The existance of God as a collective

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Senator Evilcheese, D-Iraq
Registered Senior Member
Well, Tiassa's spiritualism has inspired me to think... perhaps all living creatures on Earth put together are God.

Think of it. Our collective actions do things like destroy the environment, etc, and we are all-powerful (well, nearly), all-compassionate, etc etc.
If I were ever to become religious, I would pray to the human spirit, or a collective worldly manifestation of our species ideas and morals. That "religion" would be worth an institution, that institution (based on compassion and ration) would deserve my patronage.

All animals on the planet are a singular god? I could see that, although that is a bit of an abstract idea. All sparks of life, from bacteria to blue whales connected, interrelated, web of life...

It is a beautiful idea; it would be nice to see it brought to life, sounds like early Japanese Shinto practices. They were all about the interconnectivity of life.

i'd like to take it a step further to suggest that perhaps all things, not only living, collectively are god. the energy that makes up the particles that make up the atoms......that is "the holy spirit" to borrow from catholicism or "the force" to borrow from lord lucas.
Well, it's a nice thought, but I don't quite think it works like that. What about the rest of the universe? Chances are that some life exists out there, too. They'd need a God. And if I'm not mistaken, they have some scientific evidence that there are earth-sized planets in the galaxy. So it is possible

Anyways - you might not have heard about the 'Gaia Hypothesis' yet. It basically states that the earth is an entity unto itself. And is self-sustaining with natural checks and balances and what not. Really interesting. A bright English scientist first came up with it in the 70's I think.

One thing I don't argue on with athiests is the fact that 'God' has been painted up by christianity and other religions is one SOB. More of an asshole than anyone I know. He's been conjured up into some kind of a human with supernatural powers that - at one second will crush you like a bug and send you to hell, but at the same time loves all of his creatures and wants them to live in providence :confused:
well you could say that god is a collective. the father, the son, and the holy spirit.
If I had to pick a God, I'd define it as the laws of the universe. They created us, they sustain us, and they are a part of us.
Laws of Physics, Human Spirit, all Matter in the Universe...
I could see myself devoting my life to these things, as long as nobody claims they are sentient supernatural beings that try to force morals on society.

I wouldn't argue too much with somebody who did say that these forces were somehow sentient... except to point out that it doesn't really matter because we are so small in comparison to these forces that we wouldn't be able to determine any sentience.
Well, with the word sentience, i hoped to convey the idea of an interventialist god who can make decisions (burn sodom) and cast judgement (your ass is going to hell)

I can't believe in anything so stupid as that. God as nature, random occurance and chance, that is believable.

*turns the annoying sounding alarm off*
It is more of a way of looking at the world then standard religions. The idea as expressed here doesn't have any real content beyond the universe being/having and overwhelming not completely understand force.
like spinoza's god..!:) Einstein seemed to have similar idea about the god..! an impersonal God.
Laws of Physics, Human Spirit, all Matter in the Universe...
I could see myself devoting my life to these things, as long as nobody claims they are sentient supernatural beings that try to force morals on society.

You confuse Religion with God.
Religion trys to force their creeds on society...true.
But God...the true God that created the universe, never started any of theses man-made religions.
They are the ones claiming to speak for Him and they only bring a reproach upon the truth.

Mankind has eaten from the "tree of knowledge" and chosen to thumb his nose at God and ignore God's Word, which was represented by the tree of Life.
Man chose instead to lean upon his own understanding, and God....being a perfect gentleman, let them.
With this knowledge, and the power it brings....Man destroyed himself.

This happened before, in the great say; "but didn't the bible say God destroyed the world"...?
God always works through man.
God in Moses led the Israelites out of bondage...ect.
It is prophecied man will again destroy himself.
Malichi 4 and other scriptures...this world is going to burn.
3000 nuclear weapons on both sides of a conflict ......from man opening up a pandora's box of the knowledge of God's power of the stars, are waiting for an appointed time.
Only by God coming down to live and die as a man, did he satisfiy His own law, and earn the right to redeem some, that would have been lost.
He forces nothing on no one. He is here to save those who believe in Him, and He is the Word of God.

The world of mankind as he is today is history.
It has been written, it will be done.

If you have a love of the truth, this love will lead you to It...Him.
If not, you will believe a lie and be lost.
It's that simple.
A child with a love for the truth could understand and not error
in finding it.......but the wisdom of man will be brought to naught.
It takes the incoruptable character of God, in man, to handle the power God has purposed to give us.
Man was created in the image of be a son of God.
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
You confuse Religion with God.
Religion trys to force their creeds on society...true.
But God...the true God that created the universe, never started any of theses man-made religions.
They are the ones claiming to speak for Him and they only bring a reproach upon the truth.
[You continue to talk for quite some time after this]

LMFAO, you say '[God] never started any of these man-made religions' and then go on to support your religion as being the truth. You say 'it has been written' as if it is the truth, yet acknowledge that your bible is 'man-made'? So what, god choose your religion over all the other ones and decided to just tell them the truth? I have a couple dozen religions that will disagree with you.
Check out pantheism - the belief that the universe itself is god.

Closest thing I would consider 'joining' or attaching my name to.

However, once the supernatural element is gone...what really is the point of religion? A social club? I mean...why not just call the universe - the universe. Or all living beings - all living beings. Assigning the word 'god' to it does nothing. It is pointless.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
You confuse Religion with God.
Religion trys to force their creeds on society...true.
But God...the true God that created the universe, never started any of theses man-made religions.
They are the ones claiming to speak for Him and they only bring a reproach upon the truth.

God was the original former of laws, like don't eat that fruit of knowledge, forcing his views and laws upon his creation. I think it was crazy moses on his own making those ten commandments, but people say that god told him about the ten laws.

I thought that you said the bible was written by god through man (not sure when you said it, might not have been you) and so I thought that you did believe that god was a sentient being who forced control onto mankind. What d you believe?

Originally posted by TheVisitor
Mankind has eaten from the "tree of knowledge" and chosen to thumb his nose at God and ignore God's Word, which was represented by the tree of Life.
Man chose instead to lean upon his own understanding, and God....being a perfect gentleman, let them.
With this knowledge, and the power it brings....Man destroyed himself.

Or god destroyed man, whatever way you want to spin that stupid old faity tale. it is all irrelevent really, lets move on to mother goose.

Originally posted by TheVisitor
The world of mankind as he is today is history.
It has been written, it will be done.

Going into pyscho babbble mode around this point here...

Originally posted by TheVisitor
If you have a love of the truth, this love will lead you to It...Him.
If not, you will believe a lie and be lost.
It's that simple.
A child with a love for the truth could understand and not error
in finding it.......but the wisdom of man will be brought to naught.
It takes the incoruptable character of God, in man, to handle the power God has purposed to give us.
Man was created in the image of be a son of God.

Man was not created, sorry, you're wrong there bucko. You are the person who believes in a lie. A child not brainwashed into believing in god will grow up to learn that there is no such thing as supernatural forces and will learn about the actual way the universe was created-through science, time, luck, and chance.
