The ET Scripts


Registered Member
Men and women, I know Mario Pazzaglini who should be in his seventies is by now dead; he took it seems far more care than I myself in taking appraisal of the ET writings. By now it seems not many have dared to post as much as I do here. So keep attempt for the bus coming. See most of the non UMMO, non channeling ET scripts here.
Et emblems and also writings are very interesting.
I am amazed by your knowledge so far in your comments.
Keep me updated - email me back.

I can't enter the site is there a problem?

Sorry my mistakes I got in now.

[This message has been edited by Rambler (edited March 22, 2000).]
Seen the writing, also check out the following

I do not understand what this person is saying. But he gives names of "gods", also if any one of you know Billy Meiers, who says he has had contact with the Plejaran race, also give these names and he says he has talked to them. Read the contact report. I dont know what you think, but let me know.


"Pleiadian Archangels groom (again) Messiah
The marvels of the far and unknown; redivive Adamskis, Adams. The fallen angels have the
same name than those of caring, and their care mainly is Preserve the (human) form.

Messiah now lives in Switzerland, and Urantic like is jealous of his words. Such are the fumes of the Earth (some have not come back).

Elegant minor gods of the Pleiades Sfath, Asket, Semjase and Quetzal care for us.
Papyre script reveals the truth: I am messiah. You know, I said before. (What a predicament!):

You are a man.

And as to prove it (and other purposes) first I'll let you be known of the world and then I'll show you are a liar. But not, remember:

You are just a man."

A BIT FROM billy mieirs site

Ptaah: We have already completed that task, and there is nothing on Earth now that points
to our previous existence here, with the exception of the materials in your possession. The last of our people left the Earth approximately 30 minutes ago. Our stations no longer exist either; everything has been restored to the way it looked originally; no trace of our stay here can be found.

Billy: Of course, you had to do that, that's clear. A long time ago Sfath already told me,
along with Asket, Semjase and Quetzal, that you people would have to do this once the
year 1995 had begun. You, too, told me the same, and I had to promise all of you to keep
silent until the time when you would all withdraw from Earth for good. I am familiar with the reason for your withdrawal, but I don't know whether I am allowed to speak of it officially because you told me that it would have to remain a secret for the time being, at least until 1995 when you are all leaving the Earth.

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited March 23, 2000).]
Hi all,

Mana, I don't realy follow what you are saying but the name adamskis rings bells. I believe this guy had something to say about the UFO issue and then all of a sudden he refused to speak up. Hmmmmm...this is very vague memory, I will look it up and post again about him.

Also did you guys know that Tesla the father of AC current, and other magnetic progressions (who had no formal education) freely admited to communicating with aliens and that his most amazing discoveries were passed to him directly from these aliens. I still remember my high school physics teacher telling us about tesla demonstrating 'unreal' or 'impossible' magnetic phenomenon which he did not document, and took with him to the grave. I beieve the Phili Experiment myth has alot of talk about tesla's involvment......just some stuff to ponder

Warmest Regards

I know of Billy Meiers. I'm pretty sure he was proven a fraud, unless I'm thinking about a different Billy Meiers, as I've seen this spelling of the name attributed to two different people. The Meiers I'm thinking of was sponging off of this rich lady who believed he had psychic powers when all he was doing was educated guesswork (a very common skill for divinations). When she died, her heirs saw him for what he was, a huckstering telephone psychic, and cut him off completely. He freaked a bit because he now had to scramble to pay the rent, and that's where he became a self-proclaimed "messenger of the gods", selling so-called magic stones to anyone gullible enough to buy them. Unfortunately, there were a lot of gullible or misdirected people. He took on the name of von Meir and has been raking in cash by claiming to talk to "spirits of light" that somehow only he can communicate with. (Apparently these enlightened beings are also pretty stuck-up.) He's pretty pretentious, and I'll fish up more information if you still want to hear it.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited March 23, 2000).]
No oxy, that is not the Billy Meiers I know off, this is someone else.

He says he has had contact with human et beings, and he has taken photos of their so called 'beamships'.

He says he has been contact by this group for many years, he also has video footage of the ships flying around, and there are also pictures of the people he has being talking, some where on the net, I have seen the pictures my self, but i can not remember the web address. BUT I WILL TRY TO FIND IT if you want to see them.

