The earth

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The earth is a living planet where many complex systems run perfectly without stopping at all. When compared to other planets, it is evident that in all its aspects the earth is specially designed for human life. Built on delicate balances, life prevails in every spot of this planet, from the atmosphere to the depths of the earth.

Exploring only a few of the millions of these delicate balances would be sufficient to show that the world we live in is specially designed for us.

One of the most important balances in our planet is revealed in the atmosphere that surrounds us. The atmosphere of the earth holds the most appropriate gasses in the most appropriate ratio needed for the survival not only of human beings, but also of all the living beings on the earth.

The 77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% carbon dioxide as well as other gasses readily available in the atmosphere represent the ideal figures necessary for the survival of living beings. Oxygen, a gas that is vital for living beings, helps food to be burned and converted into energy in our bodies.

If the oxygen quantity in the atmosphere were greater than 21%, the cells in our body would soon start to suffer great damages. The vegetation and hydrocarbon molecules needed for life would also be destroyed. If this quantity were less, then this would cause difficulties in our respiration, and the food we eat would not be converted into energy. Therefore, the 21% oxygen in the atmosphere is the most ideal quantity determined for life.

No less than oxygen, other gasses like nitrogen and carbon dioxide are also arranged in the ideal quantity for the needs of living beings and the continuity of life. The amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere has the ideal ratio to balance the harmful and burning effects of oxygen. This ratio represents the most appropriate value required for photosynthesis, which is essential for life's energy supply on the earth. Moreover, the amount of carbon dioxide has the most appropriate value that is needed to maintain the stability of the surface temperature of the earth and to prevent heat loss especially at night time. This gas, comprising 1% of the atmosphere, covers the earth like a quilt and prevents the loss of heat to space. If this amount were greater, the temperature of the earth would increase excessively, causing climatic instability and posing a serious threat against living beings.

These proportions remain constant thanks to a perfect system. The vegetation covering the earth converts carbon dioxide to oxygen, producing 190 billion tons of oxygen every day. The proportion of other gasses is always kept constant on the earth by the help of interconnected complex systems. Life is thus sustained.

In addition to the establishment of the ideal gas mixture required for life on the earth, the mechanisms needed to preserve and maintain this order are created alongside with it. Any break in the balance, though instantaneous, or any change in the ratios even for a very short time period, would mean the total destruction of life. Yet, this does not happen. The formation of these gasses in the atmosphere just in the amount people need, and the constant preservation of these ratios indicate a planned creation.

At the same time, the earth has the ideal size in terms of magnitude to possess an atmosphere. If the mass of the earth were a little less, then its gravitational force would be insufficient and the atmosphere would be dispersed in space. If its mass were a little greater, then the gravitational force would be too much and the earth would absorb all gasses in the atmosphere. There is an incredibly high number of conditions required for the formation of an atmosphere such as the one our world currently has and all of these conditions should exist altogether to be able to talk of life.

The creation of these delicate proportions and balances in the sky is mentioned in the 7th verse of Surat ar-Rahman:

He erected heaven and established the balance. (Qur'an, 55:7)

The majority of people spend their lives without being aware of the delicate balances and subtle adjustments in the gas composition of the atmosphere, the distance of the world to the sun or the movements of planets. They are ignorant of the great significance of these balances and adjustments to their own lives. However, even a minor deviation in any one of these arrangements would create very severe problems regarding the existence and survival of humankind.

There are many other balances established on earth for the continuity of life:

For instance, if the surface gravity were stronger than its current value, the atmosphere would retain too much ammonia and methane gasses, which would mean the end of life. If it were weaker, the planet's atmosphere would lose too much water, and life on earth would be impossible.

The thickness of the earth's crust constitutes another one of the delicate balances in the earth. If the earth's crust were thicker, too much oxygen would be transferred from the atmosphere to the crust and this would have severe effects on human life.

