the funny side of reality, physics



Heaven is all there is. Everything that is not Heaven is Heaven’s fiction, thoughts.
Heaven is simply the unfathomable BLISS we wake-up-to/are each night in dreamless-sleep.

The Supreme Comedy is that our reality is Heaven’s fiction, thoughts.

The Supreme Comedy is that Heaven’s fiction works exactly like every other type of fiction we have, like words and their novels, movies, computers, TV, dreams and even hallucinations, and ESPECIALLY physics.

That our reality is no more real than a hallucination is the best-fiction, the Supreme Comedy. And the obverse of this Supreme Comedy is that without Laughter there is no joke only reality.

This Supreme Comedy called reality might not sound very funny until the Laughter starts, or explodes, to kill this reality and make it the best-fiction there ever was.

And this is the Supreme Truth of this Supreme Comedy because Heaven is all there is, there is no other, there is no doer that can think, read or write to agree or disagree with Heaven it-SELF.

And if this Supreme Comedy is not enough then the Supreme Truth can only get better because it ALSO means that every word ever written, and will be written, is also the Supreme Truth for the exact same reason: Heaven is all there is, there is no other. In fiction there is no doer that can think, read or write let alone agree/disagree with Heaven it-SELF because that is what all fiction is about: thoughts, words, and NOT words that do things, doers. And that also goes for the best-fiction ever: the Supreme Comedy we call reality.

And so, just like a novel can only have words and NOT words that do things, or write things… and exactly like physics in which there are no gods or doers playing with particles only particles that appear to be playing with themselves … so too with Heaven’s best-fiction we call reality there are no thoughts that do things, doers, only thoughts.

And exactly like a novel and physics, dreams and hallucinations -- on all is limitless-levels and fathomless-depths nothing in reality can ever appear to be what it is because it is all the same, thoughts.

So this Supreme Comedy we seriously call reality is just a joke that Heaven plays on it-SELF because there is no other, only the lethal-laughter of the Joke that is Heaven it-SELF.

And Heaven’s fiction is the best-fiction ever because the more obvious it gets from all its fathomless-depths and limitless-levels that it MUST BE fiction, nothing but thoughts, the more all sorts of thoughts/words like misery and pain, life and death make laughter difficult … until the Laughter starts, to make it into not only the best-fiction but the Supreme Comedy in which the Laughter is Heaven it-SELF.

-- UV-gap
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genep said:
Heaven is all there is. Everything that is not Heaven is Heaven’s fiction, thoughts.
Heaven is simply the unfathomable BLISS we wake-up-to/are each night in dreamless-sleep.

The Supreme Comedy is that our reality is Heaven’s fiction, thoughts.

The Supreme Comedy is that Heaven’s fiction works exactly like every other type of fiction we have, like words and their novels, movies, computers, TV, dreams and even hallucinations, and ESPECIALLY physics.

That our reality is no more real than a hallucination is the best-fiction, the Supreme Comedy. And the obverse of this Supreme Comedy is that without Laughter there is no joke only reality.

This Supreme Comedy called reality might not sound very funny until the Laughter starts, or explodes, to kill this reality and make it the best-fiction there ever was.

And this is the Supreme Truth of this Supreme Comedy because Heaven is all there is, there is no other, there is no doer that can think, read or write to agree or disagree with Heaven it-SELF.

And if this Supreme Comedy is not enough then the Supreme Truth can only get better because it ALSO means that every word ever written, and will be written, is also the Supreme Truth for the exact same reason: Heaven is all there is, there is no other. In fiction there is no doer that can think, read or write let alone agree/disagree with Heaven it-SELF because that is what all fiction is about: thoughts, words, and NOT words that do things, doers. And that also goes for the best-fiction ever: the Supreme Comedy we call reality.

And so, just like a novel can only have words and NOT words that do things, or write things… and exactly like physics in which there are no gods or doers playing with particles only particles that appear to be playing with themselves … so too with Heaven’s best-fiction we call reality there are no thoughts that do things, doers, only thoughts.

And exactly like a novel and physics, dreams and hallucinations -- on all is limitless-levels and fathomless-depths nothing in reality can ever appear to be what it is because it is all the same, thoughts.

So this Supreme Comedy we seriously call reality is just a joke that Heaven plays on it-SELF because there is no other, only the lethal-laughter of the Joke that is Heaven it-SELF.

And Heaven’s fiction is the best-fiction ever because the more obvious it gets from all its fathomless-depths and limitless-levels that it MUST BE fiction, nothing but thoughts, the more all sorts of thoughts/words like misery and pain, life and death make laughter difficult … until the Laughter starts, to make it into not only the best-fiction but the Supreme Comedy in which the Laughter is Heaven it-SELF.

-- UV-gap

Please provide at least ONE supporting evidence for a "Heaven" or a "God". Also I think this is in the wrong segement. It is not Physics of Math. :D