"the final theory"


Registered Senior Member

I have no idea how I got to this website. I think it might have been an ad from here at sciforums or something, but it is really messed up.

Has anyone else heard about this? I have a long ways to go in understanding physics but even I can see this is bs all the way through. Its pretty funny though. Any comments about it from anyone?
The web is full of crap like this.
It's only a problem when the authors come to push their wares on science forums.
cephas1012 said:

I have no idea how I got to this website. I think it might have been an ad from here at sciforums or something, but it is really messed up.

Has anyone else heard about this? I have a long ways to go in understanding physics but even I can see this is bs all the way through. Its pretty funny though. Any comments about it from anyone?

I predict you aint gonna get a lot of action on this forum. Interesting stuff, but personally I intuit you have a long way to go. The old saw: "Tell it in words your grandmother can understand." well, my grandmother wouldn't read your book. ;)
>>>> I have a long ways to go in understanding physics but even I can see this is bs all the way through.

you have made the important first step....you can see bullshit.

Well of course I knew that site was crap, I only brought it up because I found it highly amusing. I don't even understand how crap like that gets published.
geistkiesel said:
I predict you aint gonna get a lot of action on this forum. Interesting stuff, but personally I intuit you have a long way to go. The old saw: "Tell it in words your grandmother can understand." well, my grandmother wouldn't read your book. ;)

Um, its not my book. I am saying the book is bs. Did you even read what I said?
"Despite the ongoing energy expended by Earth’s gravity to
hold objects down and the moon in orbit, this energy never
diminishes in strength or drains a power source – in violation
of one of our most fundamental laws of physics: the Law of
Conservation of Energy."

The writer really has a strong grasp of physics....or not?

freefall anyone?
Quick note:
1.) Newton's theory of gravity has no source so hence it is to be defined as pseudoscience because it as stated in www.thefinaltheory.com has no known source because of the law of energy conservation. He is absolutly corect.
2.) There is no true definition of what electricity is in all of science. Ther again he is right.
3.)Only people who read and know this principle he proposes should comment on its vallidity. He purposely does not show you this principl in the free chapter. He didn't even tell you his purposal.
4.) Physics and most other sciences were founded to create an easy discription that makes sense, that all man-not just supersmart scientists (like ourselves)- can understand.
5.) Considering 1,2,4 which he grasped perfectly there's no need to asume that the book's author was wrong in his proposition which as stated in #3 the concept of which you don't know.

The point is give him a chance. When Einstein proposed his theories people said that it was a pile of poopie. And no I will nto say the curse because it would be unproper on a purely scientific forum.
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It is bs from all I can tell. When he states that no work is done by a worker on a large mass he forgets that the persons muscles must expand and contract continuously to apply the continuous force on the mass. So while neither the worker nor mass as a whole move the cells within the worker have done all the work.
Gbz Unaq said:
1.) Newton's theory of gravity has no source so hence it is to be defined as pseudoscience because it as stated in www.thefinaltheory.com has no known source because of the law of energy conservation. He is absolutly corect.

Wrong. The (crude) experiments at that time suggested 1/r<sup>2</sup> behaviour for gravititational force, and a proportionality with both the masses. It was then a matter of adding a constant which balanced force and the m<sub>1</sub>m<sub>2</sub>/r<sup>2</sup> term.

There is no a priori reason within Newtonian theory to take this particular formula, so in that sense "there is no known source". The absence of a source being due to the law of energy conservation seems like utter nonsense.

Calling Newton's law of gravity pseudoscience is hilarious. It is the longest standing scientific law that we have, and it works amazingly well. Do you have the slightest clue on HOW well ???

Gbz Unaq said:
2.) There is no true definition of what electricity is in all of science. Ther again he is right.

Riiiiight... How about "electricity is the collection of electric effects, i.e. those due to interactions between electrically charged objects" ? Everything in this sentence is very accurately defined.

Ofcourse, not in first year physics handbooks ... (no ... i am wrong, it is even remarkably well in first year physics handbooks). This suggests that the "final theory" (what an ego) author does not have a good overview of existing literature and science.

Gbz Unaq said:
3.)Only people who read and know this principle he proposes should comment on its vallidity. He purposely does not show you this principl in the free chapter. He didn't even tell you his purposal.

Did you know that I also have the great theory that unifies all forces ? Quantum gravity *does* exist, I have it here laying next to me, all worked out in detail!

But I won't publish it, I want you to pay $100.000 first.

Gbz Unaq said:
4.) Physics and most other sciences were founded to create an easy discription that makes sense, that all man-not just supersmart scientists (like ourselves)- can understand.