If the opposite were true, that is, if the earth's crust were thinner, volcanic and tectonic activity would be too great to permit life on earth.

Another crucial balance for human life is the ozone level in the atmosphere. If it were greater than its current value, the surface temperatures would be too low. If it were less, surface temperatures would be too high, and there would be too much ultraviolet radiation at the surface.

In fact, the absence of even a single of these balances would set the end to life on earth. However, Allah has created the universe with infinite wisdom and power and designed the earth specially for human life. Despite this fact, the majority of people lead their lives in total ignorance of these events. In the Qur'an, Allah reminds people of His blessings in the 13th verse of Surat al-Fatir:

(Allah) makes night merge into day and day merge into night, and He has made the sun and moon subservient, each one running until a specified time. That is Allah, your Lord. The Kingdom is His. Those you call on besides Him have no power over even the smallest speck. (Qur'an, 35:13)

It is sufficient look at millions of dead planets in space in order to understand that the delicate balances required for life on earth is not a result of random coincidences. The conditions essential for life are too complicated to have been formed 'on their own' and at random, and these conditions are specially created for life alone.

These balances we have briefly described so far are only a few of the millions of intricate, interrelated balances and orders established so that people can live in peace and safety on the earth.

Examining only a part of the balances and harmony on the earth is enough to comprehend the superior being of Allah and grasp the existence of a planned creation in every detail of the universe. It is no doubt impossible for a person or any other living being to build such an enormous balance and order. Nor are the components of this order such as atoms, elements, molecules, and gasses capable of establishing an order based on such intricate and extremely delicate calculations and measurements, and such fine tunings. This is because activities like planning, ordering, arranging, calculating, and proportioning can only be realized by beings that possess wisdom, knowledge and power. The Exalted Being Who orders, plans and balances the entire universe to be fit for life of human beings on a planet like earth and Who sustains it with dramatically delicate measures and balances is Allah, Who has Infinite Wisdom, Knowledge and Power.

In the Qur'an, it is stated that those people who are able to realize these facts are only 'people with intelligence':

In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are Signs for people with intelligence: those who remember Allah, standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: "Our Lord, You have not created this for nothing. Glory be to You! So safeguard us from the punishment of the Fire." (Qur'an, 3:190-191)
oh dear, here we go again : the earth is perfect for us humans because allah made it so

i prefer the weak anthropic principle which says that if the earth hadn't been suitable for human life, you wouldn't have been here to contemplate how wonderfully suited it is
Poppycock! I've had it with this religious trolling on the science boards. Will the Moderator please do something about it? If you want to talk about religion we've got a Religion board. This board is for science.

This planet was not "designed" for us. We evolved in response to the conditions of its environment. Notice that our eyes are perfectly adapted to the light spectrum given off by a Type G star. The life we discover on another planet may be silicon-based instead of carbon-based, and it may breathe methane instead of oxygen.
Dear sir,

Thank you for your remark.Would you mind respecting my opinion as i respect yours.If your are against me,provide me with your arguments but without complaning or using offensive words.Thank you

Motion of the earth in Quran

Have we not made the earth kifaata?

{Al-Quran 77:25}

Allah says in the Holy Quran that Allah made the earth kifaata. The motion of the earth is hidden beyond this word. Lets see the wideness of the word kifaata & how beautifully Allah is describing us the motion of the earth.

When the word kifaata, use with birds, the meaning will be "a bird, with contracting its furs, flying fastly." (lughat-ul-Quran).

The similar word when use with horse, the meaning will be "the horse become uncontrolled and the traveler can't able to control it. (Lughat-ul-Quran).

And when this word "kifaata" used with earth then it will meant that the earth is fastly moving (flying) keeping all creatures and its movement is not controllable by traveler (all creatures). Now let us read this verse again with this translation.

Have WE not made the earth a fast moving object with den of storage?

{Al-Quran 77:25}

Second verse regarding motion of the earth:

"Have We not made the earth as a cradle and the mountains like pegs?"

