The fight for the soul of Suri Cruise


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Now that the dust and the divorce quickly settled, we got to the bottom line. Kate doesn't get much, but the custody of the 6-year-old. Tom has visitation rights and he has the legal right to teach Scientology to his daughter.

Kate has just rejoined the Catholic Church. Honestly, just how much better to be Catholic than to be a Scientologist???
Scientology is the only "religion" that requires payment for every single "course" that followers take. It was designed as a money-making exercise from the start, and has only become moreso as it has gone on.

Scientologists typically spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on their "auditing", and many eventually resort to undertaking "volunteer" work for the church when they run low on money. The "church" often works its employees into the ground, requiring unreasonably long hours at minimal rates of pay.

The Catholic Church, despite various faults, does not try to separate families and does not mess with people's minds to the same extent as Scientology.
Well, don't orthodox Catholics also tithe?
I know Roman Catholic mass generally has a "collection plate" that's handed round the congregation. In the UK this is usually to help the priest with their living expenses and charitable causes rather than to fill the coffers of the Bishops or higher echelons.
The collection in the church I used to attend would rarely exceed £150 per mass, with attendance of around 50 (including children).

And it is entirely voluntary - there are no stipulated financial costs for being associated with the religion, although many may also do charitable work / give money to charity (even if a result of their faith making them feel guilty if they don't).

There may be "costs" associated with certain ceremonies - such as weddings, funerals and so forth - but these are up to the individual priests and are still seen as voluntary "donations" rather than a fee.

Not sure about the Orthodox Catholics.