The Gospel Of Barnabas

Faithfully: In The Name Of The One God,The Merciful, The Compassionate. Peace.

M*W: You have stepped into sciforums religion forum. It is not a place of worship or Christian fellowship. There are some members here who are religious. There are other members who are not. I personally find your introduction to be offensive. It reeks of preaching which is entirely against the forum rules. Please read them.

The Gospel Of Barnabas is once again bringing truth, to the believers. A full copy is posted at the following site and there is also a copy available for download:

At the following site, there is an ongoing review / critique, and update of this precious gospel.

Again, Peace. Faithfully

M*W: The gospel of Barnabas, well, apparently, you haven't done your homework. It's been proven time and again to be a medieval forgery. How could you have missed that one little point?

Muslims have their own viewpoints on the GoB. See below:

And the Mormons have theirs:

And wikipedia says:

However, you have made a statement about the GoB, and now you must back it up by providing us with evidence which falls on your shoulders as your burden of proof. That's how we do things here.

In any event, welcome aboard the sciforums religion forum. You have now begun your fantastic journey to the truth. So, please buckle your seat belt and remain calm, because some turbulence is expected. We hope you enjoy your trip with us as your life will never be the same.


~ Medicine*Woman
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In The Name Of The Most Merciful, The Most Compassionate, Allaah. Peace, All.

M*W: You have stepped into sciforums religion forum. It is not a place of worship or Christian fellowship. There are some members here who are religious. There are other members who are not. I personally find your introduction to be offensive. It reeks of preaching which is entirely against the forum rules. Please read them.

“ The Gospel Of Barnabas is once again bringing truth, to the believers. A full copy is posted at the following site and there is also a copy available for download:

At the following site, there is an ongoing review / critique, and update of this precious gospel.

Again, Peace. Faithfully ”

Now, now MW, you sound as though you're preaching. You might need a little of that MW medicine yourself! Actually, MW, I wasn't looking for a place of worshippers here, just some clear minds, that can process facts. And with all of the ranting about The Gospel Of Barnabas being forgery, false, and what not, I have never found any proof of these claims. I find that there is much truth in the gospel, and even though there are discrepancies they can be overlooked for a time, while the truths are highlighted. This to my mind at least, is one way to discover if it is worth studying, worth the effort. I've looked at the links you've posted. I've seen some of them before you posted. The search I am doing has more than four hundred thousand pages! In my opinion, those that find fault with this gospel, are hiding from the truth. They don't want to see the truth in this gospel. I am trying to bring out the strongest points that will have the greatest effects upon those whom are astray. So please, don't be so quick to thwart this effort. People are looking for the real Prophet Jesus [PBUH], He, is in this gospel written by Barnabas. [PBUH= may the Peace and Blessings of THE ONE GOD, ALLAAH Be Upon Him]

Salaam / Peace. Faithfully
The Devil Inside said:
this was proven to be a forgery, wasnt it?

In The Name Of The Most Merciful GOD. Peace everyone; I must then ask how a forgery, could contain more truth that fallacy? Salaam. Faithfully
Faithfully said:
In The Name Of The One God,The Merciful, The Compassionate. Peace.

The Gospel Of Barnabas is once again bringing truth, to the believers. A full copy is posted at the following site and there is also a copy available for download:

At the following site, there is an ongoing review / critique, and update of this precious gospel.

Again, Peace. Faithfully

there has already been like a 39 page debate about this issue elswhere in the forum - here go look at it.

ps: its a forgery, like the donation of constantine and the protocols of the elders of zion.
In The Name Of The One And Only GOD. Salaam / Peace, everyone; yes, thank you, I recently found the debate doing a google search.

I guess that the "review / critique," is a bit lengthy, but it contains most of the 222, Chapters. I would expect some comment concerning the arguments presented therein. A real forgery would not contain more truth than fallacy. It would be a case of the Satan, dividing his own house, if you can follow my thinking. Thanks again, for the link. Salaam. Faithfully