The Ethics of Online Gambling


Valued Senior Member
Online gambling, especially poker, is HUGE nowadays. So I'm wondering: how ethical it is to take money from people who are dumb and emotional?

It is certainly fun. Very profitable. But is it ethically OK to 'win' money from those who aren't sensible?

(NB: I don't participate in online gambling.)
Xerxes said:
Online gambling, especially poker, is HUGE nowadays. So I'm wondering: how ethical it is to take money from people who are dumb and emotional?

It is certainly fun. Very profitable. But is it ethically OK to 'win' money from those who aren't sensible?

(NB: I don't participate in online gambling.)

I'm not certain if ethics even apply to such a situation. As the saying goes, "A fool and his money are soon parted."

Which, by the way, is the same reason that welfare programs fail to enhance the lives of many of their recipients.
Ethics suck. They are barriers, limiting the full potential of humanity.
Xerxes said:
Online gambling,... So I'm wondering: how ethical it is to take money from people who are dumb and emotional?

Is that implying that all or most gamblers are "dumb and emotional"? And what of the ones who win? ...are they also "dumb and emotional"? If so, then that would mean that "dumb and emotional" people are taking money from other "dumb and emtional" people, right?

Ethics is something that is dictated by a society ...there is nothing universal about ethics. So if a society says that online gambling is unethical, then it is unethical ....simple as that.

Baron Max
I for one definately spend quite a bit of my time playing online poker - 90% of it is for play money chips in which I have over 7 million of. The other 10% is real money, in which I profit as well. Poker is not just about money. Gambling is something people do everyday (stock, bonds, sales etc...) As a matter of fact, I'm playing right now!
Neildo said:
I don't see where ethics comes into play in this.

Well, you might not see it as an ethical issue, but many, many people do. And, if they do see it that way, then it IS an ethical issue for them.

Baron Max
Well, you might not see it as an ethical issue, but many, many people do. And, if they do see it that way, then it IS an ethical issue for them.

Just cause someone makes it out to be an ethical issue doesn't mean it is. I prefer the more simplistic term: Idiots. ;)

- N
Neildo said:
Just cause someone makes it out to be an ethical issue doesn't mean it is.

So what, then, by your definition, is an "ethical" issue? Is there some universal issues that are "ethical issues", and no other issues can be "ethical issues"? I don't fully understand your thoughts about "ethical issues" ...can you explain it a bit for my feeble old mind?

Baron Max
What I mean is that it's a silly question in the first place. Is it ethical to gamble online? That'd be like me saying "Is it ethical to use rubber tires on cars" or "Is it ethical to use velcro straps on shoes instead of laces". Sure, by me asking those questions, it makes it an ethical issue all because I used the word "ethical" in my question, but it's a flat out silly one.

But as to the original question of "how ethical it is to take money from people who are dumb and emotional?", how does the person know those people are dumb and emotional by playing poker online rather than face-to-face? And even if face-to-face, how do they not know it's not an act? My ex-girlfriend loves to play online poker and she talks a lot of smack and acts stupid to make people think she's a newbie so she can win their money more easily, and it works. When it comes to making money and/or competitions, people are gonna use everything they can to their advantage. I mean hey, so long as everything is legal and not against any rules, there then aren't any ethical problems.

Heck, that'd be a better ethical question to ask, acting and pretending to be something you're not so as to fool others to make them underestimate you thereby messing with their heads so you get an advantage on them. The original question of "how ethical it is to take money from people who are dumb and emotional?" is still silly though. Why are you even gambling in the first place? You're not breaking any rules all because some emotional fool wants to play poker and you happen to be better than them.

Unless you want everyone to be average or the same so as to make everything completely even and basically random, then ethics has nothing to do with it. I'd be like saying "Is it ethical for the Yankees to play baseball with other teams since they're richer" or "Is it ethical to engage in online debates with those who aren't as educated as I" (not I as in myself :p ). That's what diversity is. Bringing up "ethics" in those questions is nothing more than being ungodly PC wanting everyone to be on complete even grounds.

- N
Neildo said:
What I mean is that it's a silly question in the first place.

Ah-Ha! Yeah, now I understand and ye're right. Thank you for explaining it.

:) Is it ethical for us to be typing this bullshit into our computers?? :)

Baron Max