Catholics the following question: "are you a Christian?"
The normal Catholic response is: "No, I'm Catholic."

*Another question, there has never been a buddhist religious war, why do you think that would be the case?*

Simple, the buddhists have difficulty facing reality in general, but they aren't so far gone as to think they'd win a war.

*Are you a fundementalist? What I mean by that is, do you believe that the bible is the literal truth? Every word of it?*

Nope. Satan, various lying spirits, and various lying people are quoted in it. Hence, every word cannot be considered literally true.

*To the others on the board: I know that fundy baiting is poor sport, since they are usually so ill equiped intellectually to defend themselves, but they are just so THERE I cant stop myself
I cant resist a would be martyr.

You haven't lost your life yet.

*Originally posted by Avatar
a full scale war on Sciforums with Tony1

The whole forum against lil ole me?

If m0rl0ck is into "fundy-baiting," I hope he figures he's on a par with everyone else on sciforums put together.
If he isn't, he might end up looking somewhat foolish.

BW, tks for the link, however, we've been over it already.
Besides, I doubt m0rl0ck actually thought that stuff up himself.
Methinks it's copied from somewhere else.
Christ, what a fucking loser.
He starts a thread, the sole message of which is "Christianity is spiffy".
An original and thought provoking thesis with a complex, but well-reasoned justification, wouldn't you say?
I'm an atheist, but buddhism seems to be the greatest religion out there. It has a decent philosophical basis, rather than "the bible says...". And the acid test: buddhists have slaughtered far less people than the book religions. Daoism gets to be runner up. Then Cthulu(he(?) has more tentacles).
Tony1, I thought u know better, think beefore you talk ok?

First of all the word "christian" means to be disciple of christ, in other words to be a student of Christ.

The word "catholic" is latin meaning "universal", the universal church was first founded in Rome Italy by St. Paul himself, yes, the same st. paul in the bible with Jesus. Universal because Jesus said it will not be limited to the jews but to the whole world "Make disciples of all nation, baptize them in the name of the father, etc."

Peter became the first Pope, then handed his authrity to future popes till this day, (pope john paul 2nd)"Whos sins you shall forgive they shall be forgiven", "Whatever u bind on earth will b bound on heaven, etc." "as the father has sent me, so I send you", Peter gave authority to the later Popes as Jesus gave Him permission.

Roman Catholic church, a church for all (universal, gentiles and jews) Originally founded in Rome Italy, and from there it spreads.

When a typical catholic is asked "Are u a christian" and she says "No, Im catholic", shes ignorant about her faith.