The fruit fly speaks up

ggazoo said:
Interesting read in an attempt to debunk evoulution:

Nice try. What this article fails to point out is that all the experiments regarding mutation were carried out in labs, therefore no natural selection was involved. Despite the best efforts of the scientists involved, they can not recreate millions of years of mutations and the subsequent disadvantages or benefits relating to the changes in the natural environment.
Whatever the mutation in the lab flies, they were never subjected to the millions of years of changes to the outside world. It merely goes to prove that fruit flies are well equipped to survive just as they are in the present day, something that evolution science would endorse.
They also fail to realize the fact that species are a human invention. It's just a classification system with only a transient statistical correlation to reality.
I just love the way that article started: "The facts are in. Evolution is a fake"

And the way it ended: "God was very careful in Genesis to state that..."

Inbetween (at best), the article shows that evolution is not replicable by current scientific practices. Just because we can't do something in the lab the way nature does it, doesn't mean a certain aspect of nature is 'fake'.
At least they proved fruit fly's must have been here from the begining of time. :rolleyes:

I don't think it does anything to discourage the idea's of macro evolution though.

Of course, I say this, and I for one don't fully believe in macro evolution.