The evil of religion..

Why is religion involved in politics?
Because humans apply their philosophy upon every part of their existance, if it helps them in their cause.
Difference of degrees.

If I campaign to you to use Tully's coffee instead of Starbuck's, how much consequence does that really have in your life? I'm not thinking about the super-extended scenario where you would possibly have died when the guy went off outside the Starbucks and the cops in Seattle shot another unarmed, mentally-ill person and blew out the windows and .... At any rate: seriously, you still drink coffee. Maybe you pay a little more or less for it, and you like it a little better.

But what about religion and politics? These arguments affect the basis for action in a human being. They're very important in that sense.

Question: How many religions involved in wars have moral-stake redemptionism? (Heaven and/or Hell)

Religion inspires greed. Politics seem to be an effective ground for employing that greed.

Tiassa :cool:
Re: Difference of degrees.

Originally posted by tiassa

Question: How many religions involved in wars have moral-stake redemptionism? (Heaven and/or Hell)

Religion inspires greed. Politics seem to be an effective ground for employing that greed.

Tiassa :cool:

Tiassa, Religions are not bad until they're used as tools to control societies. Saudi is a perfect example, where few people are controlling billions and oil with religion. People don't dare say no, because they think they'll be going againest their god and not againest those rulers. People would rather submit to whatever religion version is brought on them because the risk of rebelling againest it or think on own is to be called infedel. Religion is the most effective tool in controlling societies, specially societies where one religion is the majority. Believe it or not, by enforcing religion on a society you effectively scare the majority and the minority, and you create an envionment of untrust between the different groups to ensure that no real revolution will ever amount to anything.
As I see it, religion becomes a tool to control society as soon at it becomes organized. At the moment when it is possible to define it as a religion. I also think that many of the current beliefsystems that are not yet recognized as religions, should be seen as such, as for kapitalism and materialism for example...
Religion isnt evil. The way I see it, Religion was created to Unite people for a common goal, logically, people will bond more when they have something in common, being social animals and all. Look at ALL ancient cultures, they had their own religions to keep the populous united, yet the inherent greed and corruption of people destroyed the goodness those religions were originally meant to be thus religion changed to what we see. Basically what we know religion as is the evil son of the original idea in my opinion. So as Marx said, religion is the opiate of the masses, and he is right to some extent, it is to keep people in control, but not necessarily for evil. My view is that religion is a good thing, if people bind to their beliefs, they will be good people. But more often, people who claim to be one thing are so hypocritical or delusional that they will not act the way their specific self-proclaimed beliefs say. The way Im sure most people who think religion is bad think of Religion, are looking at people like those christian fanatics, the delusional ones, who ARE very dangerous, to base their opinions over religions. Is Buddhism evil? I believe buddhism is the best religion overall, but thats my opinion. Bah, its late and i forget what im talking about...gnite
tiassa i disagree

budaisum doenst inspire greed

and i dont belive ANY religion does

its HUMAN NATURE not religion

i think the problems lie a) when a person uses religion to justify "evil" acts (greed, apathy, ignorence) or b) where a POWERFUL person uses religion to get normal people to do above evil things

religion is nutral i belive, can be used for good OR evil

inherntly tho it has no alignment, its how people aply it

(yes im drunk again)