The Final War


The Journey is the Reward
Registered Senior Member
Isaiah 30 or close thereof has a verse that says:
In that day the light of the moon (the church) shall be as that of the Sun (Christ) and that the light of seven days (reflecting the fullness of God, not just in part as it was through the church ages)
And this was to come about in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. (Sept 11)
This is that day that was spoken of nearly three thousand years ago.
Isaiah 30
25 There will be on every high mountain
And on every high hill
Rivers and streams of waters,
In the day of the great slaughter,
When the towers fall.
26 Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun,
And the light of the sun will be sevenfold,
As the light of seven days,
In the day that the LORD binds up the bruise of His people
And heals the stroke of their wound.

There is no solid indication that the towers being talked about are the world trade towers that fell in NY. As for the increaced light.

Revelation 16
8 Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
TheVisitor said:
Isaiah 30 or close thereof has a verse that says: In that day the light of the moon (the church) shall be as that of the Sun (Christ) and that the light of seven days (reflecting the fullness of God, not just in part as it was through the church ages)
And this was to come about in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. (Sept 11) This is that day that was spoken of nearly three thousand years ago.

M*W: The references to the sun and moon are purely astrological. The bible is nothing more than an ancient astrology book (the study 'logos' (word) of the stars. With that being said for the trillionth time, you need to get a life.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: The references to the sun and moon are purely astrological. The bible is nothing more than an ancient astrology book (the study 'logos' (word) of the stars. With that being said for the trillionth time, you need to get a life.

Sun could be someone's child.
In that day the light of the moon (the church)

Kindly show how 'light of the moon' refers to the {?} church.

shall be as that of the Sun (Christ)

Kindly show how 'the sun' refers to jesus.

and that the light of seven days (reflecting the fullness of God, not just in part as it was through the church ages)

Kindly show how "the light of seven days" refers to the fullness of some god.

And this was to come about in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. (Sept 11)

Kindly show me how any of this relates to sept 11. Are you under the impression that the two buildings that fell on that day are the only two 'towers' to have ever existed or have fallen?

Summary: You've made an interesting statement, now all you need to do is give it some substance.
Qorl said:
Sun could be someone's child.

M*W: It could, and it did. The Sun was thought to be god, and later became the sun of god. All mythological.
(Questions by snakelord)
-Kindly show how 'the sun' refers to jesus.
-Kindly show how "the light of seven days" refers to the fullness of some god.
-“ And this was to come about in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. (Sept 11) ” ,Kindly show me how any of this relates to sept 11. Are you under the impression that the two buildings that fell on that day are the only two 'towers' to have ever existed or have fallen?


God is reflected in nature.
Everything in the material world has a type or shadow in the spiritual world, this is how prophets and apostles have taught the truths about God for thousands of years.
The sun, which is the object from which everything on earth draws life (plants grow from, animals eat plants ect...) is a type of God, the church today is refered to in the bible as the bride of christ, or the many-membered body of christ, is to be on this earth a reflection of christ - living out through them, remember one of His titles is the Lord of hosts,
the moon has no light to give of it's own, but merely reflects the light of the sun. Hence the church representing the moon.

The world is now sitting in a position, which has not existed before now, there have been seven church ages with messingers sent to man since the time of Christ (Luther, Westley, ect..) to restore the fullness of the word,
according to scripture God is the Word (1 John 1:1-14), these things haven't existed untill this day.
The Son of Man revealed from heaven with His mighty angels.
The "Son of Man" is Christ, Christ according to 1 John 1:1 is the Word of God.
Angel according to websters is a messinger, also there is a reference to Christ's coming at the fullness of times and "Jesus Christ whom the heavens should retain until the restitution of all things". Those "things" being His Word.
(This is the explanation of the "The sun the light of seven days").
Hence the towers refered to in Isaiah 30 being the towers in this day.
Elsewhere in the scripture a "great slaughter" is refered to as a slaughter of several thousand or more. between 3 and 4 thousand died on sept 11.

This muslum- christian conflict was taken to a new level when they attacted the U.S. homeland, and now if you'll watch the news, look at Russia coming in on the other side of the conflict with interests in Iran, and the recent construction of the Russian black sea pipeline, warning the U.S. to not threaten Iran militarily, Russia still has the button for the nukes remaining from the former soviet union, which was given to the C.I.S. until 1993 when it fell apart, then they went back to Russia, which, is still a superpower in nuclear terms.
They match the U.S. nuke for nuke and theirs are even more powerfull because the increased mega-tonage was needed to destroy our larger cities.
Isaiah 24:6 says,
"Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men left.
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actually, most of the nukes that the soviets had were stationed in ukraine, which is seperate from russia, and actually a bit antagonistic toward russia.
If you follow the history of the commonwealth of independant states, the C.I.S., they received the button for the nukes of the former soviet inventory and then nearly collapsed from internal strife about 1993.
They still exist as a cooperation of states, but according to some sources control of the majority of the nukes then went to Russia.
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Why not just say that the earth is 3.5 billion years old.
Look at the jewish calendar:

We are in the year: 5766

And in china we are in the year: 2637 BCE


Inka: year 12 Pax 7 Ix
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Honnestly, christian calendar sucks. We had to change 1 hour every november & April 1st and the month days are mess up.

