The Good Ol' Days


Digging up old bones
Registered Senior Member
The Good Ol' Days (Video)

This is a vision of what civilization will be returning to after
our current false economy and inane paradigms collapse.
This is a vision of a slightly more sane world than the current

With the re-assertions of the old law...

The Good Ol' Days

it is the world that we must all soon embrace.

Are you willing to allow this world to return?
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A bunch of nutjobs whipping themselves and rejoicing in burning someone alive. Oh joy! I don't see why you are so concered, since you get to go to heaven where your beliefs rule, when all of us infidels burn in a lake of fire

Would you like to see me burned alive Lawdog?

I am convinced that your beliefs are utterly pathetic, false and morally wrong in every way... But I wouldn't burn you alive... I would just deny you the right to breed if I could... that's all.
Maybe he just watched the first few seconds.
Go here and check out Terence Mckenna for a more hopeful vision of trhe future.
Some text here.
His book The Archaic Revival is somewhat similar to what Lawdog is clumsily referring to, although instead of going back to a renaissance model, which was a revival of the Greek and Roman models, he thinks we will reach back even further to the dawn of civilization and it's Goddess oriented shamanistic cultures of Africa and the near East.
Well, its all very tongue in cheek. But in a sense I am serious.
No, I'm not willing.

There's no going back, it just can't happen.
It has happened often in history. I don't think we would give up technology, but our social order could change.
I see a group of "holy men", perhaps priests, rabbis, or w/e, going on a pilgrimage, and they find this town. Town, being the nice, hospitable people they r, let them come, they eat together, hang out a bit, idk how long, but obviously atleast 1 day and 1 night. One priest falls in love with this girl, the girl knows. He will do anything for her love, even, as the german lyrics say, get her a red rose from the top of a mountain (or sumthin like that) ... she tells him to murder this guy... some people say its the parents... I cant tell... but I think it was the person she was being married to, because I think there was a marriage ceremony, kinda like in Romeo and Juliet where Juliet marries this old dude... Paris? anyway... she tells him to kill him, and he does. And then she betrays him and the town burns him at the stake. Sure, he did a bad thing for killing someone, but thats not offense to be burned alive in a public display. Thats probably one of the most painful deaths and very disgraceful. I do understand, back then, that the justice system wasnt like it is today, and most small towns gave the death penalty to murderes, not out of hate, but because of fear that if they just kick him out, he could come back in the night, and there's no prisons.

But I also noticed the priests whipped themselves, just like the Opus Dei.

But I seriously doubt he was burned for loving the girl when being a priest. BUT, if he was, thats the stupidest thing i've ever heard.

But Im pretty sure he was burned because he killed.

That girl is evil!!!
Satan was there in the town, symbolized by the goat at the feast. The monk must beware, the evil one lead him astray and the used the girl to fool him into even greater sin!
Lawdog said:
This is a vision of what civilization will be returning to after
our current false economy and inane paradigms collapse.
This is a vision of a slightly more sane world than the current

With the re-assertions of the old law...

The Good Ol' Days

it is the world that we must all soon embrace.

Are you willing to allow this world to return?
LOL - each to their own! I hope get your wish LD and heaven for you is full of 're-assertions of the old law' i.e. plenty of regular birchings and burnings (sounds like boarding school).

As for me, I'm off to party-party with Spidergoat and Terrence Mckenna and his Archaic Revival. Sounds like the best of Woodstock, Glastonbury and Stone Henge rolled into one! They were the really good old days! Didn't I read somewhere that Mckenna predicted it was all going to happen in 2012? Can't wait! :m:
I feel sympathy for the burned Dominican, but irony dictates that it be a Dominican.
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spidergoat said:
It has happened often in history. I don't think we would give up technology, but our social order could change.

Sure, it will change, but regardless there's no going back. A pendulous advancement is apparently nature's expression.

One idea wins because it works at the time, times change, the idea is scrapped perhaps for an old one, but the old one didn't work for a reason so in time it's scrapped for a new one, and on and on and on...

Don't you think?
I think that the video shows what happens in a soul which chooses sin: The soul chooses to kill the parental God figures and is betrayed by the Satan (symbolized by the girl).