The first religion

The very word "religion" mean a's something you have instead of walking in perfect harmony with God.....
Heres what history tells us.

Once the whole world was at peace, and believed in one God Jove, or Jehova.
Then one of Noahs sons displayed the Cain gene, and laughed at him when he was naked in his tent drunk, and telling His brothers, instead of doing what was proper.God then placed a curse on Ham's son Cainan....
From Ham's linage we have Cush, Cainan, and Put....which became the nations of Africa, Arabia, and Sumer-Babylon.
Wild mad-men and murderous lunitics, without restraint.
Nimrod of Babylon split the world into diferent religions and Gods from the one God and set them at war teaching warfare to men with the first army of men trained with hunting skills.

Religion became a reason for killing, and the fiercest warriors thought they were killing in the name of their god - this was started in Babylon.(which by the way is now Iraq)
No wonder the bible equates the world church as babylon the great in the book of Revelations.... the whore riding the beast (who is the governments of the world) to war.
Jesus never agreed with any organized religions of man, and only had a scathing rebuke when he talked of their leaders...."You block the way for others and you won't go in yourselves"......"The blind leading the blind".
"you are of your father the devil"....He said of them.
Cain was religious, and so are his children...he made an offering, but it was without any revelation from God. He had no foresight of the coming saviour of the world (the lamb sacrifice), like Abel....and then murdered his brother, just like his children do today.He offered to God without any revelation, pretty flowers and things pretty to the eye instead...just like the churches do today with their big pretty buildings and flowery sermons, kissing the babies and burring the dead, while teaching their false creeds and lies for truth. THATS WRONG....
Jesus said of John the baptist -who was NOT a baptist but a prophet living in the woods with a camel skin for clothes eating locusts and honey for food....
What went you out to see..? a man in flowery robes who lives in kings houses.....NO
See it never was that way...those that do...they are of their father the devil., like Cain and his offspring without any revealation from God at all, but sitting in the temple pretending before all to represent God....
Just what Satan said he would do if you read the scriptures about Lucifer."
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I was thinking more along the lines of, before christianity we had various forms of paganism, including the egyptian religion/s. Which the bible does seem to include some ideas from.
Lil Light Foot said:
What was the first religion, when and how did it form?

M*W: All religions are man-made. The most ancient religion was goddess worship some 35,000 years ago:

Goddess worship was matrilineal. It honored the feminine. Then along came the patriarchy who created stories based on the constellations, stars, planets, moons and elements, and told those stories from a masculine standpoint. The followers of patriarchal monotheism eventually destroyed peaceful goddess worship in favor of worshipping a malevolent god. Having now some 5,000 years under its belt, the patriarchy has proven time and again to be a destructive force destroying our Earth, our fellow humans, and ourselves. Fortunately, goddess worship is reemerging to hopefully save us from self-destruction. This culture left figurines of voluptuous feminine icons in various locations throughout the world.

A comprehensive site that explains ancient astrotheology is:

The monotheistic patriarchy based it's belief on the sun-god myth. All monotheistic religions evolved from solar worship. They left us with ancient writings from the area of Mesopotamia and gave us that ancient astrological work called the bible.
I doubt there were one set of myths that lasted 35,000 years. I think it's impossible to know what the first religions were, but I suspect it resembled something like shamanism. There were probably people from a tribe that were a little different, maybe schizophrenic, maybe they ate psychoactive plants, who were able to adjudicate disputes, predict patterns of game animals, seasons, ect...
IF any of you lived outside... and sleep outside in the cold.. without any clothes..

then everyday that the sun came up you would praise and give thanks...

because you are freezing... and everyday it shows up to warm you, and save you from certain death...

you might praise the sun itself... but eventually having evolved alittle intelegence..

you might praise whatever intangeble thing put the sun there.

either way... the first thing people would do each day...

is give thanks that the cold is gone.. and the warm is back.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: All religions are man-made. The most ancient religion was goddess worship some 35,000 years ago:

There wasn't even humans here 35,000 years ago.
Maybe some large devil possessed ape-like humaniods.....( they might have fallen for that "Goddess stuff")
On that note maybe scientists are kind of right, they are decended from some sort of ape.....but they didn't evolve from one....
They are a hybrid mixture.
Lil Light Foot said:
I was thinking more along the lines of, before christianity we had various forms of paganism, including the egyptian religion/s. Which the bible does seem to include some ideas from.

This is a history of other religions....right after the flood........

"Once the whole world was at peace, and believed in one God Jove, or Jehova.
Then one of Noahs sons displayed the Cain gene, and laughed at him when he was naked in his tent drunk, and telling His brothers, instead of doing what was proper.God then placed a curse on Ham's son Cainan....
From Ham's linage we have Cush, Cainan, and Put....which became the nations of Africa, Arabia, and Sumer-Babylon.
Wild mad-men and murderous lunitics, without restraint.
Nimrod of Babylon split the world into diferent religions and Gods from the one God and set them at war teaching warfare to men with the first army of men trained with hunting skills.

Religion became a reason for killing, and the fiercest warriors thought they were killing in the name of their god - this was started in Babylon.(which by the way is now Iraq)"

Nimrod who is also caled "Bel", Chaos", and "Mercury", by different cultures, split man up into different warring beliefs, ...."divided we fall"

The stories carried over of the coming saviour remained similar but took on different names in each culture, India, Egypt, China, ect....all have a similar story of a child born as saviour of a virgin who is also the father....
Check it out.
TheVisitor said:
The stories carried over of the coming saviour remained similar but took on different names in each culture, India, Egypt, China, ect....all have a similar story of a child born as saviour of a virgin who is also the father....
Check it out.

egypt does not have that story.
Lil Light Foot said:
What was the first religion, when and how did it form?
the religion of the Earth
it formed through natrual association. observation of Nature with respect......Earth was seen as a Mother, and rthere was the sense of there also being a Cosmic Mother. tus earth and universe weren't divided, as patriarchal upstarts decided it, and dogmatized it to be
also psychedelic plants. and fungi etc 'Gifts of Mother Earth', would have inspired this deep deep bond with Earth and physical body and spirit