{Al-Quran 78:6-7}

The Arabic word used for cradle is "Mihaada". (Mufridaat-ul-Quran). The Quran compares the earth to a cradle because a cradle is a place of rest that is engaged in motion.

Third Verse Regarding Motion Of the Earth

And the earth is wada'aha for the creatures

{Al-Quran 55:10}

"wada'atinnaaqah" means " a running camel" (lughat-ul-Quran)

"Wada'aturrajul" means "a running man" (lughat-ul-Quran)

We observed that the word "running" common in both meanings, hence in the above verse the word "wada'a" used with the earth. thus the translation of this verse will be,

And the earth, is a running object for the creatures

{Al-Quran 55:10}

4th Verse Regarding Motion Of the Earth

Who has made for you the earth as a farsh.....

{Al-Quran 2:22}

Farasha means a "flying insect" like moth, mosquito etc. This meaning of farash is used in the following verse of the Holy Quran:

"youma yakoomun naaso ka al_faraashil mabsoos"

It is a day where on mankind will be like moths (farash) scattered about.

{Al-Quran 101:4}

Hence when Allah says that the earth is farsh then it meant that the earth is like a flying insect which is proving motion of the earth.


Yes, I am still believing that Qur'an is unique, the Qur'an is amazing, the Qur'an is miracle, the Quran is scientific, the Quran is accurate. Motion of the earth is clearly mention in the Quran which is proving that Quran is a word of Allah.

And now my challenge to all those who criticized the Quran:

If you are in doubt as to that which We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like it (Without any mistake, total in agreement with true scientific facts, which describes history in great details, and it also predict the future events and it should be most comprehensive: in short, it produces the same results as Quran produces after implement ) and call on your witnesses besides Allah if you are truthful. But if you do (it) not and never shall you do (it), then be on your guard against the fire of which men and stones are the fuel; it is prepared for the unbelievers.

[Al-Quran 2:23-24]
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The Quaran is nothing of the kind. Stop preaching and provide some hard evidence instead of quoting the quaran like a parrot. Why not go and debate with Christians who will tell you that all muslims are going to burn in hell. They will tell you why the Bible is right and the Quran wrong. Have fun !
Thank you for your reply.Do u think what i am posting is preaching , but i am not out of subject.I am still on earth,pondering over it and its beauty. Moreover, providing you with concrete newly evidences .

Take a look around you from where you sit. You will notice that everything in the room is ‘made’: the walls, the upholstery, the ceiling, the chair where you sit, the book you hold in your hand, the glass on the table and countless other details. None of them happen to exist in your room of their own accord. Even the simple loops of the carpet were made by someone: they did not appear spontaneously or by chance.

A person who is about to read a book knows that it has been written by an author for a specific reason. It would not even occur to him that this book might have come into being by chance. In the same manner, a person who sees a sculpture has no doubt whatsoever that it was made by a sculptor. And not just works of art: even a few bricks resting on top of one another make one think that they must have been brought to rest just so by someone within a certain plan. Therefore, everywhere where there is an order – either small or big – a founder and protector of this order must also exist. If, one day, somebody came forward and said that raw iron and coal came together to form steel by chance, which in turn constructed the Eiffel Tower again by chance, would not he and those who believed him be regarded as insane?

The claim of the theory of evolution, the unique method of denying the existence of Allah, is no different than this. According to the theory, lifeless atoms formed amino acids by chance, amino acids formed proteins by chance, and finally proteins formed living creatures again by chance. However, the probability of a living creature being formed by coincidence is less than the probability of the Eiffel Tower being formed in the same manner, because even the simplest human cell is more sophisticated than any man-made structure in the world.

How is it possible to think that the balance in the world came about by coincidence when the extraordinary harmony of nature is observable even with the naked eye? It is the most unreasonable claim to say that the universe, each point of which suggests the existence of its Creator, has come into being on its own.