The Egyptian is supposedly the most accurate, stating our dates are 17 years off.
1983 was actually 2000, and this is really the year 2023 A.D.
The day of the Lord which is 1000 years or the 7th day started 23 years ago.
So as I've been stating all along, it's later than you think.
The Final War...

There was a book written by the former secretary general of the armed forces for the U.S. in 1987, and in it he stated that the next major world threat after the communist regime of the Soviet Union was the Muslum religion which will stop nothing short of world domination unless they are stopped.
Russia not communism is the real threat to the U.S., she has ties to the arab nations, and we have ties with Israel - opposites sides of an age old conflict.

The War on terror is a religious war, Judeao- Christian vs. Muslim.
God is not above using heathens to complete His objectives.
He used Babylonians to carry off Israel when they left Him and taught traditions for the Word.
"A nation the forgets God, that nation shall God destroy."
Israel fell under that once, now it's the U.S.A.'s turn.....why?
Because Israel being blinded by God for the salvation of the gentiles, for 2000 years gave the torch of the gosphel to the "gentiles" to carry.
America was once cosidered by the world to be a "Christian" nation.

Isaiah 24:5-6 says because the inhababitants of the earth have left God's statutes and changed His ordinences, the curse hath devoured the earth.
The inhabitants of the earth are thererfore burned and few men left.

Because the churches in this day are like 7 women grabing hold of one man, "Let us eat our own bread" (teach our own doctrine), and wear our own appearal (the appearal of the saints was to be the unadulterated white clean linen of the true word of God, the rightousness of the saints), not demoninational dogma, creeds, and compromise on the Word.
Still they want to be called by His name..."Christian"
For this reason read Isaiah 24:5-6 again.
God sent a prophet to line the church back up as promised in Malichi 4: 5-6, what did they do....? Threw him out.
The Son of Man -(Christ, who is the Word) was revealed from heaven as promised, He just didn't come the way they had it all figured out He would, just like the first time....
He who accepts whom I've sent accepts me...God said.

Russia is making billions on the black sea oil pipeline, and building a Sino- Russian pipeline to sell to China.
American investors are sueing the Russian federation for taking oil company assets in the process.
We are over in Iraq and talking of Iran next, Russia just warned the U.S. to stay out...

A vision given this prophet in 1933, showed the U.S. destroyed, nothing but craters remaining.
Russia, will attack the U.S. with nuclear weapons, when they go down for the oil.
Before his death in 1965 he gave the warning about Russia, she sets there now for the first's all lined up according to the vision.
Of the tens of thousands of visions God gave this man before his death in a car crash in 1965, not one ever failed to come to pass.
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TheVisitor said:
Before his death in 1965 he gave the warning about Russia, she sets there now for the first's all lined up according to the vision.
Of the tens of thousands of visions God gave this man before his death in a car crash in 1965, not one ever failed to come to pass.

Who are you talking about? Care to let us in on the secret?
TheVisitor said:
Isaiah 30 or close thereof has a verse that says:
In that day the light of the moon (the church) shall be as that of the Sun (Christ) and that the light of seven days (reflecting the fullness of God, not just in part as it was through the church ages)
And this was to come about in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. (Sept 11)
This is that day that was spoken of nearly three thousand years ago.

What great slaughter? The one the USA and its cohorts are presently creating in the Middle East? The only slaughter I see are of Muslims.

Ever notice how the weakest is always made victorious?
Who are you talking about? Care to let us in on the secret?

Yes, (William Branham) but I suggest you do more than a causual web search, because as with anything truly of God the elements of this world will slander, persecute and attempt to aradicate all trace of it.
What I'm saying is if you look on the internet, a lot of what you find will be negative, thats to be expected, but even that which seams positive, may be slanted and not the truth.
Try a site that offers actual recordings of Branhams sermons -recorded from 1947 - 1965, and listen to them yourself.
The person I'm referring to was a prophet sent to the gentiles, as promised before Christ's return as the Son of Man (mal.4:5-6, Rev 10:7,) to be revealed FROM heaven.
Jesus was revealed from heaven with His mighty angels as promised, and as a theif in the night, He came and is here now collecting His own.....and the false church world is missing it.
They rejected the Word of God, because they were blinded by their own creeds and doctrines.
For this, I'm much as I am grateful to have been born here, America will meet her doom.
But also eventually,will this entire world system as it is now.
He said Russia has a bomb with our name on it.
God also judges America with nature....Branham said California, 1500 miles of coast, 40 miles inland will break off and sink.
The tsunami, or waves will shoot clear into Kentucky.
It is already in the scriptures what happens to the world ...Isaiah 24:5-6
This is in the day the towers fall, and the people of God are lightened with His glory as the sun, and He comes to bind up the breach of His people, and heal the stroke of their wounds....Isaiah 30
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M*W: Your continued preaching is against the forum rules. This needs to be addressed by the moderators.
Not preaching, just stating some facts.......

Your "Jesus -- Mythstory Not History" logo is in itself a form of preaching.

You've no facts to back that up....just a couple of links from "infidels and"
I've read them all before, they haven't got a leg to stand on....
Actual thier ancestors lost all their limbs and were turned into a snake.....
(lighten up, nobody said you can't have a sense of humor)
theres having a sense of humour and being sick of being preached to, there are no fact in the bible so how can you be stating facts.? so my athiesm is non profit making would also be a form of preaching, dont talk wet man wow. get a f**king life.