The Great Divide


This forum is a truly international and multicultural place, and all the better for it. Long may it continue. Most of us come here because we feel strongly about something, enough to write about it. More than once as it happens.

We all basically are after the same few things, aren't we? Peace, love, understanding, a fast car.

So far, so good. Easy.

So why are there calls to wipe this country off the map? Or take out this religion? That's not really bringing much to the party is it? Hardly gonna generate constructive, thought-provoking debate.

It is very easy to 'hate' a whole country, religion etc. That's an awful lot of bodies and the only way to do it is to first dehumanise them. They become 'terrorists', 'extremists', 'fanaticals', oh we all know the words well enough.

Then you no longer think of them as people. Mums, dads and kids like us. Much easier.

My proposal to you, dear reader, is that we are being fed these thoughts every day on our televisions, in our newspapers, on our internet even. And we are happily scoffing them up.

Divide and conquer.

Sure there are bad guys, and the bad guys might be Muslim, Jew, Christian, black, white, yellow, pink and green with spots. But should we be so quick to point the finger, say 'Mmmm, You're Bad!', like the drugs counsellor in South Park, and bomb the fuck out of them?

And it's happening all over the world all the time. And it has been for thousands of years. And nobody seems to look like stopping. If anything it's getting worse not better.

What are the bases for most of these conflicts?
The same old ones we know and love - money, power, greed and religion.

Religion, that's a good one. Get this few billion over here believing God a) is the real thing and this few over there God b). Oh shit, I need a bit of cheering up, lets split God a) into a few separate Godlets, that'll make it even more fun.

'OK, everyone. Yes YOU'RE god is the right one. All the others are false and you shall spend eternity ridding the earth as your eternal birthright of these heathens. Yes, that means all of you'

'Go to it, I wanna see berloooood!'

Well, if it were happening right now that is the only way it would look. But instead these religions have been about a long time, so they are ingrained in the psyche of a nation.

You are born into a religion that tells you as soon as you are old enough that it is the way and the truth etc and all others are lies and not to be trusted.

Hmmmm, good start for the kid.

So now you give the kid its religious tome, tell it to ingest every word, do the right thing, live in fear of your god, and hate all other religions. 'Now you're on the way to heaven, kid'

'But I'm only 6, I don't want to go yet'

Doesn't count though does it. The kid looks to you to learn everything and you give it a half-arsed religion you have probably never questioned yourself.

Not gonna go getting any new ideas now is the little cherub?

So, my point being, we are likely to never come to any agreement over religion in your, my or 1000 more lifetimes.

So why bother?

Why not just junk the lot of it? Is any of it relevant any more?

Me, I was 'raised' Christian in the UK. Went to church for births, weddings, deaths and when school made me. Which was rather a lot. I resented that. From a very early age I felt no inclination towards any religion. I litened, read and thought, no, not for me thanks.

Twenty odd years later I can only come to the conclusion that religions are created with the purpose of deceiving the masses and dividing the planet. Sorry, tried, but just can't get my head round martys for the cause and the rest of it. Look at how Protestantism got off, to take my lot as an example.

Like I said, if we had been all born completely religiousless and tomorrow The Great One came and said, like on the first day of school, 'Right, you lot class b, you c, you d...' you wouldn't well stand for it would you?

But because it's been around for ages and well, he believes it, and he does too, so I may as well then hadn't I.

Erm, no.

I don't hate any one or any thing. I do not use the word in the first person any more, other than as above. Don't see the point. You can believe anything you want to and I will be first in defence of your right to do so. But when you knock on my door and call me a murderer, or bomb my hospitals in the name of religion I want you to know I do not share your thoughts. Please do not assume that I do, or berate me for having an opinion and not being afraid to share it.

I just want to live in a world where the sun comes up, it goes down, and in between nobody gets hurt. I know I'm dreaming, but if I don't have a dream I can't have a dream come true.

All you need is love, got John Lennon shot though
heyya all :)

dickbaby ....
well im kinda speachless and that would confound those who know me :D

can i join your church? :D
(sarcastic parralel finger point)

so how exactly did you miss the brain washing? :)

any clues on how to tackle such things?
im kinda interested in the funderment principals..
is it all soo obviouse???
is this the afront of the situation?

your opinion is far to balanced for a mear human! :D
(stereotyped sarcastic idiological reference)

groove on :)