The classical "we don't understand so it must be wrong" argument. Been there, done that.

What don't you understand ? Tried asking on this forum ? There are a dozen qualified people here (yes, with degrees and phd's and ... ) that are more than willing to help you understand physics. You just have to ask, and accept that for the "complete picture" you need to study it yourself. We can only give you a hint at what it means.

Gbz Unaq said:
5.) Considering 1,2,4 which he grasped perfectly there's no need to asume that the book's author was wrong in his proposition which as stated in #3 the concept of which you don't know.

Considering of what I heard already, the book's author must be a an individual with a huge ego-problem; who calls his pet theory the "final" theory and claims that "it is the theory scientists don't want you to read" ? Let me correct that, from what I heard already, my personal, scientific opinion is that the author is a ***[censored to protect the young and faint of heart]***. ;)

Gbz Unaq said:
The point is give him a chance. When Einstein proposed his theories people said that it was a pile of poopie. And no I will nto say the curse because it would be unproper on a purely scientific forum.

... they didn't. It was looked at rather sceptically, but there is a difference between saying that a theory is a "pile of poopie", like the final theory dot com, or that it seems rather incredible, but mathematically sound and proposed by someone who knows what electricity means.

The only genius thing the author of "final theory dot com" did, was asking $59,99 for a crap theory. I'm pretty sure that he indeed is convinced that those scientists are dumb-asses by just giving away their work for free... to the public! (nobody cares, but that is not our fault!)


Oh crap... I infected my eyes by reading the first 20 lines of final-dollarsign-theory-dot-com. And it hurts!

Final theory dot com said:
There is an unspoken collective agreement in our educational institutions to teach clearly flawed explanations since they really have no alternative. In actuality, today’s scientists know nothing about
the true nature of gravity. Take a good look at these two examples of fatally flawed explanations in plain view, which are commonly taught as correct in physics classes around the world today

This should make one sceptical to say the least. Of course, all those science students where the only ones without common sense and they just accept what their professors say, without questioning.

Final theory dot com said:
1) Gravitational Perpetual Motion:

As we all know, perpetual motion machines are impossible, and claims of such devices are a clear sign of bad science. No device (or natural phenomenon) can operate endlessly without draining a power source, and certainly no device can operate without a power source at all. Yet, our science states
that an object dropped into a tunnel cut through the Earth would oscillate back and forth endlessly from one end of the planet to the other. This is the result predicted by both Newton's and Einstein's theories of gravity, yet this belief clearly violates our most elementary laws of physics as well as common sense.

... in the ideal scenario without friction! (that was obvious, no ???)

Ohwell, you cannot blame one for being ignorant. You can only laugh with someone who is ignorant, writes a book which should in fact be titled "I am ignorant" and then asks money for it, bragging globally about how ignorant he is.

(evil hellish laughter fades away at the background)
There is no a priori reason within Newtonian theory to take this particular formula, so in that sense "there is no known source". The absence of a source being due to the law of energy conservation seems like utter nonsense
." Actually what I meant to say was that It has no known source and there for breaks the law of energy conservation.

Calling Newton's law of gravity pseudoscience is hilarious. It is the longest standing scientific law that we have, and it works amazingly well
Actually the correct theory as stated in intulectual circles is Einstien not Newtons theory of gravity.

Riiiiight... How about "electricity is the collection of electric effects, i.e. those due to interactions between electrically charged objects" ? Everything in this sentence is very accurately defined.
Then what
are ellectric effects and why are objects electricly charged?

Considering of what I heard already, the book's author must be a an individual with a huge ego-problem; who calls his pet theory the "final" theory and claims that "it is the theory scientists don't want you to read" ? Let me correct that, from what I heard already, my personal, scientific opinion is that the author is a ***[censored to protect the young and faint of heart]***.
In the above list I stated that he might be right due to the above listed I disagree completely.
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Gbz Unaq said:
Then what
are ellectric effects and why are objects electricly charged?

Read about local gauge invariance, then you will understand why there exist such a thing as an electromagnetic field.
The fact that you never heard of this is the reason why you think that:

Gbz Unaq said:
There is no true definition of what electricity is in all of science. Ther again he is right.
You should have change this sentence into:
"There is no true definition of what electricity is in all of science That I know. So I think that Ther again he is right, However since there is one so he is obviously wrong"
Okay, suppose that a source of energy is required to keep the moon in orbit. Where does that energy go? The moon isn't getting any faster, or any hotter.

The 1st law of thermo, which our friend at thefinaltheory loves to quote, says that the moon can't possibly be consuming any energy in its orbit.
Oh man, that's good crap. I wonder if I can smoke what the authours did... :D
