The Frustration in communicating one's ideas.


Registered Member
Hi all,
Sometimes it seems that there is an insurmountable gulf of irrationality when trying to persuade dissenters to your view. And maybe there is, however it would be wise to remember that every person has what they think are objective rational reasons for their beliefs.
Even those who can only respond to logical inquiries towards their ideas with the most distasteful verbal venom; they too have their own self-validated "reasons". We also tend to believe that the others who dissagree with us have only emotional reasons for their beliefs...Why else would they disagree? What Hubris!
In other words the atheists rest assured that they are objective and scientific whilst their opponents, the theists and deists, are choosing to rest on emotional crutches and faulty premises at that.
In turn, the theists and deists are confident that they have objective reasons and perhaps scientific data for their beliefs whislt their detractors, the atheists, are clutching to an emotional need for obtuse cosmic independance or a spiritual unwillingness to allow the universal mystical truth to unfold around them and fill them up. Be that truth a Judeo/Christian god or a god that is undefinable yet knowable(the mystics)!
To view reality as if god is real has ITS own particular brand of sensations, feelings, and rationals. To view reality as if god was just a mind dependent construct with no basis in the "real" world has ITS own brand of sensations, feelings and rationals.
I can recall a conversation with some Jehovah's Witnesses (some of the nicest and most well dressed people I have ever met) where we were debating evolution. I can remeber one man, Tim, saying that when he looked around at the biosphere all he could see was the lord's amazing work and creation. I said when I looked around I saw the profound interplay of natural selection, great lengths of time and the dazziling machinery of physics and chemistry.
Imagine for just one second what it must be like for Tim or for me! I'm not suggesting that everything is relative, goodness no! I am no relativist. I am simply asking all of you here who are interested in a thought experiment to imagine that you see the world through your opponent's eyes. I have been on both sides of the fence in the god debate. I know how to look at the world as if god is real and is if the concept is just an interesting philosophical premise. It is rather like snapping back and forth between a gestalt image - you know, the one in all Psychology 101 text books where you can see either the old haggish women or the young resplendent lady, depending on what you choose to focus on.
If you can do this experiment then perhaps you might garner a deeper understanding of your oppents position. At least you will be able to feel some of their "reasons". For me being able to do this helped me refine my points when debating those who disagreed with me. I left behind the attacks on their choices and instead examined their ideas and the facts they claimed supported them. No more ad hominems.
To be sure there we those who couldn't do the same. They called me names or told me that I was beyond talking to because I had already made up my mind. (I thought the fact that I had made up my mind was the reason they jumped into a debate with me in the first place. They told me they were there to witness for the unbelievers and then ten minutes later I was not able to be saved because I was an unbeliever!!!)
The point I am trying to make and that I hope is not lost on any of you is that when debating each other try to avoid name calling and especially try to avoid remarks that compartmentalize people into "types" of thinkers or "levels" of understanding or "hierarchies" of awarness. If you think someone is wrong or that I am wrong please show some courtesy and explain your reasons. If you cannot do this and all you can do is spit your anger and frustration all over a thread then I hope you will be ignored. I know I will ignore you. That's the only way to make someone who thrives on negative attention go away. Some very bad spelling, grammar and a complete lack of introspection make some people's posts quite tedious to try and comprehend, let alone expect a sincere and honest reply from. I pity those people whose attempts at communication are sabotaged by their own unwillingness to grow up.
I have been lurking around this website for a couple of weeks and I have read many of the threads. I have identified certain individuals that are I am to be weary of and those that are to be sought out for a good dialogue/debate. But the one thing that makes me hesistant about putting my ideas forth is that too many people seem to not listen to each other. Questions are raised, answers are posted and yet there is an enormous gap between what was asked and what was answered. How frustrating... I hope this changes.
If the truth matters and you believe in being able to demarcate what is bogus from what is genuine then do not fear where the data and the logical chains of argument may lead you...maybe to god... maybe to just an indifferent universe... maybe to something else.
Anyway, I just wanted to throw this out and introduce myself to all of you! Oh, and happy thanksgiving! I believe in Turkey and Stuffing and I vote!
Thanks, for repeating something that some of us have ranted, begged, yelled, and roared till our throats were hoarse.

I'm sure we all know that.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
I'm just gonna with it

Nice post solar, glad that you've decided to start posting :). So, welcome to sciforums!

Let me apologize in advance for the length of this post. Hopefully, you will read it in its entirety nontheless...

I'd just like to tell you what I think a big problem is here; people seem to be arguing for their opinion, which doesn't do anyone any good. A theist will rarely change an atheists mind and and atheist will rarely change a theists mind. Call it closed-minded if you want, but really it's nothing more than the steadfastness to convictions, and deeply held ones at that.

I think it is this human tendency that undermines the productivity of a debate.

People tend to debate with emotional ties to their position, and those ties are usually unbreakable by argument, and futhermore, do not break their opposer's argument. Clearly, the thing to do is leave personal belief out of it.

