The Golden Compass


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Anyone else got this email?

On Dec. 7, 2007, the movie "The Golden Compass," based on the first book in the fantasy trilogy entitled "His Dark Materials" by atheist Philip Pullman will be released in theaters throughout the world. Pullman wrote his fantasy trilogy because he was so upset by the Christian evangelism of C.S. Lewis in his wonderful series of Christian tales entitled "The Chronicles Of Narnia." Pullman is an avowed atheist who has dedicated his life to undermining Christianity and the Church among young readers. The film's release is only another example of a culture spiraling away from faith, a culture into which we must step in and declare truth.
Pullman represents God as a decrepit and perverse angel in his novels, who captures the dead in a "prison camp" afterlife. As one fallen angel tells one of the novel's young heroes:
The Authority, God, the Creator, the Lord, Yahweh, El, Adonai, the King, the Father, the Almighty – those were all names he gave himself. He was never the creator. He was an angel like ourselves – the first angel, true, the most powerful, but he was formed of Dust as we are, and Dust is only a name for what happens when matter begins to understand itself.........

and it goes on and on
This sounds like a very worthwhile movie to take in :D! But no, I did not get this email...
I didn't get it either, but it seems like just another Christian paranoid hysteria to me..
If he's an atheist, shouldn't the book just be about...nothing? This would be more of an anti-theist book.
It seems odd for an "avowed atheist" to write about angels and suchlike, even if in a manner not endearing to Christianity.
To describe God in any way surely masks the real atheist position of non-belief in existence?

Just anti-atheistic drivel, methinks, from the religious paranoids.
i find it humorous that all these religious people think its perfectly ok when a movie promotes their views but god forbid if the show a different view
I've listened to the Radio 4 dramatisation of the books, it was pretty good. It never mentions the names of any gods or religions explicitly, but the Magesterium seems like a fairly obvious analogy to the Catholic Church at the height of its power.

The message is mostly anti-religious, to be sure, but like Narnia, it doesn't get in the way of the story. You might say it is "The Atheists Narnia", only it doesn't go on for quite many books.
i have started to read the series and in all honesty i can name several books that the religous shoud be more agitated about if they get turned into movies
From what I've heard elsewhere (can't recall sources) the film has removed the majority of anti-religious elements and concentrated more on the action / adventure side of the plot.

And I understand that this was purely to appease the mass-market of the religious US.
i have started to read the series and in all honesty i can name several books that the religous shoud be more agitated about if they get turned into movies

Will it get them as worked up as Harry Potter did?
And why do they take it so personally?? (To me its like if I heard a group of people say "she's such a bitch" and get all pissed off because obviously :rolleyes: they are talking about me.) Its stupid to get defense over it.
I've read all three in the series and they are brilliant, honestly, and I can't wait to see the movie. However, these Christians are once again overreacting to a work of fiction, just like Harry Potter. They would LOVE to believe that these authors have the hidden agenda of bringing down the Church.
all i'm saying is if anyone thinks that is strongly anti religous should read a staranger in a strange land that will shown them what antireligous writing looks like
And Atlas Shrugged is being made into a movie as well!! Yay! Favorite book!

I wonder if we are in for another passion of the christ to attempt to reclaim the masses.