the eternal life rings


Registered Member
has anybody seen that site on the net where you can order these magnetic rings of immortality, invented by an asian scientist. you wear them on your toes and fingers (which are supposedly the (+) and (-) terminals of the human body) when you sleep and the magnets are supposed to enhance the body's blood circulation and electric current, thereby accelerating metabolism to prevent aging.

just wanted to know what you all think?
It's a scam. Magnets have never been shown to have any effects on health.
Might as well buy a pyramid hat. People think they have healing powers too. Oh, and turquoise. And mystical energy hotspots in the desert. Leigh lines. Possession. Sacrifice. The high places.

It's superstition.

And it's marketing. There's a sucker born every minute.
Forget external life rings go for ultra yoga buy the full set and become an ascended ultra-yoga master in only 108 days ;) Imagine all those poor saps throughout history who used an entire lifetime and never got as far as you can with these audio books in just a few short months.. Don't delay buy today!

ultra yoga
did you even look at the site? do you think the claims have any merit whatsoever? i just wonder about the testimonials - do you think those people were genuinley fooled into believing they were experiencing changes in their body, or they just made up the whole thing....furthermore did the person who designed the site just hoax all the testimonials?
i know seeing that im god and i happen to have a pay pal acc. just send me about =_ avg of 1 mill each and i will grant you immortality only for fish
did you even look at the site? do you think the claims have any merit whatsoever? i just wonder about the testimonials - do you think those people were genuinley fooled into believing they were experiencing changes in their body, or they just made up the whole thing....furthermore did the person who designed the site just hoax all the testimonials?

No. Honestly I didn't even consider for an instant looking at the site. Still haven't considered it. :D

Testimonials true or false? Could be either. Psychosomatic effects strongly affect people. It's the placebo effect. That doesn't make it real though.

You can always find testimonials from people who will say "Yes. I pointed the crystal at my knee and it felt better." However, testimonials alone are never enough to prove that a treatment is effective. The placebo effect is an important one - people who are told they are being treated in some way tend to feel better, even when the "treatment" has no active effect. You can give somebody with a headache a sugar pill instead of an aspirin and they may feel better. And some illnesses just get better with time, regardless of treatment.

People often reason like this: "I took treatment X, then I got better. Therefore, treatment X made me better." But there might well be many good reasons why they got better which had nothing at all to do with treatment X.

My first reply to you is the important one here. There is NO scientific evidence that magnetic therapy of any kind actually has positive effects on health. No rigorous test has ever shown such effects.

Be very wary of people who have a vested interest in selling you a product. They are much more likely to exagerate the benefits, or even lie about them.
west_side said:
did you even look at the site? do you think the claims have any merit whatsoever? i just wonder about the testimonials - do you think those people were genuinley fooled into believing they were experiencing changes in their body, or they just made up the whole thing....furthermore did the person who designed the site just hoax all the testimonials?

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the testimonials were all hoaxed. Do you think there are no unscrupulous people on the 'net?

Although... Alex Chiu is a bit of a special case. Have you explored his site at all? I really think he has a psychosis of some kind. Possibly a God complex.

Try here for a start: Space Station
("accelerating metabolism to prevent aging")
it doesnt work like that basicly...
there is signifagant scientific merit in magnets aiding the body specificly in circulation
and is now becoming to be more widely known about.
it is an emerging topic for western society yet has been used in some eastern societys and a few others for several hundred years or more.
type size placement and duration are the many variables

Note , to have the type of knolledge to place them soo specificly i would expect the person to be around their 20 to 25th year in medical training in something like accupuncture, as far as a sole practicer would be concerned.
most often handed down from family member to family member and encompassing an apprenticeship type format from the teen years.
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The website u provide doesn't not have any prove process, it's more like a sales production......and only increase the metablism os ur body....i doesn't really slow down agin....

if u really believe him...i suggest that u can find out WHY do we age first....then take a look.....
Ok, if you believe this... explain how you can have immortality rings, and then have immortality braclets with 'more of an effect'. What, you live forever longer?
Obviously, living forever isn't the only effect... The immortality rings will supposedly heal you of all injuries and ailments (including scars?!?) - so the bracelets must heal you faster!

(it's fun to practice crackpottery on occasion :D)
Ah, so if you have the ring you'll eventually end up looking like something out of Night of the Living Dead because you don't heal fast enough? Now it makes sense:)
Immortality, the Alex Chiu way... sponsored by Britney!
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