The Epistles, the Gospels and the Jewish War.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I find it an interesting chronology that the Epistles were written from about 52 AD to 68 AD when Acts suddenly curtailed. The Gospel of Mark was written circa 70 AD with Matthew to follow, Luke to follow that, and the Gospel of John to be written circa 90-120 AD. I'm curious. Why were these NT books written immediately before and at the beginning of the War of the Jews circa 66 AD, by Flavius Josephus, a Jew by birthright and a Roman partisan? Aren't you curious why the chronology coincides with the history of the HRE?
Concerning Acts and the Epistles, at least - Paul = Josephus ?
See especially the text in the white boxes on these pages:

Could Josephus have been the source material for all the rest ?

My thanks for this post in any event. It prompted me to become acquainted with the works of Josephus a bit.
Found the text of War of the Jews and Antiquities of the Jews here: