The ethics of homosexuality.

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Last semester in school I bought a book it is called “Morality and Moral Controversies” by John Arthur, and the book has many articles in it about ethical dilemma’s. And I revisited the book after ignoring it for about a month, and I read an article on homosexuality. Recently in my classes and in Canada there is that great debate over homosexual marriage, since in a secular society the religious premises of denying people the right to marry because God declares it sinful is pathetic (according to Leviticus so is a man cutting his hair, which is the book most often citied by the religious hypocrites for the anti-gay fray). What I think people don’t understand is that homosexuality is not deviant, it’s not a disease, its not imo even a genetic thing, it’s a human thing. Looking back at western history, the greatness of Greek, and Roman empires was when they tolerated homosexuality, frankly one of the reasons the Greeks were so at fighting wars was because their lovers would be their fellow solider and they would do anything to save their love. Some of the greatest men in history were homosexual or had homosexual leanings, for instance Abraham Lincoln; Alexander the Great, Octavian, Caesar the list goes on. The modern conception of homosexuality being wrong stems from Judeo-Christian ethics, which are known to repress natural human feelings and emotions by the fear of god, and guilt. But since we have to reject the religious premises of homosexuality, we have to focus on true ethical theory. According to an article written by Richard D.Mohr called “Gay Basics: Some questions, Facts, and Values” he lays out convincingly that the hatred of homosexuals is en par with the hatred of races, or of other sexes. First of all, we must understand that homosexuality or leanings are not confined to that 10% of the population that actually admit it. The homosexual is so prevalent in our society the figures are starling.

Alfred Kinsey’s 1948 study of the sex lives of 5,000 white males shocked the nation: 37 percent had at least one homosexual experience to orgasm in their adult lives; an additional 13 percent had homosexual fantasies to orgasm; 4 percent were exclusively homosexual in their practices; another 5 percent had virtually no heterosexual experience; and nearly one-fifth had at least as many homosexual as heterosexual experiences. Two out of five men one passes on the street have had orgasmic sex with men

Altogether we are talking about close to 80 percent of the male population having homosexual experiences to orgasm. The numbers are shocking for one reason, because it is not seen. When people think of homosexuals they usually think of a bunch of effeminate men prancing around, talking about clothes, or interior designers or butch women, who like bikes. The reality is that most are normal men/women, they are probably your friend, your next door neighbour, maybe even yourself. My theory is simple, I take sexuality as politics there are extreme’s there is the homosexual extreme which is the 10% of the population who admit it, and then there is the heterosexual extreme who I surmise would be around 10% as well, these people are exclusively attracted to their sex of preference. That other 80 percent of course are in-between, they aren’t gay but they aren’t straight their but a large morass of bisexuals in the middle.


Bisexual is in the middle which is perfectly bisexual, who have feelings towards both sexes, then the areas on either side of that medium is those that lean more towards straight relations, and then those who lean more towards homosexual feelings. Which fits almost perfectly with this statistic: “37 percent had at least one homosexual experience to orgasm in their adult lives”, close to 40 percent of the population live in the region left of the bisexual side of the equation. This is not to say that if one leans to either extreme that person is exclusively that, no they still have feelings for the same sex, or the opposite sex but in varying degree’s. This is why I find the drive against homosexual marriage so interesting, why are so many up in arms when in reality they themselves are probably homosexual themselves, or lean towards it? I believe personally that much of modern society’s homophobia is a reaction against one’s own homosexuality. Men/women who are comfortable enough with their sexual preference have no reason to hate gays. This phenomenon of transfer is important to understand, I liken it to a relationship one has with a bad boss. When a man for instance has a bad boss who belittles him, he doesn’t take out on his boss because he feels he would lose his job he comes home and takes it out on the family, same concept with homosexuality. Many men/women have feelings, and many are “afraid” they may be “tricked” into homosexual sex. One cannot be tricked, one wants it. In order for that person to get rid of that want, they take their self-hatred on homosexuals to get rid of this energy which they don’t understand; essentially they are rejecting their humanity on the basis of mass cultural indoctrination.
Which goes on the question of how supposedly “straight” societies treats those 10%, the author points out a rather logical case for why hating homosexual’s is immoral:

[The fact that] a lot of people in a society sat something is good, even over eons, does not make it so…Slacery would be wrong even if nearly everyone like it. So consistency and fairness require that we abandon the belief that gays are immoral simply because most people dislike or disapprove of gays or gay acts or even because gay sex acts are illegal.

There is no question that the mere belief that x is wrong makes it wrong is not logical, ethical, or intelligent. Yet sadly in our world intelligent is hardly ever in the equation. But there is one argument against homosexuals that merit some attention. The argument that marriage is a union btwn a man and woman based on the fact they are/and can procreate. The argument is sound, another article I read on the immorality of sexual intercourse states that homosexuality like premarital sex is immoral because its hedonistic, which has no fundamental meaning apart from pleasure, then I must say so is eating candy. But back to the procreation argumentation, I am sure that infertile couples will be barred from being married, and couples that have menopausal women in the equation, or an impotent man. But those individuals are not being stopped from allowing to get married. The reason is simple, because hatred of gays is en par with hatred of blacks, or of even women. The only reason why homosexuals aren’t getting married is because of irrational conceptions of love. As the author states:

It is generally conceded that if sexual orientation is something over which and individual- for whatever reason- has virtually no control, then discrimination against gays is especially deplorable, as it is against racial, and ethnic classes, because it holds people accountable without regard for anything they themselves have done. And to hold a person accountable for that which the person has no control is a central form of prejudice

Homosexuality is natural, as evidenced in Germany with homosexual penguins having sex; they cannot rationally choose to have gay sex, or to be gay in the first place. Being a homosexual or leaning is a natural occurrence, some people will “no it’s unnatural” for various reasons and the author offers a retort:

unnatural means “by artifice” or “made by humans” it need only be pointed that virtually everything that is good about life is unnatural in this sense, that the chief feature that distinguishes people from other animals is their ability to make over the world to meet their needs and desire and their wellbeing depends upon these departures from natural. On this understanding of human nature and the natural, homosexuality is perfectly unobjectionable.

And guess what else is unnatural, marriage. Also one has to ask themselves why would a homosexual “choose” to be a homosexual considering that he/she is at increased risk for harm being done to this individual? This is the typical homosexual:

Typically, gays-to-be simply find themselves having homosexual encounters and yet at least initially resisting quite strongly the identification of being homosexual. Such a person even very likely resists having such encounters but ends up having them anyway.

Which happens a lot in the black community, I was watching BET and they were talking about the alarming amount of black college students who were having homosexual sex but did not classify themselves as homosexuals, and still had sex with their girlfriends. Frankly I didn’t find it shocking, it was to be expected, and black culture frowns on homosexuality much more then white for instance. Islamic culture is particularly repressive, in Saudi Arabia if found having gay sex you will be killed. The sad fact is that most of the people in the crowd watching the beheading are homosexual, or leaning themselves, it could very well been them in that situation. This thread is not here to talk about one’s personal sexual preferences, or experiences. This is merely a thread for intellectual complementation about how irrational our society is in relation to homosexuality, considering that most people reading this thread are homosexuals, or leaning themselves.
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