Therefore, there should be an owner of the balance visible everywhere from our body to the farthest corners of the inconceivably vast universe. So, who is this Creator that ordained everything so subtly and created all?

He cannot be any material being present within the universe, because His must be a will that existed before the universe and created the universe thereupon. The Almighty Creator is One Whom everything finds existence, yet Whose existence is without any beginning or end.

Religion teaches us the identity of our Creator Whose existence we discover with our reason. Through what He has revealed to us as religion, we know that He is Allah, the Compassionate and the Merciful, Who created the heavens and the earth from nothing.

Although most people have the capability to grasp this fact, they spend their lives unaware of it. When they look at a landscape painting, they wonder who its painter is. Later, they praise the artist at length for his beautiful work of art. Despite the fact that they face numerous originals of that painting the moment they turn around, they still disregard the existence of Allah, Who is the only owner of all these beauties. In truth, not even a lengthy research is needed to understand the existence of Allah. Even if one had to live in a room from the time he was born, countless pieces of evidence in this room alone would be enough for him to grasp the existence of Allah.

The human body so overflows with evidence that it could not be contained in many multi-volumed encyclopaedias. Even giving a few minutes of conscientious thought to it all is enough to understand the existence of Allah. The present order is protected by Allah and maintained by Him.

The human body is not the only food for thought. Life abides in every square millimetre of the earth, be it observable by men or not. The world overflows with many living beings, from unicellular organisms to plants, from insects to sea animals, and from birds to human beings. If you take a handful of soil and look at it, even therein you can discover manifold living creatures with diverse characteristics. The same is true also for the air you breathe. Even on your skin, there are many living creatures whose names are unknown to you. In the intestines of all living beings are millions of bacteria or unicellular organisms that help digestion. The animal population in the world is many times greater than the human population. When we also consider the plant world, we see that there is not a single spot on the earth where there is no life. All of these creatures that are spread over an area of millions of square kilometres have different body systems, different lives and different contributions to the ecological balance. It is preposterous to claim that all these have come into existence by chance with no aim or purpose. No living being has come to exist through its own accord or effort. No coincidental happening can ever result in such complicated systems.

All of this evidence leads us to the conclusion that the universe works with a certain ‘consciousness’. What, then, is the source of this consciousness? Surely it is neither the living nor the non-living beings in it. Nor can they be the ones that maintain the harmony and preserve the order. The existence and glory of Allah reveals itself in countless proofs in the universe. In fact, there is not even a single man on the earth who will not accept this evident reality from the heart. Yet they still deny it ‘in iniquity and arrogance though their souls are convinced thereof’ as stated in the Qur'an. (Surat an-Naml, 14)

This book is written to point out this reality from which some people turn away because of its being at odds with their interests, and also to disclose the frauds and senseless deductions on which some untrue allegations stand. This is why many diverse subjects are tackled in the book.

Those who read this book will once more see the indisputable evidence of Allah's existence and witness that Allah's existence encompasses all things: the ‘reason’ knows this. Just as He has created this all-pervading order, He is the One Who also maintains it incessantly.

---------------Chapters----------------- Preface Introduction From Non-Being to Being The Signs in the Heavens and on the Earth Scientists Confirm the Signs of Allah Scientific Facts and the Miracle of the Qur’an Evolution Deceit Philosophies that made the Mistake of Denying Allah The Harms of a Society Model with No Belief in Allah The True Promised Home: The Hereafter A Very Different Approach to Matter Relativity of Time and the Reality of Fate Conclusion
I believe it is common courtesy, a legal requirement and a constraint of this forum, that when you provide such an extensive quotation from a published work that you should indicate the source. I don't think listing the chapter titles at the bottom of the page quite counts.

Since, as a solid follower of Islam, I am sure you are both courteous, law abiding and restrained, the only conclusion I can reach is that you are in fact the author of the piece, Harun Yahya. That being the case, would you like to take this opportunity to clarify exactly how you came to spend time in a Turkish jail?

