The reason Petrol is so expensive elsewhere (not in US) is that the respective governments put too much tax on it. It is similar to bottled water costing $1.00 to $2.00 per gallon (greed).
Also the reason people use personal car and every family has multiple car in US is that it is an integral part of social economics. That is why we have a $9 trillion GDP. The US is too large and factories or offices are somehow located in the opposite side of where one lives. I can guarantee that China will have a similar problem in that the Chinese society will end up as many cars, motor-cycles as US. The whole idea is flexibility (comes from manufacturing...) that enhances productivity of a society.
Except New York, without a flexible transportation system, US economy will crawl to a stop. However. there is a light at the end of the tunnel. More and more people use computers at work for over 95% of the work they do. As a large number of people start telecommuting, the need for car to go to work will subside. So we may save a lot of money, energy by changing the way we work without taking a hit on economy. The reason telecommuting has not caught on in US is that of stupid perceptions. People think, if they dont see you working in a office, you may not be working. In one occassion, the client asked me to work from my home because the travel and hotel cost was too much (San Francisco).
I can guarantee you, if our gas prices suddenly more than double, world recession will ensue. Just look at airline fiasco. Except a few places, I do not have a mechanism to travel alternate ways to Dallas, Atlanta or Houston. And, even to Dallas, I can reach their faster by my personal car than by air, bus, train....