the first mcdonalds took 183,000 men 7 years to build


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Registered Senior Member
Solomon's Temple was a magnificent structure?.

Solomon employed 30,000 people to build the temple in 3 shifts of 10,000 at a time. There was a staggering 80,000 people quarrying stone to build the temple. Another 70,000 people were employed just to transport the stone from the quarry to the building site. Solomon employed another 3,300 supervisors to oversee the work. That's a total of 183,300 people working for 7 years.. yes 7 years to build the magnificent temple of Solomon.

The temple was about 9 meters wide (10 yards).... Just a minute... that's smaller than my house. It was 27 meters long (30 yards) ... Err... That's a little bigger than my house, but smaller if I include the garage.

The rooms in the ground floor of the surrounding annex building were 2.2 meters wide, that's barely enough room to lie down. You could fit a king sized bed in there but there would be no room to get out of the side of the bed.

The front porch was only about 4.5 meters long, so it would just about keep my BMW in the shade.

So, it took 183,000 men 7 years to build a temple less than half the size of your average McDonalds. Exactly what were 80,000 people doing in the quarry for 7 years? Perhaps they had really bad union problems. Perhaps Solomon, his project managers and the supervisors (all 3,300 of them) were just utterly incompetent. Perhaps it's not true. Perhaps the Bible writers just made it up without paying any attention to the practical reality of what they were writing?
Perhaps they omitted some zeroes in the measurement or added some to the employees to make it sound grand. Perhaps their measure of lenght differed and was translated false.
The account of Solomon's temple is in the first book of Kings, particularly chapters five and six.

I'm disinclined to place any great trust in the numbers of labourers mentioned in Chapter 5.
as pete has said, james and this, The Hebrews, Egyptians, Babylonians and the residents of Mesopotamia used a measurement called a cubit. One royal Hebrew cubit is about equal to 20.76 inches which is about 52.7 cm. Scholars of the cubit measurements of Solomon's Temple found in the Bible know for the past few thousand years no one has been able to get all the cubits of the Bible to fit correctly. This means a correct model of Solomon's Temple has never existed even though all of the clues are recorded in the Bible.
Many temple scholars think Solomon's Temple was only 30 cubits high. The 30 cubits or 52' height
It's just that I seem to recall some debate over the actual scaling of the units used in the bible. Which means everything in the first post is at least debateable.
well there is not much in the bible that cant be debated, after all it is a strange concoction of facts and fiction. and yes I agree james, the scaling is debatable. this was just a fun way of showing it.
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