the future of islam



I think that in the future islam will start to wither, losing steam; to terror, modernism, new info, feminism, higher criticism of its source document (the quran), etc...

I do not think it can survive as a major religion into the future, it will go the way of shamanism, a marginalized faith, leaving only a few diehards as true adherents, the rest will be either atheists (true Westerners), cultural muslims (what amounts to agnostics) or christians

it has too many internal contradictions, for a start, see comments below:
vincent28uk said:
Homosexuals you muslims say death to homos, yet there is just as many homos and rapists, and child molestors in your faith, the only difference is, it is not reported, or if a man rapes a woman or molests a kid, his word that he did not do it, will always be taken over a kids or a womans word that he did do it, such is your male chauvinestic religon is...

I ask you this mr muslim, in other religons rape and molestation is reported and the perp is jailed, in your faith man is god, and he can commit no rape, the child and woman are but pawns in your male ruling religon, what very few crimes that are reported, usually the victim has to go to the states to shout about it, as recently is the case with a pakistan woman who was barred from travelling for a long time, because the paki president did not want the west knowing of all the secret sanctioned rapes going on in pakistan.

Islam is so backward, the dinosaur has more of a future with science, one day they might come back to life, islam is dead, and this religon will be outlawed in 10 to 30 years, on that i have no doubt, it will take a nuke terroist attack to do this, but if it ends with this religon being outlawed, then the price will be worth paying, before they destroy the entire world.

Mr john see a hypnotist, and get out of this brainwashing religon before like the dodo you become extinct...

Michael said:
I'd agree with that, but it still doens't answer my question, and so for all we know the book your reading my have as dubious a past?

The truth is, you have really no idea of when the Quran came to it's present form. Nor what the original looked like. For a miraculous book straight from God almightly one would think someone would have kept an original copy huh?

I mean, we have the book of the dead and that's 3 times the age of the Qur'an - so it is possible to keep these things. Why wasn't that extra precaution taken to preserve the Qur'an?

Odd isn't it?
examples to follow
Oil will eventually dry up and much of islam will convert back to the religion of ignorant, backwater goatherders... moreso than it already is. Dear lord there is going to be one hell of a population dieoff when everyone in Saudi Arabia realizes that they have to get jobs and feed themselves.

Islam everywhere else will become more moderate and less important for the daily lives of its participants once they are cut off from the dying remnants of the Middle East and the region's fanatical ways.
The future of Islam, is to motivate our armies to kill the enemies of Mankind.
I.e.. Jihad agaisnt all aliens. literally... when we meet them.

I also wonder what will happen when death will only be by accident or decision? Religion losses a lot of its flavor when to get the goods you have to die. So when you don't have to die, well who cares about the religion?

And you know, my question is still relevant. If no one knows when how where exactly the Qur’an came into being, well, that says something doesn’t it? Not to mention that the older Qur’ans don’t have the diacritical marks – another change that even Muslims acknowledge because if they didn’t have them, most couldn’t read the Qur’an anyway. I wonder – when were those added?
The Koran was written By Mohammed, who heard voices.. much like Abraham.
and im sure its been edited...
Just as Constantine edited threw the many gnostic texts.. to deside which books go into the bible...

does that change the value of either? maybe.. but not by much..

You forget that religion has been the source of all morality for 10,000 years...

lets not forget pagan Rome.. where incest and gay sex ran wild... until Christianity.

i believe that islam will undergo a radical change, much as layman christianity did during the lutheran revolution.

islam is here to stay for a LOOOOONG time, i think. will it keep its current form? history says no.
The Devil Inside said:
i believe that islam will undergo a radical change, much as layman christianity did during the lutheran revolution.

islam is here to stay for a LOOOOONG time, i think. will it keep its current form? history says no.

The 'change' is the only thing in the entire infinity that never ever changes.
As far as the history of Islam is considered I think you should read its history once again :)
islam will not go out with a whimper it will go out with a bang. It is far more resilient than many seem to hope. Far from moderating, islam is going down a more radical and confrontational path then it has been on for centuries.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Clockwood said:
Oil will eventually dry up and much of islam will convert back to the religion of ignorant, backwater goatherders... moreso than it already is. Dear lord there is going to be one hell of a population dieoff when everyone in Saudi Arabia realizes that they have to get jobs and feed themselves.

Islam everywhere else will become more moderate and less important for the daily lives of its participants once they are cut off from the dying remnants of the Middle East and the region's fanatical ways.
I agree oil is the problem here, the money from oil is building all these mosques around the world, and with it comes the mad clerics from iran or syria, if you want the money the mad cleric has to come with it, alot of catholic churces have been finace by public money in our countries, & the call is to finance muslim mosques too, why should we would the saudis finance catholic churces i think not.

Oil has to go, before it kills us all off either through oil financed terroists, or through greenhouse gasses.

There are so many other ways to run cars, but we ignore them because the oil barrons finance our politicial parties.