While we are all waiting your reply some of you may wish (though I can't imagine why) to look at some more of these 'writings'.
Everyone here has heard this stuff a million times, it wasn't enlightening then and it's not enlightening now.

Go outside and take a look around. See all the stuff that wasn't created by people? Isn't it beautiful? Therefor the Earth wasn't created. Simple, no? :shrug:
Everyone here has heard this stuff a million times, it wasn't enlightening then and it's not enlightening now.

Go outside and take a look around. See all the stuff that wasn't created by people? Isn't it beautiful? Therefor the Earth wasn't created. Simple, no? :shrug:

The problem is that everyone has heard it but not everyone has heard or is capable of understanding an alternative explanation.
Allah exists . Without comparing Allah to the creation one can use mental evidences to prove the existence of the Creator. When one sees a building, one knows there is a builder; when one sees a painting, one knows there is a painter; when one sees the creation, one knows there is a Creator. Allah is the Creator. Allah exists without a place because He always existed and He created all the places. Allah existed eternally and place did not, and Allah exists now as He has been, i.e., without residing in a place, whether this place is skies, Earth, Paradise, Hell, or any other place in the six directions. Allah does not change. Change is a sign of need and need is non-befitting to attribute to God. Allah is perfect. If something changes for the bad, it is no longer perfect, and if it changes for the good, it was not perfect to begin with. Therefore, Allah does not change. He is not in Heaven. He is not in everyone. He is not everywhere. He does not occupy a space now, He never did, and He never will. Allah exists without a place.

Allah is one; He is indivisible, i.e., He is not a body. Allah has no partner, no counterpart, no wife, no son. Intellectively, this is understood because if there were two partners and one partner willed for one thing to be and the other partner willed the opposite thing--we know opposites do not happen simultaneously--so the one who willed what did not occur is weak. Weakness is non-befitting to attribute to God; therefore, there is only one God. For the same reason, the Devil does not have control over God and evil occurs because Allah willed it. There is a wisdom behind everything--even if we do not know the wisdom--Allah knows.

Allah has no beginning to His existence. Anything that has a beginning is creation. Allah created every creation, every movement, every rest, every thought, every intention. To have a beginning is a sign of need, and Allah is not in need. Allah has no end to His existence. To have an end is weakness; the Creator is not weak.

Allah does not need any of His creation. To need something means to be unable to perform without it, and this is weakness. The Creator is not weak--it is impossible to be among His attributes. Allah has the attribute of power by which He affects the creation. He makes them exist and He annihilates them.

Allah has the attribute of Will. Whatever Allah willed to be shall be and whatever Allah did not will to be shall not be. Both good and evil happen according to God's will.

Allah has the attribute of knowledge. Allah knows everything: what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen.

Allah hears all hearable things and Allah sees all seeable things without organs and without limitations. Man needs ears and air to transfer sound in order to hear and light in order to see. Allah does not need any of the creation. Allah, with His eternal kalam, orders the obligations, forbids the prohibitions, promises the reward of Paradise, and threatens the punishment of Hellfire without instruments, letters, languages, or sounds.

Allah has the attribute of life because he who is dead cannot be attributed with knowledge, will, power, and consequently, cannot create. Allah's life is not like ours. We need flesh, bones, blood, and spirit. Allah created all these; His life is not in need of any of them.

