The Gospel of Judas


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Im currently watching a show on the ABC on the gospal of Judas

Close The Gospel of Judas
10am - 11.29am ABC1
Sunday 23 March 2008
Explores one of the most controversial stories of our time. Hidden for nearly two thousand years, an ancient gospel has emerged from the sands of Egypt.

Genre: Documentary
Year: 2006
Country: USA
Rating: PG
Duration: 90 mins

This is apsolutly facinating and would turn the vatican on its head because it actually claims that Judas was instructed by Jeaus to "betray" him.

It actually claims he was a hero because he freed him from his fleshy prision
Oh one update, they just said that carbon dating confermed the document was authentic
Even if it were written by Judas, which it most likely was not, all gospels were written decades and centuries after Jesus death, what would prevent Judas from writing all that just to make him look good and not a traitor?

History mostly is made by those who write history books.
this was confermed to be written in 2-3 AD

Really? Jesus wasn't even 5 years old then, much less crucified.
Besides carbon dating to my limited knowledge is not so accurate to give you an exact year, even two years.
Really? Jesus wasn't even 5 years old then, much less crucified.
Besides carbon dating to my limited knowledge is not so accurate to give you an exact year, even two years.

No, Jesus was dead for 2-3 years at 2-3 A.D. Einstein.
(A.D. stands for "After Death"
Yeah, and there were many other gospels written, like the gospel of Thomas, and the gospel of Mary Magdalen, and even the gospel of Jesus! Read the book "Holy Blood Holy Grail" if this stuff interests you.
A.D. stands for "After Death"

No. It stands for Anno Domini - "the year of the Lord".

1 AD is supposed to be the year of birth of Jesus. He died in about AD 33.
Even if it were written by Judas, which it most likely was not, all gospels were written decades and centuries after Jesus death, what would prevent Judas from writing all that just to make him look good and not a traitor?

History mostly is made by those who write history books.

Which holds for the other gospels also. I see no reason to immediately dismiss this book.
ziylh00 i think you posted that on the wrong thread

skaught james is right and it may have said the 2nd century because that makes more sence as jeuse wasnt born until much latter than 1 AD (or 1 CE as its now refered to) which makes what i wrote idiocy. I apologise for that.

Either way it was earlier than the gospal of Tomas (i rember THAT specifically) and there is RUMORED to be a gospal of jesus, nothing like that has ever been found. As for the gospal of mary i belive it was found amongst the dead sea scrolls though i havent found what was in it.

This gospal was concidered herasy by the church and this turned up it was thought that all copies were destroyed.

It really turns everything on its head and the show linked the demonising of judas (which was stated gets worse the newer the gospal leading to john i belive being the most recent) to antisemitisum by christans and even the holocost which is an interesting point of view.

The strange thing about it is that it ends with jesus being handed over to the romans, and it states that jesus ASKS judas to "free him from this fleshy prision"

It also shows jesus laughing at the aposals for giving thanks to the god of the earth
Which holds for the other gospels also. I see no reason to immediately dismiss this book.

Oh, I'm not dismissing, I'm just reminding that gospels should not be taken as factual accounts, but as religious writing, so much is metaphor, allegory, myth.
No. It stands for Anno Domini - "the year of the Lord".

1 AD is supposed to be the year of birth of Jesus. He died in about AD 33.

Supposed, but it couldn't have been 1AD because Herod died in 4BC.
The real date is somewhat uncertain, but most scholars agree that most likely it was 6BC.

That, of course, is supposing that the Herod part in Jesus story is not made up.

p.s. skaught, you're funny.
So it seems that Bible translators have mistranslated the Greek word for "hand over" or "deliver", to "betray".

ie, Jesus is quoted in John 13.21: "Verily, verify, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me."

So it seems, so it's just up to if it was deliberate or not.
Bible has been retranslated over and over for centuries, it's a mess.
That, of course, is supposing that the Herod part in Jesus story is not made up.
Not to mention the Jesus part. :)
Bible has been retranslated over and over for centuries, it's a mess.
That may be true for the Old Testament, but the New Testament was written in Greek and then translated into Latin, in which it remained until the Reformation.

I have a Greek Orthodox friend who reads the original version.
judas and jesus are closely connected in an astrological way because judas is the scorpio and jesus is the higher form (eagle). they are the same astrological sign. jesus and satan are brothers. the staff and the snake are brothers. "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness..."
It's a clear gnostic text from what i've read of it.

The gnostics texts are a whole other thing from the texts in the nt. Check out the Nag Hammadi Library.

It's silly to think this text has any great improtance with regards to Christianity. It's the wishful thinking of minds wanting more...nonsense...and more money.