The God UFO theory

This guy

Registered Member
i have been reading a book called "chariots of the gods" the book talks about how god could have been a UFO. It gives an answer to why old religions have so much in common.It ask basic questions on why god(from Christianity) speaks in plural and why there is evidence to show that nuclear bombs were used in the Mahabharata.Further more it deals on ancient space ship plans that have been uncovered and batteries found in Baghdad.See......wikipedia entry on the chariots of the gods
my basic question is why arn't we considering this option. This could be more than just a possibility.:confused:
The only parts of that book that haven't been shown to be poor research/ conclusions are the parts that von Daniken lied about and made up. It is, as are all books of this ilk, total and utter hogwash.

Mod, don't even give this a stayover in pseudoscience - cesspool please.
That books about as old as I am, lmao

You gotta read more into things, according the David Jacobs the alien abductions didn't begin well into the 1890's so there's no real evidence that aliens were here before then. I suspect humanity is just real dumb.
That story is complete bullshit...because it's not written in the bible, and the bible contains everything you will ever need to know!
That story is complete bullshit...because it's not written in the bible, and the bible contains everything you will ever need to know!

The bible is the best tool for learning that we have, it is completely made up and fantasy, it shows us what religion can cause and who will benefit, it also gives a laugh with Jesus rising from the grave.
It makes more sense than any other religious theory

M*W: Welcome to sciforums! I read the book about 35 years ago. It made a lot of sense to me then, but less now. However, I will say that by reading "Chariots" it encouraged me to continue to research religion, and it may have had a slight role in my understanding of religion today. I will say that I think you are on the right track in looking at sky objects for interpretation.

Even after reading "Chariots" and all the sequals, I still went down the road of Roman Catholicism and left books like that alone. I don't believe in sky gods anymore, but I completely understand how mankind has been led to believe in them.

I want to recommend a book to you, since you like to read. It's not a heavy read, and I think you will like it:

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, by Acharya S., Adventures Unlimited, 1999, ISBN 0-932813-74-7.

You can probably find it on most any popular bookstore shelf, or you could order it off of, and get a used version for hardly anything. That's what I do. I look forward to discussing this with you further.

Again, welcome to sciforums! I appreciate anybody who will pick up a book and read!
"What the public learns about the [UFO] phenomena comes from that small portion of the facts that has been pre-selected by believers to promote enthusiastic support for the extraterrestrial theory." -- Dr. Jacques Vallee

Unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, have been sighted and reported ever since humans began recording history...and perhaps even earlier. Significant concentration in UFO reports during the last 50 years has helped promote the theory that such objects are space craft of a higher intelligence from other planets. Coinciding with the influx of UFO reports, the alien abduction phenomena has affected millions and contributes greatly to the alien craft theory and belief...and many will argue it as fact.

In Human history, there have always been visionaries that were bold enough to remain oblivious to criticism. Without them, we would never have reached the moon or invented airplanes. Remember the cries such as "Man can never leave Earth!" or "Man cannot fly!"? It's obvious that the realities of today is the vision of some person from years ago. We should therefore be open to the ideas presented today instead of merely dismissing them as gibberish.

Humans have existed on earth for about a million years, yet we reached such peaks of advancement in a fraction of this time. In just 7000 years. And cultures around the world have all recorded visits of Gods from the unknown. What really happened?

A plausible explanation that comes up goes like this:
This planet was discovered by some intergalactic travelers around 50000 years ago. They chose to mix and breed an intelligent race on the planet and gave us technology, knowledge and genes in our gene pool. Thus we started advancing at an accelerated pace, simultaneously worshipping these Gods. They promised to return, and left. What may have been a short span of time for them was probably thousands of years for us, in which we continued our advancement, and carried on the worshipping. The Gods did eventually return, perhaps to observe us. Each time they returned, they would help out a bit, a little more knowledge, a little more of 'civilization,' which would explain the extraordinary feats of building the pyramids, monoliths, etc. And then once again, the Gods would leave, with a promise of return. This promise got converted into things like "Day of Judgment," "Day of Reckoning" or "End of the World." Perhaps the relics at Easter Island were built in preparation for the return of the Gods, but the Gods never came, and so it was abandoned. Perhaps the Aztecs had suddenly abandoned their cities so suddenly because the Year of Arrival had come and gone, without a visit from them. Perhaps the city of "Lot" was an experiment gone wrong, and was being destroyed. Perhaps the aliens didn't like the progress of the human race, and decided to start anew by flooding everything out. And now we wait the return of our Gods. The UFO sightings and alien abductions of today are probably them checking in on us. Ever notice when we refer to God, we point up towards the sky?

It's time that we started concentrating on our future, so that we may shed light on our past. Let the truth come out.
god arriving in spaceships ? sounds a little bitt to Stargate to me.:bugeye:

By the way if there's such a thing as a god. Why would he need a spaceship. Isn't he all around :confused: lmao.
Well it's one of few attempts to explain the polytheism rampant in those days. Some cultures were very specific about vehicles and appearance of "gods", I urge all the critics here to read the book before concluding it's pure crap.

Can someone do a better job and not be reaching on every little ufo theory out there? Yes. Do they? Not often, due to stigma surrounding any attempt to explain ufo phenomena.
oh no no that's just an urban legend!:D

As for God : he's an urban legend all together :D

The question is : if there are other intelligent species (witch there probably are) and they do visit our planet. what the hell are we going to do about that ? We can't even take care of our own planet. Maybe we should take care of that instead of looking for things that aren't there.

We have nothing intresting to offer for more advenced species abcept maybe being there lifestock.
its a cool book,the author spent time in prison at some stage because of his ideas,Eric Daniken! If god dosent live down your street or have a letterbox,he must be an alien.Another primo book is by an author barry long ( australian ) "origins of man and the universe " the book has been published by a publishing company that specialises in esoteric books.85% of the book was channelled to the author,by the spirit world. which is amazing because,the publishing company has stated.usually a book will have on average about 10-15% of new material brought to the publics attention.Not 85% in this case.
sounds entertaining. i think i saw something on the discovery channel about the idea that UFO's came down to earth and that's what they are talking about in the bible... i took me about four days to recover and realize it was BS.