
Registered Senior Member
No wonder our space program experiances so many set backs and takes so long. It's simply that the aliens don't want us to become advanced enough to began expanding and spreading through the galaxy. Lets face it we aren't the friendliest species and they might very well be down right scarred of us. Im sure they saw everything during the two world wars (hence the Foo fighters). Its possible they either hide important technological break throughs or bribe high ranking key government personell to keep them under wraps.

For instance you know that new mars probe And the technicians blamed it on bad math? How could a team of many brilliant scientist how it was destroyed upon approach to mars. all be so dumb? i think it was shot down.
So how did you as an Englishman get to work at Area-51?

"Number one biologist in the Eastern world"

doubt it..

[This message has been edited by H-kon (edited October 13, 1999).]
hi, i'm new bezzle, u seem pretty cool (hence the symbol).
interesting theory you have here but i must disagree, the conspiracy theory stuff doesn't appeal to me unless it's in the x-files. however the x-files does have it's fundamental flaws...
1. The director of the FBI wouldn't be bald, i'm sorry to all bald people out there but 95% of previous directors have had a full head of hair.
2. What kind of name is Scully?
3. What kind of name is "fox"? (although my sister says that he is...'foxy', huh huh)
4. Scully is too purty
5. Mulder's a geek compared to the cool three rebels (they're my heroes)
6. Well, that's about it...

I know that you probably think that i'm just a sad x-files nerd, but i have some cool theories too...
please reply

i just want friends
i'm with bezzle on this one, cause the probe couldve just dissapeared, but mabe it did'nt.

ralph-Sorry, Scully's not pretty. I don't know how Gillian Anderson is now--she used to be a tough-talking partygirl.