Allah created all the creation, and this includes the Religion of Islam--which is the only valid and true Religion. Islam began among humans with the first man, Adam, who was the first prophet and messenger, and Islam continued through many prophets, some of which were also messengers. All the prophets and messengers taught "No one is God except Allah" and to believe in and follow the prophet and messenger of their time. All the Prophets taught there is only one God, the aforementioned attributes of Allah, and the attributes of the prophets. They called the people to Islam, taught them how to worship Allah properly, and conveyed what Allah ordered and what Allah forbid. The prophets had miracles to support their claim of Prophethood and to prove to the people what they were teaching was the truth. Some
the rules changed from one messenger to another but the belief remained the same. The messengers came with new laws. For example: at the time of Adam, Muslims used to pray once per day. They were ordered to pray twice per day at the time of Prophet ^Isa. Now, according to the rules of the last Messenger--Prophet Muhammad--Muslims pray five times per day. In previous laws of the messengers, Muslims were ordered to pray in specific places. Now, in the rules revealed to Prophet Muhammad, Muslims are not required to pray in specific places.
Allah does not exist. The Earth was not created for man, but man gradually adapted to the environment due to evolution. Life only evolves on planets where life can evolve, giving the life forms the illusion that the planet was created perfectly for them. This is called the anthropic principle.

All intelligent life will find itself on a planet or body where life is able to live, because only those planets will produce life.
To Tresbien:

Your argument that complexity implies a creator (Allah for you) is very old and has been used to support the existence of many different Gods. Before the birth of Christ, Cicero used it to support existence of some pagan gods. In fact it gives better support for a multitude of Gods, not just one. Because, to take your Eiffel tower example:

Yes, the Eiffel tower does imply a designer of more complexity and with more understanding that his creation, the Eiffel tower. For example, he had to know the structural strength of iron. Before that someone had know to reduce Fe2O3 to iron and how small amounts of carbon would make it stronger and stiffer. Also others had to know how to keep it from rusting, how to make paints etc. etc. etc. etc. … The point here is that the knowledge required to make the Eiffel tower EVOLVED over thousands of years with many different contributing creators or "gods" and millions of false ideas were discarded in the evolutionary process, just to learn how to make durable paint.

Furthermore, the obvious complexity and evolved knowledge embodied in the Eiffel tower IS NOT EXPLAINED by giving it a new origin (god or even a set of gods). There is only one explanation for how this knowledge came to exist IN THE FIRST PALCE. That is it came by trial and error and occasional happy accident. - I.e. it evolved with many many false "dead ends" just the same way that millions of mutations came to dead ends for every slightly new creature that could survive and millions of trials attempting to make durable paint from berry juices etc. all failed.

IT IS COMPLELY ILLOGICAL to claim that observed complexity implies a single more complex "god" because that does not explain the origin of the complexity. The ONLY explanation for how complexity seen in organism originated is that more simple reproducing organisms failed to copy themselves perfectly.

More than 99.999% of the time these accidental changes were not productive of a new viable organism, but occasionally they were. Probably more than 99.999% of these at “least viable” new variants had no advantage over their parents, but very rarely one of the accidental modifications was better suited to the environment than it parents were and often in subsequent generations it therefore had greater representation in subsequent generations.

The current organism we call "humans" is the highly improbable result of many many accidents but zillion of zillions of other accidents lead nowhere. If the whole process were to be run again, even with the exactly same history of Earth and it climates etc., there is essentially zero chance than any creature even vaguely resembling man would now exist, but the Earth would still be teaming with life forms occupying almost every possible nitch in a complex web of life, just as it is today. Perhaps the most intelligent life form would have four legs and four small hands and one big round tough one one sticking out in front (used mainly as a shield / shock absorber.) with four eyes (one set looking to the rear for predators) etc.
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...The Earth was not created for man, but man gradually adapted to the environment due to evolution. ...
I think you know better than to say "man adapted."

Yes the phenotypes (individuals) do adapt, but their adaptations are NOT passed on to the next generations.* That nonsense nearly starved Russian in Stalin's era when Lysinko was leading soviet biology.

Evolution has NOTHING to do with adaptations. Evolution is a random change process which very rarely results in some slight advantage, which SELECTION amplifies (at least sometimes) until it be comes dominate in later generations.
*World's heavy weight champion does not have a baby with more strength than others on the average, etc.
Closed because the bulk of the OP and his subsequent posts are directly lifted (i.e. plagiarized) from other sources and it is clearly preaching or trolling.
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