The evolution of bum licking/sniffing!


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Valued Senior Member
Animals often tend to sniff or even lick each others bums. How has this behaviour evolved? Surely messing around with another animals bum is a potential method of disease spreading?
Yeah, but it's fun.

Probably the gut flora of every animal is a unique identifier. An animal that lost it's culture of microorganisms could get a recharge. Just a guess.
I'm not a biologist or animal behavior expert, but perhaps it has to do with trying to get rid of the smell so predators won't detect them? Mother cats will lick their kittens to encourage bowel movements and to clean them up afterwards.

I once had a very obese cat who was not very good at cleaning herself up after taking a big dump. My other cat would sashay over and give her a good licking. It was as if he thought to himself, "My god, she stinks!"

Spidergoat also has a good point--I think some animals are able to identify each other by the odor.

Also, don't some animals have musk glands in that area?
Animals often tend to sniff or even lick each others bums. How has this behaviour evolved? Surely messing around with another animals bum is a potential method of disease spreading?

Because they are animals. Humans do that and then some.
I can only speak for dogs and I know they don't have musk glands. But look at it this way: among domestic dogs, what sorts of things convey social status? Probably one of them is what you get to eat and how you get it.

"Hey, check out Frou-frou. She had lamb chops last night. Forget Prunella, she's still eating that stuff from Wal-Mart."

"Oh yeah? Well Bernice the St. Bernard apparently killed herself a deer yesterday."

"Ooh ah!"
I have heard a theory that its a way to determine health. all animals want to find best mate to reproduce. actually, humans are licking each other genitials too
Surely messing around with another animals bum is a potential method of disease spreading?

An interesting note that I read some time ago .....animal shit is really pretty harmless in terms of diseases. But human shit is so full of horrid diseases and bacteria and viruses as to be absolutely horrifying in the extreme.

The Viet Cong used human shit on sharpened stakes as deadly poisons. It caused very rapid, very deadly infections. Animals shit wouldn't have done a thing!

And to think that gay men love stickin' their dicks into that mass of horrid diseases!?

Baron Max
I quite like Fraggle's impression on status by feeding. Or perhaps it's merely good manners to lick another dog's arse and eat their feces. Do you suppose they're embarrassed by the human behaviour of shaking our filthy paws together?

"Hello Sparky! *sniff* Still on Atkins, I see."

"Still at it, Spot. Haunches have never felt better. What are you about today then?"

"Oh, you know, just having the human out for a bit of walksies. Seemed a bit morose so I dragged him off to the park. You?"

"Same, I suppose. Look, they're saying hello - no, no! let go of her paw, Steven, you don't know where that's - let go, get out of it you - oh for God's sake! I bloody give up. Go on, shake his hand, then. Why don't you give her a little air-kiss while you're up there - right, that's it, we're leaving. Can't take you anywhere."

Then again, dogs do (or are meant to) eat feces for vitamin K and the like (and not just to embarass their owners, as is commonly believed). Perhaps it's a bit of a taster's test to see what might be up on the menu in a few hours, nutritionally speaking.

"Well, that smell like a ripe bit of park chip there, Roger."

"Yes, I'm afraid I can't recommend it today, Arthur; had a bit of overripe sneaker the other day and it just isn't sitting well with me. You might try Daphne over there, I understand her owner has her on the NutriCal this season."

Or maybe they just bloody like it. Perverts.