How do we debate then? Here's what I try to do: first, I throw every personal belief I have out the window. Your personal beliefs are not convincing enough to win over someone else, nor are they an indicator of truth; so do away with them. Essentially then, you go into the argument as a blank piece of paper, totally open-minded. If you go into the debate with any kind of emotional/personal beliefs in mind, you are naturally going to try and defend those opinions till the death.

I don't think arguing should be to determine who is right, but rather to determine what is right. Afterall, we all share this reality, don't we? We shouldn't we all be willing to be productive?

Rather than arguing in favor of your personal beliefs, why not thow all of your ideas and thoughts onto a table in front of you and allow everyone else to push/prod/mold those ideas with their own. Sort of like everyone adding to the pie, with no expectations, and seeing what will come out of it.

That doesn't mean, however, that one's arguments are immune to critisism. In fact, we should expect critism before we accept praise; critism leads to productivity.

This is a problem with the a/theistic debate. Many people can't throw out their personal beliefs, as the topic is largely an absract one; without personal beliefs, is there that much substance to work with? Even if there is very little else to work with, everyone must still be willing to separate their beliefs from the argument, otherwise we are back to where we started from, and we will be back to arguing against another person rather than another idea. Casting aside one's beliefs in a topic as sticky as this isn't an easy thing to do, but one still must try...

Now, outside of the objective argument rant...

I have a problem with the arrogance that some (certainly not all) theists display. Especially lately. I've noticed a lot of "atheists are bad, immoral people who are going to hell." I think what really chapped my ass was the thread "Satan's Little Helpers," wherein some hypocrite damned atheists. Well, I'll play by your rules for a moment, whoever you were that posted that topic (I have a feeling your identity doesn't matter much at the moment, you will most likely be outta here in a matter of weeks :)):

"Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you." - Matthew 7: 1-2

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned." - Luke 6: 37

"Do not complain, brethren, against one another, so that you yourselves may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing right at the door." - James 5:9

Keep that in mind before you go talking about how evil atheists are. I'll bet a lot of the nicest people you know are atheists! :D

On the same note, a lot of religious people are real dicks. I know some. But again, most, if not all, of my best friends are religous, and are some of the nicest people I've ever met. And accordingly, I must also acknowledge that some atheists are dicks.

All in all, following a religion doesn't make you a better person than someone who doesn't follow a religion. Conversely, not following a religion doesn't make you a better person that a follower. A person's religious belief (or lack thereof) is not an indicator of their love for humanity.

BTW, I have been on both sides of the religious fence, from one extreme to the other. So don't doubt that I haven't felt and understood both sides of the coin.

Hehe, well, that's enough ranting for me. I feel like kind of a hippy writing this, but oh well. Actually, it feels like I'm ripping off that "Suntan Lotion Song" from a few years back...anyone remember? Probably not, despite the fact that it was huge for a while. It just shows that even the strongest feelings at one moment may be worth nothing in the end. I guess I'll leave that last note ringing.
Originally posted by Zero
Thanks, for repeating something that some of us have ranted, begged, yelled, and roared till our throats were hoarse.

I'm sure we all know that.

i must then ask you, who is the real fool here?
why not just say "cos its fun and you enjoy lording it over the tards"?

We're all fools, I guess. The recent corruption of the religon forum...the responsibility lies on us all for letting it happen. Reform must come!

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Ok, I sense a long reply from me, but don't get your hopes up

Ok, first off, solarwnz, nice thread. kinda puts all my thoughts into one big chunk. Good reading too. Hope you'll contribute more to the community.

Ok, now the quotes

Wnz -
In other words the atheists rest assured that they are objective and scientific whilst their opponents, the theists and deists, are choosing to rest on emotional crutches and faulty premises at that.
Pretty much agreed on that one

It is rather like snapping back and forth between a gestalt image - you know, the one in all Psychology 101 text books where you can see either the old haggish women or the young resplendent lady, depending on what you choose to focus on.
I know that one, with the necklace/mouth thingy. All about Perspective. That's what this is all about, peoples perspective. People see that they are right and stand by it. I think it's kinda stupid to believe that something exsist when there is no proof for it, but they have they're own views on things. So I respect their views. I may disregard them, but I respect them.

Thanks, for repeating something that some of us have ranted, begged, yelled, and roared till our throats were hoarse.
Yes, we've all said this before, but it was all in little chunks. Its all been put into one place you see

Keep that in mind before you go talking about how evil atheists are. I'll bet a lot of the nicest people you know are atheists!
True, we are nice people. Theistist shun you when they find out you're an athiest. happened today in my Law class. Ethnosentric bastard.

"Suntan Lotion Song" from a few years back...anyone remember?
Unfortunatly, yes

We're all fools, I guess. The recent corruption of the religon forum...the responsibility lies on us all for letting it happen. Reform must come!
it shall come my brother, it shall come
It shall come? I hope to be alive by then...oh well I'll hope catsupmuscles is a cranky old man and hope he'll fall off the earth :p

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
I find I start with the ad hominem attacks when I'm especially frustrated with whatsupmuscles, which is why I've added him to my ignore list. I'll be less cranky that way. :D

An excellent post. I look forward to seeing more of you in the future.