The Great Zeus!


What do some of you know of the great Zeus!?

Aside from his children: Chronos and Hercules.

I praise the name of Zeus, as Zeus has become increasingly popular compared to in ancient times. In the times of old he is thought to be the most popular though.
Well he's just like God (almost!) and he has to be the most amazing of the mythological figures (not to mention, Odin, Loki, and Thor), so what are your opinions on Zeus? I praise Zeus! You should too.
What are your opinions on the title?

The fact of the matter is this: Ethics morality and justice is greatly touched upon by a discussion of Zeus the God. Indeed, with Zeus included in a discussion of morality, you get a conversation about Hercules. That is well dawned upon, but you also get Zeus by himself. As a God, you get a great discovery. There is a LOT of praise going to the name of Zeus (and Hercules and Chronos) and the praise LOOKS like a great discovery to bloody lawnmower scenes where there is a great deal of conversation. You will find that Zeus is the great moralist, and I was wondering what are your thoughts on Zeus.
Cronus was a Titan, son of Uranus and Gaia... and father of Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter, and Chiron.

As for Hercules - I presume you mean Herakles? And Zeus has... quite literally a fucktonne of offspring (the guy would bone pretty much anything that moved... as well as some things that didn't!)

Agdistis, Aigipan, Alatheia, Aphrodite, Apollon, Ares, Artemis, Asopos, Ate, Athene, Britomartis, Dike... just to name a few...

This lists his divine and mortal kids.
This Zeus thing is flying around the forum like Hermes with a Gorgon on his tail.
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The Greek god Zeus was flying over a Greek island and noticed a naked woman washing herself, so he swooped down and made love to her.

Then he said, "In 9 months you shall have a child and you shall call him Hercules!"

And the woman replied, "In 9 days you shall have a rash and you shall call it herpes."
A powerful deity in the clouds shooting lightening bolts down on his enemies. Mating with earthy women and creating half men half gods..

Clearly an extraterrestrial in a an advanced technological craft doing some genetic engineering on the local population.
A powerful deity in the clouds shooting lightening bolts down on his enemies. Mating with earthy women and creating half men half gods..

Clearly an extraterrestrial in a an advanced technological craft doing some genetic engineering on the local population.

Sounds like the first Sci Fi writers to me.
Yeah, has that von Daniken feel, doesn't it? Love that guy. Awesome imagination. Completely not true, but amazingly imaginative.
A powerful deity in the clouds shooting lightening bolts down on his enemies. Mating with earthy women and creating half men half gods..

Clearly an extraterrestrial in a an advanced technological craft doing some genetic engineering on the local population.

"Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose...The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.…And I remind you of the angels who did not stay within the limits of authority God gave them but left the place where they belonged. God has kept them securely chained in prisons of darkness, waiting for the great day of judgment...God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly;…For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. "For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark; and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
What do some of you know of the great Zeus!?
Much more than you. As well I should, since I worship the fellow.

Aside from his children: Chronos and Hercules.
Kronos is Zeus' father, not his son.
Khronos is a separate god entirely, possibly of an older generation than the Titans.
Zeus was a projection of the inner self, which is the center of the collective unconscious.

If you map the human psyche, from surface to the core, the most superficial aspect is called the persona or the mask of the ego. This is the outer person we show strangers. It may contain makeup, tattoos and fashion statements. Like a mask, this is how we wish the world to view us, and is the most effective among strangers who can only see the surface. Below persona is the ego proper, which contain memories, we might share only with family and close friends. It also contains personals memories we may or may not share. Below the ego proper, is the personal unconscious, which contains personal memories that are unconscious, but which can be made conscious based on need. Sometimes it may take hypnotism.

Below the personal unconscious is the shadow. The shadow is sort of a bridge between the ego and instinct and has a connection to unconscious behavior, that follows us around like a shadow. Often the ego is unconscious of its own shadow. While others often can see the shadow in another but not their own. The shadow may appear as quirks, and habits that are part of the person which that they are often not aware of. If one is a pessimist, this is often from the shadow side, that follows that person around and tends to flavor their attitude the same way each time almost on cue.

Below the shadow is the collective unconscious, which are the personality firmware which define human nature and are common to all human. These have three basic levels connected to our human instincts, relationship and perception of meaning. At the very core of the personality is the inner self, which controls the firmware; the firmware are the masks of the inner self. The ego is at the surface and provides a secondary POV via willpower and choice.

Zeus was a projection of the inner self, at that time in history. He was the head of the gods and goddesses, which symbolized the range of the personality firmware. They lived on Mount Olympus, which rose above humans. The ancient Greeks saw the firmware and the inner self as higher than the ego. Today we call this the unconscious or the subconscious mind, placing the inner self below the ego. That makes the ego feel more secure.

The Titans, which came before Zeus, were also firmware but were more monstrous in attitude and proportions. The inner self and the firmware were very different, much earlier in Greek civilization, due to the ego and willpower altering the natural firmware with willower and choice. By the time of Zeus, humans were finding a better balance, between the inner self and ego allowing them to transcend the scary Titan firmware.

When Zeus begets Hercules, the inner self plants a seed in the ego, to show the power of an ego that is aligned with the inner self; human ego doing the will of Zeus. The labors of Hercules also showed this gift required a lot of dangerous work before the connection would stick.

When religion changes from polytheism to monotheism, humans finally became more conscious of the inner self, as being the source of all the firmware. Polytheism was more about becoming conscious at the level of individual firmware; worship individual gods and goddesses, with the inner self not yet fully conscious.

With Jesus, God becomes man again, but from the POV of the monotheism; inner self. This labor of Hercules was not from the inner self, but rather was from the superego of culture and the ego of others.