The Fat Police Are Here


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Some Pennsylvania and Florida parents are getting letters sent home from school these days, but not because their youngsters are acting up or flunking out. The problem is their children are too fat. The letters are worded with more sensitivity than that, but the idea is to encourage parents to change their children's eating habits and help them get exercise. (full text here)
How long before Dolly Madison (or whoever makes Twinkies, Zingers and Dingers) are forced into paying states outrageous sums to compensate for all the health care costs of obesity? Mark my words. They've known all along that Twinkies were addictive, and they played with the sugar content of the filling to make them even more so!

This is just another attempt to persecute an already oppressed minority. Fat children of the world, unite! Together we can roll over them! mmmmmmmm… rolls

You think it's funny? I think it's sad these children are so fat. Their parents better take care of them then to let them eat the garbage full of fat which is cooked for them every day. Not to speak about the in betweens children get from mummy, because it's such an easy solution when children come home from school hungry.

Ridiculous! One should think parents teach their children well now-a-days with all the diseases and pollution and the whole fucked up society. Jesus, what a crap! Sorry, I get angry about this...:confused:

*The letters are worded with more sensitivity than that, but the idea is to encourage parents to change their children's eating habits and help them get exercise.*

Good! Let's hope it'll do some good for the children. And why are the letters worded with more sensitivity? The parents are guilty to this, so let them feel it. No sensitive words, a good beat up, that's what they need!
The solution is to start serving red wine at McDonald's instead of suger-laden Coke.
Originally posted by Banshee
Their parents better take care of them... The parents are guilty...
This brings up the old nature/nurture issue. We've all seen 12 year olds of stocky build who are already way overweight. I'm not sure that I am convinced that they are all eating/behaving differently than other children who are not fat. Have there been any studies to show that if that child had been held on a rigid just-sufficient-calories, low bad-fat diet that he would go through PERMANENT body changes? Sure, he would be thinner, obviously, at 12. But would he have to maintain himself on this diet for the rest of his life to keep from sliding into obesity? If so, it becomes a quality of life issue. Maybe it's better to have a shorter, enjoyable, life than a longer one lived like an ascetic.


Great idear. Lets get everyone drunk. Except for the drink driving and everything else but thats cool
Sounds like a perfect incentive to boost public transportation services, doing invaluable benefit to the environment. You see, liquor up the kids and everything else falls into place.

When I was in sixth and seventh grade

I knew a girl named Kendra who, at 11, was already anorexic. Are the schools sending letters to tell the parents that the children seem to be "too thin"? Heck, in that case, why not report the parents to the authority for not feeding the kid enough?

And, really, Porfiry, what kind of beef do we want to pretend is in McDonald's hamburgers? What kind of red wine would we like to pretend they would serve us? Synthehol? ;)

Tiassa :cool:
Hey, as someone who thoroughly enjoyed the ethanol vapours during chemistry class (and during a whole summer working in a research lab when I had an open beaker of the pure stuff sitting 2 feet from my face), I'll be happy with whatever I'm given.

Just as long as the world seems marginally less offensive after I drink it. :)
Eh, a dangerous lot of kids are fat these days. Although being overweight isn't neccessarily caused by bad eating habits, it can be curbed by good eating habits and excercise. When I was about 3, I just burst. A genetic thing, from what I'm told, because my parents always fed me properly. I went from being a tiny guy to a huge fatty, and I stayed that way, progressively getting worse, until tenth grade. Then, after too many "fat" jokes, I decided I'd had enough. I cut back to 3 meals per day since, I only eat when I'm hungry, and I work out 4 days weekly (both weight lifting and cardio).

In about 6 months, I dropped from almost 250 pounds to 200 pounds. Today, I continue to keep in shape, ensuring that I keep active and continue my weightlifting. I feel better than ever, and need to buy a smaller belt. And an all new wardrobe, as it seems. ;)

Anyway, aside from the little "incredible story of desire and self-motivation that changed his life forever" tale, I know for a fact that looking good makes you feel good, and feeling good makes you respect yourself, and others, and that your self-confidence shoots through the roof. And we all know that confidence is the order of the day, don't we? :D

Parents need to teach their kids to eat right at a young age, so they develop the habits they need when they're old enough to make their own decisions. Whether you're fat by nature or not, you can certainly be fit by just putting a little effort into it.
I was quite fat when I was younger (till 13-14), but then I took up sports. I didn't eat less, I just burned the calories I ate:D Then I took up Taekwon-Do and can say tht it changed all my physical structure. Now I'm thin and swift:D (tht's good at tournaments;)) Now I do not want to eat. Sure I eat, but look at eating more like a source of energy and eat only tht much as much energy I plan to use that day. Oh and of course I haven't ever really ate tht McDonald shit. Tht is not food, it's chemical dump made look like food.

