"the End Times"


Registered Senior Member

The ‘end times’ can be represented simply as three lines, one atop another.

The ‘end times’ is more a collection of events than any one singular event. It represents the plans and schemes implemented by those wishing to elevate the level of the human populace to accept (read receive) a higher rate or frequency of information – heretofore called enlightenment.

It has always been about having humans receive more information – that may sound anticlimactic or bland (not that exciting really), but it really is no more complicated or complex than that.

The question then is why – what’s in it for those wishing to enable humans to receive more information?


The issue with timing is one that keeps events within a narrow margin or window rather than a specific time. They, the events, are in flux, able to float as it were, manifesting within a general framework, being loosely associated with other events – interacting with each other, one with another.

Complexity in the arranging of events (i.e., how events are arranged) keeps people from seeing their orchestration first hand.

Those that orchestrate events are those same beings that orchestrated prior events - events spread throughout history, that is man’s history upon this planet. There again, the complexity involved is beyond your comprehension – that however does not mean it is beyond its existence.

Timing, as it pertains to the information that is being presented, refers to the timing of events orchestrated by those we refer to as the ‘orchestrators”. The term is rather generic, but serves as a basis or foundation for further discussion in this exposé.

Our discussion will cover or deal with five aspects of the end times, which by the way, in no way is meant to mean the end ‘of’ time, or the end ‘of’ all time – it might be best to think of our use of the term ‘end times’ as the end game in one of a series of chess games. The games will continue, one after another.

The existence of the beings upon this planet has and will continue to be a major priority to those evolved in the development of the beings here. Yes, you are a part, an active part, of this ongoing development. You were born, and you will die being a part of this whether that appeals to you or not. Many things are out of, or not within the scope of your existence here. More things than you might care to know or acknowledge, actually.

But, that having been said, we are all about information – whether you care to entertain that information or not, is your own concern. You can only receive what is in your best interest (via your higher self) to receive. Simply put – you are not able to receive what your higher self does not authorize. Furthermore, your higher self will never put you in a position that would be detrimental to ‘self’. However, it will “always” place you in a position that forces you to grow – continually grow – whether you want that or not. Either way, it is of no consequence to the higher self of ‘self’. You will grow according to the ‘intent’ of the ‘self’s’ higher self.

Intent is by far the most precise barometer of any being - determine their intent, and you will determine the underlying reasons for their actions.

This is a universal concept - one that all intelligent creatures seek to exploit


The plan, or scheme at hand is the essence of what we refer to as the ‘end times’. The scheme is the result of the efforts that have been put forth from a vast number of beings; beings that are in a position to form and manipulate events that continue to transpire upon the earth. You might say that the earth is their laboratory – their experiment – they indeed are the gods of your world.

All creatures have gods; they in turn have gods that manipulate them, so on and so forth. Don’t be naive – this hierarchy that is invisible to your eyes, exists on a multitude of levels - throughout the universe.

The gods themselves have gods - where does it all end? Who knows - we don't - and even we are considered by some, ourselves included, quite advanced.

As we use the term gods, what we are really saying are those beings with intelligence greater than your own that are able to manipulate your genetic structure as well as your environment and those events that interact with your lives.

All creatures have gods; we ourselves have those that see to it that we follow a course that has been laid out before us - we are inquisitive creatures and those of a higher order than we have established beforehand those things, which we are to follow.

The universe does not stop with your gods alone, it is the formula that exists throughout creation. We are nothing if not creatures of information, and this plan that we speak of has been laid out in no small detail.

Of course we are not above misleading you to accomplish or task at hand – likewise, providing you with misinformation that results in your being brought to a point that is beneficial to both you and us is naturally to be expected. You, as you may or may not know, are continually being tricked and manipulated for all sorts of reasons – we simply bring it to your attention, thereby providing you with information

This plan that we speak of is a plan that entails the creation of a populace, a world of humans, able to vibrate to a new higher frequency.

That in a nutshell, is the plan.

How those responsible for the plan, plan to implement their plan, is really beyond the scope of this discussion - but we will say that it has been in existence for centuries, being executed 'day-by-day', over that period of time.

Needless to say, the intent of those seeing to it that the plan is executed, are soundly steadfast in their resolve.


The purpose of the ‘end times’ plan is to increase the frequency of information received by all of the people living on your planet.

Outside of that statement, the purpose is to benefit those instituting the plan – all of those creatures that are involved in the scheme, benefit in no small way – it is in effect, their very lives that are on the line with this plan – hence their focus and resolve to see it successfully implemented.

