The flag


Knows where his towel is
Registered Senior Member
I am curious: what does your flag mean to you? Is it something to be proud of? Is it merely a collection of colours to show your UN ambassador where he's suppoesed to sit? Tell me.

This pledge thing... what about that? What exactly is it? How often if ever do you have to do it? When is there no escape in doing it?

I saw a Bill Hicks routine on burning the flag. Some guy says hey, my father died for that flag. Flagburner: really? I just bought it at K-Mart. Angry guy: No man, he fought in Korea for it. Flagburner: hey, mine is made in Korea too.

Bill: your father fought in Korea so we can have the right to burn the fucking flag.

OK, your views please, and plenty of them!
my flag means quite a bit to me as well as to my family. its not just something we put up in september. those people really bother me. we've flown a flag as far back as i can remember, i alo have a little one of my own in my room in my window.
I think America's flag is the prettiest flag of any nation. Australia would be first place, but they have the British flag in the corner, and that screws up the colour sceme. :(
Nightfall, why is the flag so important to you?

Xev, besides that it is pretty, what does your flag or a flag mean to you?

Oh, it's a symbol of my country. Other than that, it's a scrap of cloth. It was what finally made me cry on 9/11, seeing the flags at half mast....simple symbolism.
I can understand how that flag could make you cry.

Maybe by now I should start another thread, but what does your country mean to you? Is it a source of pride? Many will oppose Bush, but there is more to a country than it's politicians.

Here in Belgium very few people are proud of their country. They try to divide us into Flemish and Walloons. You can read all about it in the CIA facts book :)

But the fact that we are only the size of Maryland and are already divided in three parts (German speaking people also have their piece of our Maryland) and the fact that these three groups are all represented politicaly (we have about eight governments) makes many people indifferent. Belgium? So what. Flanders? Who cares.

So I am curious what a country, represented by a flag, can mean, that was the underlying question of the thread. I should be more clear.
Originally posted by A4Ever
Maybe by now I should start another thread, but what does your country mean to you? Is it a source of pride?

Have you heard of Patriotism?

Many will oppose Bush, but there is more to a country than it's politicians.

Why does US flag has anything to do with Bush? Why do you bring it up?

My opinion regarding to flag is I don't care what people do to it. They can decide to burn it. That sort of express is freedom of speech. I don't really care. As long as those people are tracked down by FBI, arrested, and then shot, killed, gased, electrocuted, skinned, flogged, hanged, beheaded............... don't matter to me.
I live in the area of land known as Kansas. When i look at the American flag, i see 1) America's idealistic side; 2) America's shadow side; 3) all of the good that America has done; 4) all of the bad that America has done.

I don't get weepy when i see the American flag, because the positive is balanced by the negative. I'm not nationalistic. I see all humans as belonging to the same country -- Earth. When i see a picture of our planet from outer space i get weepy. That to me is our flag.
Have you heard of Patriotism?

Yes, but like I said, we don't have that here. Are you a patriot?

Why does US flag has anything to do with Bush? Why do you bring it up?

Because many people don't like Bush, and he represents the US to some degree just like the flag, it is easy to feel negative towards euh... the flag.

But I wanted a more general sentiment or view, not restricted by current politics.

I don't really care. As long as those people are tracked down by FBI

That was a joke, right? Or are you really uncomfortable with someone damaging a flag representing your country?

I see all humans as belonging to the same country -- Earth. When i see a picture of our planet from outer space i get weepy. That to me is our flag.

Nicely put. I agree with you.

So how about some pledge posts?
The flag doesn't stand for anything. It's just a piece of cloth that we wave to represent our country in a small package. It's just a way to identify us. A way to classify us. The only touchy feeling my flag ever made me feel was Rememberance day. For a moment I felt thankful that so many men were willing to die for my cause. Then I'm reminded that every country in history has had these men, and the flag stops being a representation of that.

Many nationalists (and the majority I've spoken to have been American) say they look at their flag and feel pride because of the men and women who gave their life to protect them. I find that almost laughable. I don't believe in taking pride in an act which every single nation on Earth can rightfully claim.

As for which flag is best looking Xev;
I don't know, but I personally don't think the Yankee flag is it. The American flag to me just looks, American. When I look at a flag like Brazil's or Ukraine's or Jamaica's the feeling I get is a nation saying we're going to do the best we can. When I look at a flag like Britain's or America's or the old Soviet flag the nation seems to just say we're the best there is.
I'm in the UK and the flag means nothing to me. Its a symbol. So what. So's my middle finger salute. It sux. As does the overly hypocritical United States who don't appreciate my country and use it as a pawn.
The United States think they're so great just because they stole a country from their natives and won a few wars. So feckin what.
The United States may have a big army. That doesn't mean they have the best. The British army is better. It is more skilled and more modest. The Aussie army is better too.

Here's a question. You know people say that people fought for the flag and died for their country. How come you yanks virtually spit on Vietnam Veterans. They were A - Fighting for what they believed in (no communism) B - Following orders from their country

It makes me sick. I'm sorry, it does. Thats is my truth.
well in the olden time in the battle field they use the flag to boost the morale (which is stupid if you want to run away), but now the moderm army they don't need it because they just do their job and BANG they become successful i think the motto is better for example the S.A.S they have a logo with a motto "He who dares wins" that the perfect way to show that you will be known of what they did. hmm
Yes, this is true, but I love the colour scheme. I mean, two of my favorite colours (red and blue) as well as stars. Groovy.

Australia's flag is great because it looks basically like the night sky. What a wonderful thing to choose to represent your country!

This is part of what makes Aussies cool.

I don't much like the design of your flag, but the maple leaf is interesting. I think of a cannibis leaf, which seems a good way to represent your country.

Especially when it is as laid back and has as many donut shops as yours.

I should clarify. It wasn't the flag per se, but seeing it at half mast. Somehow this clarified things for me. "Thousands (at the time, we were thinking tens of thousands, perhaps) have already died, and now there will be war, and at least hundreds more will die."

I did not cry for my country. I don't see 9/11 as quite an attack on America (as CNN puts it) but as something that killed thousands of innocent people.

The United States think they're so great just because they stole a country from their natives and won a few wars. So feckin what.

And how many countries did you steal from their natives, sweetie pie? Come to think of it, the Saxons did more or less the same thing.
got you there thor

after the 9/11 the whole world just studdenly changed, the people just now afraid of terriorism but now it nearly finished with part of success/fail but bush just pushing his luck with Iraq
At least we gave them back. Got ya there.

People have always been afraid of terrorism. Its just when the States gets attacked, they go on a power trip

doesn't this just beat all

a Huge Rivialary between england and america