By the way did you check out the site.
See? See what I mean? What did I tell you guys? Every single solitary time....the same message....Jesus isn't the Son of God. Duh, duh, duh, duh! It's the end times lie!!!!

You may think I'm a nut, but I'm fastened to the strongest bolt in the universe.
Yo you so right, i would say we all have the spark of the great spirit, he is not the only one.

Like the Natives say we people have lost ours way, through ignorance, violance etc

Any way did you check out the pages.

Some i found
The following is their perspective: Most of the Old Testament, especially Genesis, consists of pirated versions of Chaldean texts that were constructed in 651 BC. The being we have been taught was one person, Moses, was in fact two people. One of them
was Moab, a Chaldean chief, and the other was Prince Sesostres of Egypt. The authors, in 651 BC, put the two together and created a composite character.

When we get to the New Testament, the nine Epistles of Paul were apparently from India by Apollonius of Tyrana. The four Gospels were obtained by Harriman Armandi in India. They were Hindu in their original form, written by Apollonius who was also known as Paul the Apostle. They also say that the last version of the Gospels and Epistles was translated by Euphilius, a Catholic bishop, and that these original books in their original form are at the University of Uppsala, and called the Codex Argentinus. The
original handwriting is in Sumerian. That's all I know, and again, that is their perspective.

The being whom we know as Jesus did in fact live and was crucified. Jesus did say, "Ye shall be greater if ye shall have faith."
There is a profound message in that. "These things I do, ye shall do greater if ye have faith." There is a profound message there.
Please don't ignore it. You are awesome. Everyone of us is awesome.

Religions, which have had a positive effect as far as unifying people and supplying a basic foundation of values, are now being
used to control and manipulate. According to the Andromedans we have outlived our religions by 450 years. Instead, more and
more religions are popping up everywhere, and all it is doing is dividing us. Strangely enough we all agree that there is only one
God, but there is no common vision. This does not mean that somebody has to come forward and say, "I've got the answers, so all
of you just follow me." I don't know about you, but that doesn't work for me. It has already been tried and it was a disaster. The
world is no better than it was 2,000 years ago! It is business as usual.

But, if we all stand up and say, "Hey, we are going to do this together", and we make a leap of faith in each other, and even for
a week just trust each other, maybe we can make a change here. But we are the ones who are going to have to do it. The ones on
the top sold us out a long time ago, and they are so petrified that they even lie about lying.

Many of the religions have both helped and hurt this process. Some of the world's beliefs have convinced many that they are
sinful creatures of Nature. Our science teaches that our physical form is a pool of chemicals thrown together by accident, so that we are all an accident, living meaningless lives of chance. Then we fear a God whom a book says is a loving God who will throw us into an abyss for eternity for making mistake. Many in this world have come to understand that fear - the idea of fear - is their

The Earth, according to the Andromedans, is a living entity and has decided it is going to evolve to fifth density. In other words,
as an organism, it has chosen survival. The Earth has pockets of negativity inside of it because of its history. Volcanic eruptions
can be considered metaphorically as the release of blockages. The Earth is sick and has taken a beating.

Personally, I thank God that this new color-sound frequency is emanating from the black holes. Thank God that God has stepped
in, because we'd be in a lot of trouble.

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited April 05, 2000).]
Hello to all:

No, I have not forgotten the thing, just doing other things, since I am not ufologist but architect. I did the compilation last christmas from my library. My stance is quite nebulous with quite certain feeling of creator standing behind all this. As well and otherwise, from my 31 years old interest and quite extensive reading I see lots of misinformation insterspersed with infestation of the media with molests personality attacks to almost everyone active in the field, all mainly (reasonably) targeted against gullibility of people and division of main stream beliefs (this and intervention on private lives less rightfully). That's my stance. Just add my general link from where you can access the ET emblems that I think is lost here.

Best wishes to all.

I remember a Billy Meiers that was living in the Swiss Alps hanging hub caps from strings and taking snap shots of them. He admited to faking "some but not all" of the shots. He claimed to have had conversation with crewmen from some of the space ships.
There was a Adamski that built a flying saucer airport in the desert of Southern California. As I remember, it was in the early 1950"s. He had a hamburger joint under a big rock. A lot of the people that hung around his place claimed to be from different planets that no one had ever heard of. I would think that the Adamski that I remember should be dead by now, he was an old man in the last film that I saw of him.