You, whether you realize or not, are a natural resource - as you vibrate, as you emote, you give off energy. Other creatures, which you have been kept unaware of, in turn utilize this energy.

The energy that you derive from your eating a meal, other creatures derive from you vibrating to the frequency of your emotions.

Not all creatures eat food, as do you.

Have you ever wondered why you have emotions – not all creatures emote?

A father and son, maybe three years old or so, are walking outside and the son turns and asks the father why the grass is green and the sky is blue. Rather than having to explain the theory behind light refraction, photosynthesis and the like, which is surly beyond the child’s comprehension, the father thinks of something amusing to say to his son as they continue along their walk.

Is he a bad father? Of course not, the father simply knows that soon enough, in as little as four or five years perhaps, his son, by way of his primary education, will come to understand the reasons behind what makes the grass green and the sky blue.

No need to get into all of that now.

Likewise, our intent has never been to explain the minutia of all aspects of what it is that we choose to speak on – of course not. We simply provide the outline of information that is then integrated by the subconscious mind as it, the subconscious mind, sees fit.

We are always about information; others will take up where we leave off. Time reveals all things – the plan that we have spoken of, is a time intensive one.

A lot of existing dialogue regarding the end times is devoted to the so-called ‘new earth’. One way to create a new earth is to move the people, or a significant portion thereof, back to an earlier point in the earth’s history – in man’s history – as opposed to creating a new earth at this point in time, if that were indeed possible.

The effect word be the same, at least from the perspective of those so moved – would it not?

Civilizations throughout man’s history have been seeded in such a way. Civilizations come, and civilizations disappear – sometimes magically it seems.

What happened to the Maya? Where did the Egyptians come from? How did they simply sprout up – seemingly overnight?

All things are not possible, rather those things, which abide by the laws and precepts of the universe - they are indeed possible. Ignorance of those very laws and precepts, cause events, those events, which are neither understood nor imaginable, to appear as being magical, mystical or brought about by the hand of God.

You, for the most part, know that beings of a higher intelligence exist - you simply have no concept of how much higher.


The actual events and their place within the scheme of things is often the focus of dialogue regarding the end times, but the events themselves serve a much greater purpose for the orchestrators of these events.

“… don’t be so much concerned about the events, as finding your equilibrium within those events.”

The orchestrators of these events establish these events, these circumstances set on the world’s stage as it were, for their purpose at hand. The events carry within them a purpose, a definitive underlying objective that plays to the whole of the scheme at hand. That is meant to say that these events seen in a singular fashion are rather like steps leading up to a great structure – individual of course, but set out and established for the overall benefit of the structure.

Within these events, there is a definite direction to be found - these series of events all lead somewhere – with purpose these events unfold.

Ever see world events unfold as if they were leading somewhere – as if even those key participants are at a lose to know why they are so intricately involved – as if everybody is on ‘automatic pilot’; marching to the beat of the events themselves.

No? ...well, you will.

You see you - all of you - are tied irrevocably to world events, whether you like it or not. These world events are really plays, played out for your benefit, for the benefit of all of those who inhabit the world.

The energy of the world focuses on one small area, one small region that houses a vast amount of man’s prior history – why is that?

Why does the world focus on this one region?

In a word – ‘events’ – you are all tied to them, bound as it were by their place within your life, and the lives of all inhabitants of the earth, whether they are aware of it or not, for the powers that be, those governmental powers of the world, are very much aware of it; they all strategize on how they might play off of it.

It is indeed the world's stage - and it has already begun, one act upon another.


It is 'the outcome' then that everybody wants to know - how it all resolves itself.
ill be honest i didnt read your whole post because the first few lines made me roll my eyes, which is something usualy it takes a whole post to do here on the pseudoscience bord.

im asking that you condence it down to a paragraph at most gving the general theme of your post, and if i like it ill ask for a longer version with the highlites of the post.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
I’ll be honest I didn’t read your whole post because the first few lines made me roll my eyes, which is something usually it takes a whole post to do here on the pseudoscience board.

I’m asking that you condense it down to a paragraph at most giving the general theme of your post, and if I like it ill ask for a longer version with the highlights of the post.

Better yet, I can condense it all down to one word - ' ideas'. Whether one agrees, disagrees, or remains neutral (neither agreeing nor disagreeing), an idea gets absorbed subconsciously, as we go about to entertain it.
Ehem, Well, What in it for those wishing for humans to know? Nothing because they do niot exist, you people are placing too much in the idea of fate, I can prove it doesnt exist no more than you can prove it does, No one wishes for anyone else to know anything, We are learning of our own will, and there is no one *wishing* for us to do so