The Greatest Horror Movie Ever

Hey don't abandon this forum !

Instead of trying to get rid of this, you could turn this into a movie forum that discusses paranormal tv shows/movies like: The Entity, and Aliens from outer space, oh ummm whats the name of the movie where the women possessed those psychic powers in a school zone. She started killing her friends. I think its called Carry...I think?

but anyway just turn this board around to something great ok.
We don't always have to be seriously focused on paranormal activites. We can talk about movies based on paranoraml activities in actual life.


goodbye...until we meet again...
maybe we can save the thread if anyone can think of a horror movie based on a real event... i cant.

I believe "The Exorcist" was based on a real life event.
Except rather than the girl in the film being 'possesed', there was an account of a little boy.
Thats all.
well thats not very helpful unless you have some specific info about the particular account it may or may not be based on. I never herd that it was based on a specific possession.
Don't forget about "The entity"

I believe there was another movie based on a true stroy. It was called "The Entity" This story is true, and even more scary. The house is still up until this very day. Happenings still occur till this day in that very house. Man, I would really like to visit that house to be honest.


goodbye...until we meet again...
Actually, the people who were looking into the Entity tale, built a copy of the house in a reasearch lab and put the woman in it.

The Entity showed up in this house too. And moved back to the real house later, after the lab experiment. It was obviously attached to the woman.

Now, not based on a true story but definitley a good movie is Rose Red.
Hey banshee.

What is Rose Red about, I'm surprized i've never heard of it. But Im gonna look for it today.


goodbye...until we meet again...
dog soldiers is a scary movie.. british royal marines VS werewolves... er.. its not as stupid as it sounds. and it was based on a true story i hear! ... really!
Originally posted by MrMynomics
Anybody seen The Mothman Prophecies?, i heard that was based on a true story.

It was based on a true story that some people were telling, but later admited was a hoax.
i watched alien the other day, you know, the 1970's movie about that alien.

The planet that they pick the little face huging alien up on is in the Zeta Reticuli system.

No wonder that whole planet X pole shift thing didnt happen to work out, she was only channeling crazy bug aliens who bleed acid!

Hey, maybe H.R. Giger (The artists who designed the alien in Alien) can channel aliens too!
Alien is one of best movies ever and probably the best scary movie ever. I heard it is coming back to the big screens for a limited run.

What about the texas chainsaw massacre? Based on a real event and scared me pretty good when i was a kid. When i first saw it i was pretty young and thought some of it might have been actual footage! :D
Titanic... :D
...because you don't know if Leonardo would be able to survive to the cold water! :(

SG-N, im afraid your post is inapropriate for this forum unless maybe a psychic fortold that DeCaprio's character would not survive.