Coventional wisdom is you get fat for eating too much and not enough exercise. There may be a third reason too. So, IMHO - here they are:

1. Due to break up of old family activities, ie father gets the money, mother cooks - we are now in a point where no body cooks, everybody eats out at Taco Bell, Pizza hut, KFC or BK or frozen TV dinners or whatever. That is unbalanced eating....

2. Most kids spend time now playing video games or mall browsing. Not much physical activity when all transportation is mechanical. We dont use our legs very much for what it was designed.

3. All food is pumped with extra hormones, antibiotics, pesticides. Long term effect may be what is happening to our bodies - especially to young ones.

But fear not, soon we will have muscle building drugs without exercise....
Originally posted by kmguru
But fear not, soon we will have muscle building drugs without exercise....
Actually I very fear of tht.:mad: Then all who are going to exercise is me and some other ancient relicts:grin: And if tht continues tht way , we'll soon find ourelves looking like grays;):mad:

how will mussle building drugs help your heart\lung fittness. That will only incress the incedance of heart atackes
Originally posted by Asguard
how will mussle building drugs help your heart\lung fittness. That will only incress the incedance of heart atackes
Why is that a natural assumption? If kmguru can envision muscle-building drugs, why not drugs that could enhance cardio-respiratory fitness as well?

I asumed that because I could see a drug that would make your mussles grow but not really one that could improve fittness and i think most people would take the former anyway. Most people want the perfect figure (that includes guys) but don't really care that much about there real fitness (thats my opinion anyway)
Exercise Pill Is Possible
Associated Press
6:42 a.m. April 11, 2002 PDT
WASHINGTON -- Pop a pill, get in shape.

That ultimate fantasy of the couch potato may become a reality some day, according to researchers who have found the chemical pathways that muscle cells use to build strength and endurance.

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With this basic knowledge in hand, it now may be possible to develop a pill that pumps up muscle cells without all that exercise, said Dr. R. Sanders Williams, dean of the Duke University School of Medicine and senior author of a study appearing Friday in the journal Science.

Does this mean sedentary people could build muscle by taking pills?

"That may be one of the possibilities," said Williams, but the main target of the research is to promote the health of people with heart disease or other conditions that keep them from doing enough exercise.

"This could lead to drugs that will let people get the health benefits of regular exercise, even if they cannot exercise," Williams said.

This could help patients with heart or lung disease, or lower the risk of Type II diabetes, for instance.

"It is possible it could become a drug of abuse because it would enhance the performance of athletes," he said.

In the study, Williams and colleagues at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas created a group of mice with genes that made a surplus of a protein called calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, or CaMK. When this protein is activated, it and another protein, calcineurin, trigger the physical changes that muscle cells undergo after intense exercise.

Williams said mice with a high level of CaMK developed more mitochondria in muscle cells and saw an increase of a type of cell called the "slow twitch" muscle. These are muscle cells that power sustained activity, such as that required by marathon runners.

For "fast twitch" muscles, which provide a burst of strength for a short period of time, there was an increase in the number of mitochondria.

The researchers found that mice with high levels of CaMK developed the same healthy muscle cells as mice that did exercise.

"The effect increases more of the slow twitch muscles but it also increases the number of mitochondia in the fast twitch muscle cells," he said. "That is very similar to what happens in very intense training."

Mitochondria are structures inside a cell that provide energy by metabolizing oxygen and nutrition. Cells with many mitochondria can produce more work over a longer time. Physical training increases the number of mitochondria in muscle cells.

Williams said a drug that would trigger the CaMK muscle signaling pathway has not been found, but now that there is a specific target it should make the development easier.

"Pharmaceutical companies are very good at that," he said.

Dr. Keshav Singh of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine said the paper by Williams and his group is an "important advancement in understanding the mechanism that creates more mitochondria in muscles."

"Since levels of mitochondrial proteins decrease with normal aging, this study may also help develop therapies to increase the physical endurance in the aged," said Singh, who is a mitochondria researcher at Hopkins.


Yea i spend 3 days a week traing to umpire football games. Bums dont deserve to be fit
Don't look at me

I have the worst diet in the world and the simple fact is that, after smoking, drinking ridiculously, and generally undertaking behavior considered abusive to oneself, the most I've ever weighed in my life was ten years ago when I was actually in shape. Almost eleven years ago. It's scary. For as little as I do to keep in any shape whatsoever, I'm going to look like this until I die. Of course, that might be in five years, but hey, it's been a good run so far.

My body weight in hashish is my goal. My body weight in partially-hydrogenated oils is my destiny.

Tiassa :cool: