The Evilometer...

Valued Senior Member
Competition time!!! Winner will get a free bible signed by god. To claim your prize, all you need to do is pray...

Firstly check this link: Here

Bascially what I need to complete this flash movie, are some instances of where god beats satan hands down at acts of pure evil, (such as annihilating every living thing on the planet, closing womens wombs etc etc)..

Put your examples here, (you don't have to include the whole biblical text, but kindly supply book/number for me).

The best one's will get included in this flash movie for my upcoming site devoted to the life of non-belief. :)
Doesn´t really work for me. Maybe the evilmeter is just under reconstruction?
only get thing like: Question 1 .....

No matter what you choose,you only get blablablablabla... as an answer.
First of all, I'd like to say that every act of brutality and viciousness in the bible has been thoroughly gone over and refuted in many different ways by religious scholars. It shows just how easily accomplished making the bible mean anything is.

But, here's a couple. 2 Kings 2:23-24. It seems that Elisha was a prophet. A bald prophet. He was traveling along one day when some youths came out and starting taunting him, saying "Go up thou, baldhead, go up thou." Elisha called upon god to curse these youths and god complied by sending out 42 she-bears to tear the youths limb from limb. <a href="">Here's</a> the refutation of the incident.

Also, Psalm 137 (I think) is rather provocative. It ends with saying "blessed is he who smashes the little ones on the rocks." Just a little old fashioned baby-killing is all. Nothing too bad... :p It's referring to Babylon. I've heard refutations of it being about the translation of blessed. Some translations make it happy. So this way it's kinda saying we don't advocate killing babies. But you'll be happier if you do.

I also have to add that possibly the most evil act was in the beginning. In the garden of eden when god told Adam and Eve that they could do whatever they wanted, but just don't eat from that true. The ploy is so obvious that it's disgusting. How better to ensure that they do eat from the tree? How better to claim that they were breaking his commandment by doing so? What did he expect the serpent to do? Trickery and deception which caused the fall from grace.
Yes Dreamwalker, that's the point :p You see, I am giving you the chance to give me an unspeakable act of god evil to fill the question 1/bla bla bla spots.